
You did it! The secret chamber of the tunnel has one of the greatest puzzle relics of all time. Enjoy it and don't forget to tell your adventures to the people of Puzzland.

Pole :D

I know that wall hided something hahahahaha and they called me crazy for not fleeing!!!
First of all, binary translation. Then, trying to arrange the lines to see if appears a recognizable pattern. No results. After several briefs "looking at the picture" sessions, laying in the bed I started to see numbers and letters rotated, so I went to bed. 4 hours ago I had a revelation playing Chip... Braille!! The square is 27x16, so I divided the picture in 72 squares and started to translate to rotated braille... and then when I see some unknown simbols, so I figured out an invented alphabet and started studying the frequencies of the simbols and trying different crypto-solvers. The symbols appeared repeated and there were even separators!! But no results. But I was sure that it was the way to go, so I checked graphic alphabets and found... an ancient one... That I was too stupid to not check it the first day... FAAAAAILLLL!! T_T

So... Thanks a lot for the puzzle! And of course for the amazing giveaway! I never played the original game, I remember when my classmates were playing it (oups I'm giving hints about my age :S) and I have seen a pair of Let's play of the remastered version in Youtube and looks great :) Manny Calavera is an iconic character in the history of videogames, the same as Lucas Arts adventure games and the sense of humour in all their games ^^ And I am writing too much, sorry :S I hope more people reach the other side of the wall (well, at least my no-selfish part, because the selfish part wants this game xd)

9 years ago

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Congratulations! I hope that somebody else got here, but good luck, it's a great game. I don't even have the remastered version but I wanted to give a good prize after a difficult puzzle, can I enter my own giveaway? xD
Actually this puzzle was an idea I had solving your last puzzle, after the commander keen puzzle the first I tried when I saw the binary squares was that other fake writing I found on this page.
I tried to write ancient a lot of times, if you look for "ancient letters" in google it's the first you get.

9 years ago

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That's why I said it had a great fail xD Choir showed me that web after solving my Commander Keen puzzle and I bookmarked it. I had the solution bookmarked in the puzzle category all the time xDDD

And that is very kind of you, nomecopies. Also I don't know why we are talking in English, but I need to improve my English so it's fine ^^

9 years ago

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Well... If nobody else solves the last puzzle... You know... I can leave this giveaway so you don't lose C.V., if you care about it.
I'm pretty sure that some puzzler will come soon, but just in case, you know... if you want... Although if you don't care about CV I will be really pleased to win the game :D

9 years ago

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How does that work? If there's only one they don't give me CV?

9 years ago

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You need 5 entries in a giveaway to get CV

9 years ago

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Hi! :-D

9 years ago

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Hi! Now perrolijo won't feel alone, but he will feel more unlucky maybe :P

9 years ago

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Oh well with my luck he'll probably win anyway :-)

Thanks for the great challenge by the way! Really enjoyed the puzzle and the atmosphere.. And thanks for a chance at winning a wishlist game :-)

9 years ago

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Bam! A game from my wishlist! Thanks!

Whoo! I was almost thinking I can't handle this one. So much binary combinations attempted!
Oh I did try rotating, reflecting and inverting the image to either see letters or code (it was pretty obvious at some point, that it can't be binary as there was not enough zero starting points arranged regularly), but then I've seen a hint about the symbols and tried "seeing" the actual letters - was the text reflected/negated/rotated - and - nope-nope-nope, but then I thought it might be a different alphabet... One peek in the omniglot - ant there it is - "the ancients" hint became so obvious...

Actually, this puzzle along with the one I'm currently making gave me an awesome idea on harder implementations of the future puzzles of the type I'm going to try (I'm feeling a bit evil now).

Thanks for the puzzle and for the chance.

9 years ago*

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That's the idea, get evil ideas for new puzzles from each other. I'm glad you liked the puzzle and the giveaway, good luck!

9 years ago*

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Funny that I got that omniglot page bookmarked for like 2 years already :). And cared to check if anything there that might help only after trying binary, barcodes, some other funny stuff.

That's one of my favourite games all along. Already bought the remastered version so good luck to the other entrants! :)

And yes:

Viva la revolucion! (minor spoiler for Grim Fandango :)

9 years ago

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Ok, now I'm worried, just one more entry please :S

9 years ago

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I made it :D

9 years ago

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I love you!

9 years ago

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Me too <3 this is awesome game :D and awesome puzzle

9 years ago

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Oh, I did not win this :( But anyway thank you again for this great GA! And also thanks for Puzzle Dimension :)

9 years ago

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Me neither :-( Hopefully I'll be lucky next time :-) Congrats to whoever won!

9 years ago

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Looking at all the cool puzzle solvers here, I'm slightly sorry for winning this.

9 years ago

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Congratulations m139! Damn I think I saw an spoiler looking into your profile xd

9 years ago

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Thank you.
Tring to keep something secret among the puzzle solvers? Nope, not gonna work %)

9 years ago

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I also saw that spoiler, can't wait for it :P

9 years ago

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Got the e-mail, thank you.

9 years ago

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And thank to you too, now I'm level 2!

9 years ago

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