
This giveaway is for a previously-bundled cheap game with ok reviews (63% recommended). Not bad, but there are much better giveaways that the Level 0 users among you are missing out on. Want to be able to enter those giveaways? Here are some tips:

  • Level up. You can actually do it without spending money. More here.
  • Participate in the forum. You'll not only find interesting discussions, but some hidden giveaways. Yesterday for example I posted a couple of Level 0 giveaways for games with great reviews, but you had to do some digging to find them. Another good reason to participate, especially if you're opinionated and well versed, is that some people may add you to their whitelists because of what you write, regardless of your ability to create giveaways. I have many great people in my whitelist, but those who ended there by writing exceptionally interesting, insightful or helpful posts on the forum should be especially proud. I know that's how I felt in the few cases people added me for this reason and not for my sent/won ratio.
  • Join the right groups. Reading the forums and giveaway descriptions (which you seem to be capable of, if you've reached this far) would help you find some nice groups with giveaways that become available only after you join (or are invited).

Good luck and have fun!

thanks for the chance

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I know, i'm just used to, and thought about that before posting, but had to do it anyway, sorry for the spam :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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