
Midnight Snack: Transistor, 1/4

I will send this gift to the winner via email that listed on Steamgifts by default.
Don't forget to mark as received when you received it.
Thanks and good luck.

Thanks for the giveaways! I'm allowed to join all 4 right?? XD

8 years ago

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Of course, if you have that 80 points... XD

8 years ago

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hahah ok, thanks again! :)

8 years ago

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I already sent 3 4 of this Transistor via email to the winner, so check it out.
Since we have a double winner here, we'll wait the last winner from the re-roll & I will send the last gift as soon as possible.
If nothing happened, just email me on

The gift maybe pending due to error or some kind of high traffic on Steam, but 2 of the winners already received it.
If this error still continued after a couple hours, I will add the last 2 winners as friend on Steam & send the gift directly through Steam instead via email.
Thanks for the understanding.

8 years ago*

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