
Entry giveaway to the Chemistry - Chemical Reactions puzzle. If you have any questions just ask them here.

Chemistry - Chemical Reactions

Don't be shy. Ask questions! There are solvers but there can be more. Ask more questions!
Also I have added some hints yesterday. For those who took a break or gave up before that, a second look might be helpful. Otherwise just ask. I'll try to help to the best of my abilities.
Added more hints for the people with a bad relationship towards chemistry.

I'm failing to find the format for answers that should be right. Chemistry in a non-native language is a lot harder, and it wasn't easy over 15 years ago in "high school" to begin with. ^^

9 years ago

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Have you found any answer? For the reaction type questions the format is always (? have to check) "___ reaction"

9 years ago

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Well, I can tell you what answers I have that aren't correct, but not sure if they are spoilers because it's "close, but no cigar".

9 years ago

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Concerning the shocking amount of people passing those puzzles at the moment I think you can give some examples here or on one of my older giveaways and we can work over from there. If it is too spoilery you can still delete it afterwards.

9 years ago

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"all reactions can be represented as a series of elementary reactions", but Elementary reaction is not correct.

"NaOH ==> Na+ + OH-" could be an exothermic reaction, or <BLEEEEP> (Now correct), neither of which works.

9 years ago*

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Okay, the second one is correct and yea, it was the only answer where I made a typo ..... I have corrected it now so try again. For the first one think about the Law of Mass Action. What does it describe/determine?

9 years ago

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That was a quote from the wiki of the Law of Mass Action, it tells us that all reactions is a series of elementary reactions. :) I also tried Kinetic reaction, which they also talk about on the wiki.

9 years ago

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I admit. I didn't use the internet while creating the puzzle. Maybe as a hint: There is some kind of special arrows used for those reactions.

9 years ago

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As said, it was over 15 years ago I studied chemistry, in Swedish and we might not even have gone over the same things. If I can't research the answers on the internet based on the information available, there's no chance I can solve this. :/

I'm sure it's a fair puzzle, it's just my lack of knowledge on the subject that's the stopping block.

9 years ago

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I will not rule out making a translation mistake since I used the german termas as basis. But I think I checked them all to atleast ensure that there exists the used term in english for the type of reactions. Tell me if you wish for more help.

9 years ago

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Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10 solved so far :D

8 years ago*

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Need any help as long as I am still awake?

8 years ago

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Q3 formar its:
word1 and word2
word1 word2
It's not clear for me because "and" is not italic :D

8 years ago

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the word1 and word2 balance . The whole sentence. So all in all five words with two you have to fill in.

8 years ago

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Still have problem with Q3. Probably I understand 'balance' word in my polish way ;D Same in Q8. Buuut Q10 solved ;D I've always loved stoichiometry :D

8 years ago

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Basically what has to be the same on the left and on the right side of the equation. You used it succesfully on Q10. You can use an older giveaway of mine if you think you have the right answer but it doesn't accept the answer.

8 years ago

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I've got Q1, Q2, Q4, Q7, Q10 solved... May ask you to check the answers for Q5 and Q9? I was sure that I found the answer but ith says they are wrong. Maybe those reaction have more then one name?

8 years ago

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Q5 is fine for me, but +1 for Q9 :D

8 years ago

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Q5 should be unique. Granted, there are two other possible solutions which I do not accept since one is already the answer to Q2 and the other to Q6. But most people would assume the searched type with it.

Q9 should be correct. Maybe you have forgotten the prefix.

8 years ago

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Q5 should be unique. Granted, there are two other possible solutions which I do not accept since one is already the answer to Q2 and the other to Q6. But most people would assume the searched type with it.

Q9 should be correct. Maybe you have forgotten the prefix.

And +1 for Q10. My students always had trouble with that one.

8 years ago

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OK :x Now I know why my puzzle was so easy for you ;D May I ask if everything in stage 3 was fine? I created all images myself and i'm not sure about my chemistry skills :D

8 years ago

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Stage three is mostly fine although polymers are not my forte. I think Q1, Q2 and Q4 can be solved with a bit of chemistry knowledge. Q5 was interesting since I forgot that one. I found it pretty hard to search for that one but I probably was too complicated. Q3 on the other hand drove me nearly insane since .... you know .... there is another material with the exact same formula. You may put more emphasis on that stretched. After that it was easy but I didn't know how to use it.

And before there arise some kinds of misunderstanding. I only have a PhD in Chemistry. Nothing more.

8 years ago

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Thanks for this ^^. Q3 was the biggest suprise for me when i learned that those two materials has same formula. :D

8 years ago

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What about us who did some chemistry back to high school?
I found some answers to reaction types, but were not consistent in naming or definition between sources. Too specific for the non professionals or hobbyists. That's my 1 cent

8 years ago

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Hm, why did you choose this comment to reply. It relates to the puzzle of Gracee. Other than that all the questions here should be solvable with school knowledge. If you have any questions just ask and we can work from there so the puzzle might become more accessible.

