127 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by andremarques971
5 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by nguyentandat23496
1,256 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by hymntothesea
26 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by doomofdoom
278 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Adamdoodles
19 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gamy7
164 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Superefg
408 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
3 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by andremarques971
140 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by SilentGuy
341 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by SilentGuy
50 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Raggart
38 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by MouseWithBeer
1 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by Talleyrand
Passed the test. xD
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so now go and solve the puzzle :>
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I have to find it first. ^^
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There is another puzzle?!
Thank for this, i'll go hunting now
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ofc there is! I said it's super-duper easy for zelgh-style puzzle ;p clicking one link hidden behing "blacklist checker" would not be worth of calling a puzzle at all ;p
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Huzzah! :) Happy cakeday to ya!
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I'm invited to the party? :D
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if you manage to find hidden door :D:
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Happy cakeday
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i only wanted to check this ga, puzzles are bad for my health
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Happy Cake Day and Thank you =)
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Nice--- funny the blacklist checker is actually a live giveaway!! LOL! Soon Ill be lev 5 one day! Thanks for such a nice guide that has helped us tremendously!! You can add to the guide now FINGERSPELLING in sign language as a code that could be used! Here is the first time used online and solution http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/mHYP9/first-time-discussion-created-first-train-and-first-puzzle-solution-posted
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Glad you liked my guide ;)
To be honest I don't think such obvious things like fingerspelling should be covered in the guide thou (and yay, I know fingerspelling as well - I am semi-deaf -50% one ear 30% other ear - and when I was a young kid doctors were not sure if I won't lose my hearing totally so my mom learned and then taught me fingerspelling as well as basic sign language, just in case ;p). The thing is that if images of hand in position appear anywhere it is obvious what this is - while for example genetic coding may not be obvious as you are changing letters to letters. that's the same reason why I do not cover let's say kana table (japanese alphabet) - because that's just alphabet and it can be easilly recognized and if I were to start covering that as well I'd have to cover each and every non-latin alphabet there is on the planet ;p
EDIT: Also another reason - even if someone doesn't recognize that it's fingerspelling or japanese alphabet etc - they can still use reverse image search - already covered in the guide - to find out what it is :>
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interesting about your hearing loss... and yea I guess fingerspelling is easily recognized.... Nice job on this puzzle--- thought I had it and then STUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! Augh.... gotta step back and rethink and try to figure out what the deal is!!
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Happy cake day!!
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Thanks zelghadis and happy cake day!
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Thanks :)
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Even if I don't solve them, I always come out of puzzles like this with one thing - a new hatred for whatever kind of thing I got stuck on. For example, I never want to see anything that even resembles a QR code for the rest of my life. May their pixels all melt into a puddle of ink or electrons! :|
Alas, I am sure that the guide has not failed me, but that I have failed the guide, yet here I sit, hating.
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well - the guide was always supposed to give people a starting point - people who want to get into puzzles, maybe help them with easier ones etc - but I never wanted it to be "The Ultimate sollution" - thing that will solve all the puzzles for ypu, because it would destroy the purpose of puzzles themselves ;p That being said - the guide is almost always somehow helpful in solving my puzzles, but it will never solve any of my puzzles for you. You may use it as a tool, but in the end you will also need to use your brain and puzzling skills to finish the journey :>
Anyway - keep trying ;) There's already been 2 solvers so far ;) And in case you fail - don't worry - I always post solutions to my puzzles and even if you fail, you may learn something new ;)
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Oh, I know, I'm just sulking. I'm good at failing and learning though, as I don't seem to have enough "brain and puzzling skills" to figure some of these out. :\
As for solvers, revilheart and perrolijo don't count. :P
I'm not one to give up easily, but at some point I've exhausted all of the techniques I know and have no idea what else to try. It's like trying to read a language in an alphabet you've never seen before - it doesn't matter how long you stare at it, you're still not going to understand it. :)
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actually revilheart gave up as of now ;p SilentGuy was the 1st solver with less than 3h to solve the puzzle ;p
And as for reading alphabeth you don't understand - there were puzzles with made up alphabets noone could understand in the past as well and they were solveable as well ;p
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Ah, I thought revilheart pulled it off. Good for SilentGuy - that's a new name for me.
If it's just an alphabet substitution, sure, symbols are symbols if you have enough information to work with. But if it's also a completely foreign language, where you don't know any words or the grammatical structure, and you have no key, you have no basis to even begin to decipher anything. That's how I feel with a lot of these "easy" puzzles. :P
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Ha, you better remember it! ;-) I would say I'm pretty good at puzzling, but I'm also inflicted with a wandering mind, so I often either miss the puzzle completely cause I'm wasn't paying enough attention to the forums, or I give up to easily after running our of ideas...
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Well, you seem to have had the right idea on this one, congrats! :)
It's still Greek to me...and no, I don't speak Greek :P
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Ha ha, there actually were some here. I recall a puzzle written in, what, Welsh before encryption?
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Let's assume it's also something that Google Translate or another tool can't just do for you - I forgot to mention that. :)
Let's say I just make up my own language and alphabet altogether from scratch, give you no key at all, and write a question in that language for you to answer, where the answer is non-trivial. Where would you even begin? :P
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It would go somewhat like this I imagine :) But no good puzzlemaker ever would make his puzzle impossible to solve, especially on purpose (mistakes happen), and one should keep this in mind.
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I only meant that's how I feel - it wouldn't be impossible to someone who had the key, even though I didn't share it with the puzzle.
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happy cake day =)
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Well I already have LoG2, so this GA works for me! Thanks! :D
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Woot I passed...
Happy Cake day!
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Time for puzzling :3
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Happy C-Day! :D
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Thank you! I'll go to hunt puzzle now
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Hi, thank you for the Puzzle.
As allways when i see a zelghadis puzzle, i tried to solve it.
I was only number 20 on the first stage (sleep is for the weak i guess), but your answer got me stuck so hard xD.
I have no idea how to fix it.
But you allready inspired me with it :D
So long happy cake day, maybe i will try again later, right now i'm completely out of ideas
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I'm not blacklisted! YESSSSS!! :D
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I can't even get to the puzzle =/ I'm such a noob
well I finally got to the puzzle and now the solution evades me
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Happy cake day not gonna try to solve your puzzle if i remember correctly theyre hard as f***:D!
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Got to the puzzle, but suddenly remembered I already have the game =)
Anyway, happy cake day!
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