
Happy Cake Day to me :D:

Damn, it's crazy how fast these 3 years have passed... Anyway congrats on solving my puzzles and GL with the GiveAway :>

Also - entering without comment = Blacklist.
Also also - if you have not activated wins - don't bother entering. I know I can no longer request rerolls based on private set of rules, so instead I will not only blacklist yer arse, but simply don't deliver you in case you win and suck on "Not Received". I don't really care ;p And inb4 you say how unfair it is - you can always buy the game you haven't activated and activate it now - making things right to the GA creator and community.

I kinda did not expect to be done already :-o The whole I found a fox and a question mark... Made me think there would be even more :)

Funny, I found the dots by accident cause I hit a wrong button in irfanview and instead of rotation I did "auto adjust colors" :-D And after that I was fast at noticing that there were 20 dots and 20 questions, but somehow I dismissed it at first cause I thought "how would one ever combine answers with images" cause I already had forgotten it was just yes no questions ;-)

It feels great finally having solved a proper zelghadis :-D

8 years ago

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congratulations you magnificent bastard! :D:

yeah QR modified according to puzzle answers itself was an old idea I've had back when I was still making puzzles but never used it - and a big hint here was the fact that all the questions have binary answers (yes or no) and QR also consists of binary colors on spots - black and white ;) Then I only slightly differentiated "black" color at 20 spots - original black is #000000 and this one was #010101 - I must say that I have to week eyes and I couldn't identify even on very close image without picture editing - but my fiancee for example has crazy eyes for colors - when I told her what this is about he almost instantly pointed me all 20 spots on not-edited image :D:

8 years ago

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Faq, it costs me 3 rounds of thinking. Thanks and welcome back to the puzzling, even if it is just tempral (where are the rats? :C)

8 years ago

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congrats on solving :D: And I honestly have no idea what was going on about these rats/foxes ;p

8 years ago

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wow this is actually the first puzzle here I have solved :) you had me stuck on the qr code for awhile, i found the modified dots quite quick and thought to remove them and that was it, apparently not. I also knew that the answers where important because yes or would be pointless otherwise(if you are wrong just change it). I had thought it was a binary code that would help decode the qr code but it didn't give my anything. only when i realized there were 20 dots did it all click.

If anyone asks it was all your fault I was distracted at school for over 1.5 hours,( took longer but after school) ok? :D

anyway thanks for the puzzle

8 years ago

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anyway this was actually really fun. most puzzles I only enter for a better chance at the giveaway but don't bother t ofinish because either they get really boring or are based on random trivia i could care less about. this I didn't even care about the game, just the puzzle and it kept me interested for a long time. now that I completed it I wish it was longer and more complex because I want to keep solving them.

also thanks for that guide, it was really helpful because I didn't even now some of those things were possible. like the source code trick as the main example. (how do you make that???)

8 years ago

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yoiu make an empty link :> you know how to make clickable links on SG, right? then you make empty one :>

[ ](
8 years ago

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congrats :> for first one ever to solve you picked quite a hard one :>

8 years ago

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Hey there :) This is a good one for sure, nice idea.

8 years ago

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hey there! Congrats puzzle grandpa! :>

8 years ago

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Hue hue ;3 Not so difficult :D but I had one WTF?! moment :D

8 years ago

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I said it was not difficult, but people don't believe me :( and when did you have that WTF moment? ;p

8 years ago

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I tried with qr code and it was nope...
so I used my magic skills in photoshop and found gray spots and thought "oh nice.. now just make them white or really black and done" .... but still nope
Here comes WTF moment :D
but after few minutes there was also greate idea moment, I was skeptical but i'm here (<3 trolling puzzles)

8 years ago

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heh, just for future - it doesn't matter what color are dots on QR code ;) All that matters is that the dots are not white - QR reading works the same way the barcore reading works - and you can have barcodes in all colors, not just black ;) So there is no need to change QR code colors to black :> For example - if you try to decode this QR (it's the original one from this puzzle leading to this GA, just full of different colors) with proper tools you will still get valid results even if it's full of different colors :>

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Oh, didnt know that :D They are always black so it was obvious they should be black ;D

8 years ago

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They are not ;) For example look at Khalaq's avatar: :D: Also consider that same as barcodes you scan them with various optical devices - like laser-readers or your smartphone camera - so depending on various things - like material they are printed on, light, different camera lens - even solid black ones will return colors from whole black/grey spectre ;) Just wanted to point it out as it may come useful in some puzzles in the future ;) anyway once more - congrats :>

8 years ago

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Thank you for puzzle! As I would expect from you - it was tricky) My brain nearly exploded, and if you say this was easy puzzle - I'm afraid of your hard ones)
And also, I brute-forced the link to puzzle, and while the script were working I suggested the right answer among others, but didn't try it. So now I'm a little ashamed of it.

8 years ago

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well I never said it was easy per-se - just that it was easy for zelgh-style-puzzle :D: as my puzzles used to be extremely hard - compared to them it was not so hard :D:

as for link - cake in GA was empire state building cake (it was even googleable if you'd flip the image - it was mirror) and ESB = New York = NY :D:

8 years ago

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Yes, as I said - I suggested correct answer, just didn't try it. And yes, this suggestion was based on googling this image, google said it's "New York Cake", or something similar. And google found it even without flip (but I also filpped it, to get difference between original image and yours, and found... nothing :D).

8 years ago

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Yay! I solved it. I wonder if it's your first puzzle I did...Well, don't remember. May be not. Anyway it took a huge chunk of my time.
Mostly because of reading this awesome QR tutorial.

8 years ago

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Congrats :> Heck you did dig a lot deeper into this QR thing that was neccessary, didn't you? :D:

8 years ago

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I always dig too deep :-)

8 years ago

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Yes. Yes you do X)

8 years ago

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Lovely puzzle! But, oh that QR code.. Found the dots rather quickly because of those 2 misplaced ones, but then sat forever trying to figure out how to get it to read, until I finally just counted how many dots there were, and just felt silly..

Why did you ever stop making puzzles, if I may ask?

8 years ago

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not enough free time. When I was at last years of University I've had a lot of free time I could use to make proper puzzles. When "real-life" started for good, work with 12h shifts etc, I no longer had enough free time. From what I've had left I'd rather use it for gaming, cooking or going out with my fiancee, than on preparing another puzzle ;)

8 years ago

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Glad I remembered I still had to find and solve your puzzle ... nice difficulty level, this was really fun :)

8 years ago

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congrats - right on time :>

8 years ago

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