8 years ago

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Saw that comment again right now: Did it become more accessible after the hints have been added? Or was it still too much grind?

8 years ago

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I had answered them all before the hints, except for Q9 and Q10. Now I solved it all. I believe the hints help much.
The problem I had was that the information asked were not homogeneous. Meaning that you couldn't find the different kinds of reactions in the same source(eg Wikipedia article about reactions)

TL;DR; Hints help

8 years ago

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Good to know. Thanks for the feedback. Now I only need to lure people in here.

8 years ago

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The answer I found for Q5 is wrong also for Q6 (I can't check for Q2 as I've answered it already). And what I found is really typical for organic chemistry as far as I remember...
I found article in english wikipedia describing this type of reaction. Its title is one word and I can't see any prefix... The first line of article is: "__ is a specific type of [some type] reaction in which a species is simultaneously [something] and [something other] to form two different products." (I've edited it to remove spoilers). I think it describing reaction from Q9 very well, but __ is not accepted.

8 years ago

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Q5 is typically a reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. It should be easy from here.

Q9: You should concentrate on the oxidation states. From a middle to a higher and lower. You can post what you tried on an older giveaway of mine so I can take a look on it.

8 years ago

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I've done it...

8 years ago

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I just assume Q5 and Q9 are working now. Thanks for the input so far. I think the puzzle got a bit more accessible. As for Q3 and Q8. If there are any questions I fear they have to wait till tomorrow since I REALLY need to sleep.

But as an initial hint may be. You shall have the same on the left as on the right.

8 years ago

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Q5 is done, thank you... But I still can't get Q9. In Q3 and Q8 I understand what is about, but I probably just don't know correct words... But I'm keep trying...

Sleep well!

8 years ago

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Ok, I found this prefix for Q9... In my humble opinion it should be ommited in a quiz for non-chemists as in most internet sources it described as "hmpfhmpf reaction" without prefix and for not specialists accepted answer sounds like "watery water" or "sweet sugar"

Q3, Q6, Q8 to go, but I'm going to work now...

Should I edit or delete posts from other topic?

8 years ago

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I will think about omitting the prefix if it appears to be a major hurdle. Yea, it is probably better to edit them although the puzzle seems hard enough already. I wonder how you solved Q10 without being able to get Q3 and Q8. Have fun at work.

8 years ago

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I remember from school how to balance reactions... But I learned it in polish so I can do practical example and not necessarily answer theoretical question in english ;)

8 years ago

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Only Q6 left :) I wonder what I've missed... I think I tried with every single type I can imagine...

8 years ago

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Can I politely suggest this quiz is given a bit of an overhaul. Some people may have a PhD in chemistry, most will not. The fact that there are 30 players, 535 guesses but not one solver suggests this has been made at the (too) hard end of the spectrum. Remember there are about 30 different puzzles in this event and expecting people to have a PhD in 30 different subjects is a bit extreme.

Just as an example - Q2 (which I'm stuck on). I don't know the answer off the top of my head, so I look up "Basic Chemical Reactions". I find four types - synthesis, decomposition, single displacement and double displacement. The only logical choice of those 4 is decomposition, however this doesn't work, most likely because there are ions being formed. Ok, so now what? Is the reaction not considered a "Basic" one in the eyes of many; have I misspelt something; or used a different term (decomposition rather than analysis)? It's really hard to know where to from here. Some guidance would help people keep moving through.

Even the little things like being really clear on formatting will help (e,g. remove the need to put "reaction"). Question 3 could just be word 1 and 2 without the sentence.

For reference, I've completed Q1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 but tbh this is doing my head in (and I loved chemistry back in secondary school - albeit that was quite some years ago).

Some help to make this solvable for a slightly wider population would be appreciated.

Apologies if this seems like a rant.

8 years ago

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No, suggestions in all form are appreciated but believe me that all of this is chemistry you learn in school. There might come some minor hickups due to difference in experience. As I didn't use the internet for the creation I might use therms like "basic" which might confuse.

For Q2 you should look at the reactants and then it should be easy.

On the formatting I will work over this to make it more accessible.

Other than that there is only one puzzle here and there are other categories where people have up to three or four ITH and they haven't been solved as well so far.

EDIT: As a matter of fact "reaction" isn't needed anywhere.

8 years ago

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Ok, 2 now solved. Not a term that I saw anywhere when I Googled "Basic" but, granted if I had of used my head instead of Google, I may have been better off. Only 8, 9 and 10 to go.

8 years ago

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Well, Q8 should be searchable by google and I made the prefix not mandatory anymore so it should be easier. For Q3 think about what is transferred for a change of the oxidation state.

Q10 ..... it is basically math. Just make a sound if you have no idea where to start.

8 years ago

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All completed now . . . back to the cookware that isn't cookware.

8 years ago

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Finally, thanks for the help by making the puzzle a bit more accessible (and proving it is solvable). The cookware I assume is another puzzle here O.o

8 years ago

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Yes, but I've just got that now (you commented to Gracee above in her quiz).

