I am so glad this game exists on Steam, AND that people offer it. I do not care at all for not winning that prize because I played it so much in my teenage years back when it came out. I wish the person that will win it a lot of fun, how wonderful it must be to discover that marvelous universe and insanely well written plot for the first time! Good luck!

4 years ago

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Wow, thats a great endorsement. I enjoy point and click + horror theme, just was never sure about the title as it looked very old and never had the luck to win it...Guess I'll try to get it from the store sometime now as waiting to win it seem unlikely xD

Thanks for the recommendation and thanks OP for the GA o/

3 years ago

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It is a masterpiece of the 90s in my mind, so I might sound a bit pompous ^^ If you like Steam, fear not: it was on sale down to 60~70% last January and April! you should not have any trouble buying it cheap. I hope the oldies look doesn't creep you out, the inner content is worth pursuing! good luck.

3 years ago

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After some quick research, found it in a bundle, will probably buy this and GA the rest xD

Thanks again! Can't wait to try it out xD I will have to wade through the corpses of my backlog of games (the shame!)

3 years ago

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Crazy price indeed, -96% wow I did not know that website. Don't scrap the other games, at least not a few of these: LBA is another masterpiece, the second is fine, Double Dragon are all really good (especially at 2), and Raptor and Raiden were okay back in the day. The rest sorry I don't know at all. But LBA and Sanitarium justify that price.

3 years ago

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Ashamed to say I just looked at the cover and skimmed through screenshots, saw that they were very old and decided I wasn't interested. But I'll hold on to LBA keys to think on it later ^^ if you have interest in the others, let me know! (they aren't my type)

3 years ago

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Hey man, thanks I appreciate it! but don't bother :) LBA is really unique. Enjoy! cheers.

3 years ago

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Thank you. :)

3 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway and stay safe :)

3 years ago

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Thank you!

3 years ago

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Thanks ♡

3 years ago

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Thank you very much!

3 years ago

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Thank you!

3 years ago

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BTW, just saw your e-mail. You don't need to send keys personally by e-mail and better not to do it.
Clicking "Send key" in winner section of giveaway is quite enough. Winner will get notification via e-mail from steamgifts automatically.
Without key, though. Thus will encourage him\her to check steamgifts and mark your giveaway as Received.
And you can see if winner saw key or not by presence\absence of green eye icon next to key\giftlink "Key has been viewed by winner."

In current situation things could have go wrong. Just imagine winner saw and used key from e-mail ans still "not viewed" it here.
In this scenario you can't even know if key used or not and it would be too risky to request a reroll. And you would not get + towards Contributor Level.

I'm glad it's not our case, though. Marked as Received and actually finished the game yesterday.
It is a masterpiece, indeed. Thanks again.

3 years ago*

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thanks,it's my first time to giveaways

3 years ago

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