
This is for the You're Not Alone Thread.

The holidays can be especially difficult for some of us, and I think now more than ever people need to be lifted out of that depression that can come when the times seem so good for so many - we can tend to take it for granted and not think about the people out there who are having difficulties or depression, or are in pain this is a big one for myself, since I have systemic chronic illnesses .
Physical and mental pain are both very real and they can consume us to a point of no return...

I'll admit it has gotten so bad for me, I have tried and failed ending it all on several occasions, but I am glad I was not successful.

Please take a moment to reflect and think about those who are in need of help. You never know when you could make a difference in the chances of them doing something they could never take back. So many are suffering out there, so this goes out to them. Instead of saying thank you, please look at the thread. We need each other for support, and sometimes it's important to be reminded and remind each other of that.

Anyway, I can get too lengthy once I get on a roll, so I will cut it short... I wish you all a happy new year!

A personal and heartfelt description, Superfabs. Thanks for sharing this with us and drawing support for this awesome thread. It can be so hard to see the good sometimes when our lives feel consumed with the bad, and it can be easy to lose hope, but sometimes it only takes some encouraging and understanding words to show us the light again and let us know that it's never as dark as it seems.

9 years ago

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You're welcome, and I definitely agree. We must have hope, and sometimes just a little encouragement from the right person at the right time can make all the difference :)

9 years ago

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pretty well written stuff

9 years ago

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Thank you. Important for sure to me... hoping I remember to do a few giveaways once in a while there.

9 years ago

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thank you!

9 years ago

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You're welcome!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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You're welcome!

9 years ago

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Thanks! :)

9 years ago

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You're welcome!

9 years ago

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Thanks man, happy new year and wish you all the best to you and your loved ones ;)

9 years ago

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Thank you, likewise, and you are welcome as well!

9 years ago

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Amen brother. Sometimes societies thirst for positive, happy interactions can be oppressive for those who are coping with real pain. Their solution: ignore and dismiss.

9 years ago

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That is a great point.. In every societal system/structure there seems to be this stigma attached to certain groups, whether it's because of illness, mental or physical, or some sort of caste system like the "untouchables" of India, for example - always a poor low class that gets treated very inhumanely, or everyone will just pretend it isn't there and look the other way. Or some group that is targeted, mocked or for some reason messed with in some way. What is projected outwardly is this mentality that everything is fine, and the negative or bad stuff is left alone or "swept under the rug", and then everyone smiles like nothing is wrong...

I think it's a natural evolutionary instinctual thing to fear what they do not understand, like the strong genes wanting to stay dominant, and not wanting those recessive traits to get any sort of numbers or advantages, and so "normal" people will ridicule or try to oppress it in some way to keep the "survival of the fittest" mentality going on, when it doesn't seem "normal". Just a sort of opinion I have I guess... Seemed to happen to many of the great thinkers in history too. People all thought they were crazy for going against what was "acceptable" or "popular" at the time as far as beliefs or rules went, and then it turned out they prevailed. Socrates, Galileo and Copernicus come to mind especially. I'm sure there are many others I cannot recall. Many that get credit for accolades are from richer or more popular lineage, and were not the true discoverers or inventors many times as well....

Rambling a bit, and got off-topic, but yeah... I agree. Important to think about the other side of things sometimes too... especially when it's going good. I try to be grateful for what I have when it's going well, and remind myself of those things in my troubled times as well.

9 years ago

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Yes. It is more than just ignoring the negatives, they are annoyed that you are spoiling their fun (as if you were content with your own suffering and using it to ruin their day.)
This movie was given very lukewarm reviews: The Beach with DiCaprio. The highlight of the movie was when everyone was enjoying their paradise and suddenly someone got hurt (shark bite). A bit of suffering for a few days was fine; however, when the pain continued unabated, they cast the injured out of the camp (because his moaning was disturbing everyone.)

9 years ago

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I remember watching that one actually. I thought it was pretty good! The visuals were very nicely done, and it raised some interesting points about morality.

9 years ago

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I agree. I struggle with many issues myself so I know exactly how huge of an impact it has on one's life. And when I can I always try to help people :) If you ever want to talk add me on Steam Superfabs.


9 years ago

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Thanks a lot! I'm going through a lot of health and financial struggles that kind of try to get the best of me and bring me down. Nobody can keep it together all the time.. I guess that's part of being human and being alive. Challenges and struggles... different types and degrees for different people, but mine definitely test me a lot.

I appreciate hearing what you added, and I too try to help in my own way. I try to use my weaknesses as strengths to help empower others. Many times it turns out to be the best thing I could have done. I have learned a lot about some things in dealing with decades of chronic illnesses. I have a lot further to go, and a lot more to learn though. I surely offer the same, and again I aprpeciate it! I wish you a Very Happy New Year!

9 years ago

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No problem and it's good to hear you're positive about things even when you have problems. It's really good. Hope everything will turn out great for you! Happy New Year! :)

9 years ago

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happy new year! stay strong.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Thank you! Спасибо! Merci! Paldies! Gracias! Danke! Dziekuje!

9 years ago

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thanks a lot

9 years ago

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