8 years ago

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Okay, then I think I know what you are talking about. It is irritating especially if you have some knowledge and only see the obvious answer.

8 years ago

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Yeah, this is one where I think the obvious answer should be accepted . . .

8 years ago

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2,5,7,9,10 left to get

10 I can't do...

8 years ago

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Someone told me there are online programs for 10. Have never searched for them but they might be helpful for you. Any ideas for the other questions or something I can help with?

8 years ago

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Got 7 and 9...

now left 2, 5, 10

8 years ago

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For 5 I added two more lines. So refresh the ITH if you haven't done so far.

8 years ago

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yey!! Now just 2 and 10 left!!

8 years ago

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Now just have Q10 left and I'm lost...

8 years ago

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I guess it is to difficult for one who never had chemistry.

8 years ago

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yea.... I need to take a class and learn how to solve number 10...

8 years ago

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No, you just need to open the link I posted, copy the equation, remove those things you shall determine and slightly accustom the formattting and then press balance.

EDIT: I actually posted the needed format. You just need to copy it. While two of three balances are easy to handel, getting the third one correct without prior knowledge might prove unjustified difficulty.

8 years ago*

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Having trouble on Q09 mainly. Tried lots of stuff on it, opened 20-30 tabs in wiki/google for a few whole hours and nothing. Maybe a better hint for Q9 would help...

As for Q10 I was seriously ready to say what a joke it is and what symbols these are that they don't even exist, but obviously you required us to delete the useless stuff. Needless to say I could never have done it without an online calculator cause I have no idea how these are calculated... And I still don't... But anyway Q9 for now...

8 years ago*

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Yea, for Q10 I needed to have some placeholders, so you know the format. The online calculator I added later, but maybe I'll give in the hint the alternate formatting so you only need to copy it. It is too difficult after all.

For Q9 so far I couldn't find a good hint which does not tell the answer but I think I found something now. You can take this literally. MnO4^{2-} is "simultaneously acting as reductant or oxidant"

8 years ago

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And yes I already knew the thing you just said regarding the simultaneous thing... Anyway I finished all with practically no hints from here, I guess that's something... Though I did need the online calculator..

8 years ago

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Lol found the last one by sheer luck. Never even expected that this would be the answer. lol. Feel free to delete comment didn't even read it.

8 years ago

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No the comments will stay as I want to have more solvers. Everyone looking here should find some help and also be encouraged to ask for more hints if needed. The goal is to learn something and not to bang your head on the wall.

And yea, balancing these reactions can be overwhelming if you are not familiar with it. It is is basically just math with numbers ranging from 1-30 at most.

8 years ago

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Can't find Q5 and Q6.

8 years ago

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Got Q6.

8 years ago

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Well would have been surprised if not with the hint given. Hint for Q5 does not help? Well, maybe you'll find with the organic variation. Alcohol and Carboxilic Acid

8 years ago

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That works, thanks.

I hate chemistry. :P

8 years ago

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The only question I can not solve is Q1.

I haven't added "reaction" to my answers, becasue the other answers for the other questions didn't require the word "reaction" either, so I hope that's not it.

I've read the article about "Law Of Mass" and "Massenwirkungsgesetz" so many times and still can't figure it out.

I think I also have a problem with the general understanding, as I can't see why a reversible reaction (which the LoM describes to my understanding) should be one-sided. I was rather thinking of an exothermic reation, but that has nothing to do with mass.

Inserting all the mentioned reaction types and sub-reaction types found here didn't help either.

Could you give an example of this reaction type?

8 years ago*

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No, reaction is not needed as part of the answer. And sorry with the types and internet search. I made this out of my memory without using external sources. So there may be difference it what i define as type and what not.

As example. There are a lot of them. So that given you one would probably not help much.

NaCl ==> Na+ + Cl- would be an example although (and that may be the biggest hint). The way it is written here is not to 100 % correct. You should stick near the idea of reversible. At some point something will form and stay that way.

8 years ago

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Can't figure out the answer for Q1, even though it seems so simple.

8 years ago

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Have you read so far all the comments in the comment section here? Especially the one directly above since it had the same problem. If yes, then I will think how I can make an additional hint.

8 years ago

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I did, but didn't help much.

8 years ago

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If the left side and the right side of the equation reach a state where they do not further change with passing time then what is this state called?

8 years ago

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Got it now. I did think about witing that earlier, but it didn't look like a reaction type to me, so I didn't try. Thanks!

8 years ago

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Like I said earlier: The word "type" is open to a lot of discussion depending on your sources. For me this was a type as well. It is easier for the following questions I guess.

8 years ago

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Oh, and I am part of the 'Death to Organic Chemistry' club too.

8 years ago

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Hey!! I remember how much fun it was having you in the Science event as a puzzle creator... here's a chance at another event I'm doing-- hope you can return with designing a puzzle!!

7 years ago

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