
Don't say thanks. Tell me if you love rain and if you do, the reason behind it.

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Not interested in the game, but yes, I love rain. :)
Don't like it as much when I'm cycling through it without a raincoat.
Rain is very calming, esp at night. Makes one sleep better.

8 years ago

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But that's logical...if you were cycling with raincoat, that would be a "highly unoptimized" free bike-wash.

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8 years ago

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I love it, then I can say 'but I can't go out, it's raining' without people judging me for staying indoors all the time.

8 years ago

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Ha ha :D Smart laziness level 99+ :D
I love it :D

8 years ago

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I love rain. It makes me happy. Especially autumn rains. I just want to sit by the window, with hot chocolate in one and book in the other hand. :)

8 years ago

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My thoughts exactly...I'm happy that I have a window-seat @ my office.
BTW, do you know this hot chocolate recipe? It's marvelous and easy.

8 years ago

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Exactly what BrekkeKktus said,i love rain.Also i love Jamie Oliver he has the best recipe and i will try to make that chocolate.
And thanks

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8 years ago

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I prepared a huge amount of the choc powder last december, to cheer up my colleagues @ our department Christmas Party.
Eventually, they rather kept to Gluhwein, not the Hot I don't have to prepare another portion this year.
But those who drank of the chocolate, admired it.

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8 years ago

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Although I often watch Jamie on 24Kitchen, I haven't seen that recipe. I must try it once. :D Thanks.

8 years ago

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I think it was (or ' 'twas "since we're talking about Christmas lol ) in one of his Christmas Special TV series.
Try it. If you don't have access to 'Horlicks' , check for Ovomaltine, that's pretty common.

8 years ago

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It is soothing to lie in your bed and hear the rain outside. Drip drip on the roof and the warm blanket over you.

8 years ago

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Maybe that's why I'm falling asleep at work all day today :)

8 years ago

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I can't say I like rain, I enjoy the sunshine more :)
But, I've always liked the time before a storm begins and it starts to rain. The cloud build-up, the electricity in the air, it's just an indescribable feeling! (especially if you manage to get home before you get soaking wet :P)

8 years ago

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Yes, true, that "calm before storm" is one magic time. I love it too, except for the stale hot air. I like the rest of the storm as well, except for dangerous ice-storms.

8 years ago

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I like the rain mainly because it cools down the weather. and the sound is calming. and it is funny to see all those cranky faces on the streets.

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. least when you can open your eyes at all, to see those faces. ;) :)
Yeah, I like that cooling side-effect too. Well, not in the winter, because then it rather warms the ground up, which causes no hope for snow :P Or dangerous icy roads at night.

8 years ago

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I love the calming (or crashing) sound the rain makes, hopefully accompanied with the sound of thunder and wind.

8 years ago

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Do you know the hang drum? Perfect instrument to play music for rainy weather.
Check this one out.

8 years ago

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I did not, sounds great, thanks!

8 years ago

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Pity it's a damn expensive instrument...well...I'd rather call it an engineering masterwork than a musical instrument :D
So bad thing about it is that it's very pricy and rare to get. At least the traditional hang, crafted in Switzerland only (if I remember correctly)

8 years ago

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Rain is fine, but my roof leaks. QQ

8 years ago

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Don't worry, it will get better when it snows. ^_^

8 years ago

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I don't like rain. It makes the day gray and 99% of the time I get no eletricity.

8 years ago

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Perfect time to sleep...provided that you have the possibility during that 99%.

8 years ago

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I like it when it rains, I probably do because it rarely rains here so when it does its always fun.

8 years ago

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Never forget that feeling of fun. Pass on to grumpy people when it's raining. ;)

8 years ago

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I like it unless it's a thunderstorm, that could be a problem because the electricity may be cut and my poor pc can be fried

8 years ago

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Well that's a good excuse. How could you enter (and post) GAs on SG with a fried PC?

8 years ago

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Well that's a problem :P but not the main one

8 years ago

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True. Sorry for the joke. :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

8 years ago

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Well then I hope it's not the rainiest part of Costa Rica you live in.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

8 years ago

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OK, maybe that's indeed too much.
Guess you'd happily see snow instead some days.

8 years ago

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Rain rusts my armor and my sword. I don't like rust.

8 years ago

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You need a Protection from Acid spell with Permanency. That works against rust.

8 years ago

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I like the rain. I don't like after the rain when it's wet and muddy out and my dog doesn't want to go out to pee because he'll get his feet wet. But the rain itself is kinda calming.

8 years ago

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Teach your dog to pee through the window :P
Pee-a-boo lol (sorry, getting tired)

8 years ago

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I really like rain, it's very cozy when I'm home and staring through my window. :)

8 years ago

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Exactly. And refreshes the air too.

8 years ago

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I love the rain, as i can cry with the skies... :/

8 years ago

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Sad so often?

8 years ago

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Not as much as before, but sometimes, i'd like to have a walk in the rain, to settle my thoughts i have. It's refreshing for my mind after all.

8 years ago

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Something that cannot be solved any more, or takes too hard a struggle to get to it?

8 years ago

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The latter.

I feel like i'm powerless, but when walking in the rain, i'm suddenly calm, thinking straight and clearly.

BTW : Instead of raining, it was snowing two days ago. Weird right?

8 years ago

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True, rain is a good thing to cleanse body and soul, so they say. There are meditation/relaxation techniques, in which you imagine standing naked out in rainy weather, cleaning you thoroughly.
Also, the constant music of the raindrops (I wouldn't call it noise :) ) muffles every other sound, noise, which would distract or disturb you from/in pondering. Therefore it is a perfect environment to contemplate in.

Snow in October? Do you live in a higher area of Czech Republic? In any case, I envy you, pal :)

8 years ago

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Nono, it was some anomaly i guess, it never happened before so early. I live in like ~300m altitude, nothing big :)

My friend texted me saying it was snowing early in the morning. I thought he's joking, but then i looked out from window... a nice surprise :D

Sadly, it melted away already, so back to the rain :P

8 years ago

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I love rain, If it rains a lot, then it's just soothing to hear it fall on the balcony/roof. If it rains a bit less, then it's also soothing, if taking a walk out in the rain. Oh, and it's nice to sit out on the balcony while it rains and enjoy a cold beer (if sitting at the part of the balcony with a roof over it).

Edit: Plus when it rains a lot, you know that the summer has arrived to Sweden!

8 years ago

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I like sitting on the balcony at those time too. Sometimes I even sleep there, when it's not too cold (April/May and October are perfect for that).

8 years ago

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the mood

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I find it very calming. :)


8 years ago

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True :) Some say it's depressing, but then it seems there are 2 kinds of people from this PoV. :)

8 years ago

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I Just like a rain when is summer and very hot outside

8 years ago

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I like to get soaking wet of summer strong rain at least once a year. :) That's fun.
It's like:
My Wife: "Hey, hunnie look, it's showerin outside!"
Me: "Cool, I'm off for a walk to the grocery...what should I buy?"

8 years ago

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Yeah, i like Rain. A pretty cool character.

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8 years ago

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LOL it's raining princes here! "Does it Sting?"

8 years ago

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I love rain during spring and summer because it feels refreshing or borderline life-saving in the summer, and spring looks great on it's own, even rain can not ruin it, plus even if you're soaked, easy to dry/it's warm enough to not bother. Though rain in autumn and winter ... not so much. It's just cold... you have to wear more cloathing that dries slower, my shoes are really often soak through, and then walking around in wet socks.. it just sucks :D Looking the rain from the inside can be quite okay, but I'm currently way more in the city to get something nice out of it - plus I prefer snowfall, it's much nicer to watch or to be in :)

8 years ago

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The only thing I prefer to rain is snowfall. :) Pity I didn't see much of that in the past winters. Stupid weather in my country.... ööö...
És egyébként nem tudom, mi a f*nak írok angolul, amikor az anyanyelvünkön is mehet a duma :)
Az a legjobb, mikor a névnapodra lesz szép jó (már persze a decemberire, nem a szept 9-ire).
Vizes cipővel óvatosan, még majdnem 1 hónap a Fallout 4-ig, nehogy addigra betegedj le. Mondjuk az jó kifogás lenne egész nap a gép előtt ülni és a videokártyán melegíteni a lábaidat...csak a magas lázra gondolok.

8 years ago

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Pont nézegettem hogy neved alapján akár magyar is lehetnél, de profilig nem jutottam el mert indulnom kellett :D egyetem alatt (~év még) valószínűleg marad csak a kis laptop - remélhetőleg azért bírja a negyediket majd :) Bár azért elég jógamozdulat lenne játék közben rajta melegítenem a lábamat :P

8 years ago

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Élvezd ki azt az évet. Munkában kevésbé kötetlen az élet :)
Az a jógamozdulat nem lesz nehéz, én már próbáltam. Mondjuk nem játék közben, hanem vmi filmet néztem. :D :D :D
Az rosszabb volt, mikor a laptopom ázott meg egy esőben, aztán csíkos lett a kép (tiszta C64 érzés volt). Kiszáradt, rendbe jött.

Aztán idén meglátjuk, lesz.-e már szép havazás. BP-en nem nagyon volt érdemes hó az elmúlt években - bár ezt gondolom tapasztaltad, már ha ide jársz egyetemre. :)

8 years ago

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Hi would like to say Thanks. Thank you for the win. I will enjoy. :-)

8 years ago

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Congratulations! :)
Enjoy the game :)

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8 years ago

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