Thank you Mike for the generous giveaway. That was really a hard guessing game. The only thing I was really certain was 8 for ate - it's bit hard on non-English speakers, I guess, but that's also something you can find online. For a long time I thought half of 8 is o. Even fail wasn't an obvious answer. Well but your hints certainly did help, especially the third one.

12 years ago

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OK. Crossing my fingers for you to win!

12 years ago

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Thanks ^__^ More solvers will probably pop up, since there's still time and that third hint is really very helpful. But being first is nice on its own.

12 years ago

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By the way a nice linear curve on giveaway's stats :)

Edit: maybe it's always linear for comments

Edit2: no it's not

Edit3: you need 2 entries for a blue curve to appear!

Edit4: Skyrim is a nice bait for puzzles, so many people here...

Edit5: (Observing curves elsewhere) They turn from lines into real curves only after an hour is passed.

Edit6: Blue line is finite!

12 years ago

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Dear blue line,

Your possible flow beyond time was abrubtly taken away by the giveaway's end time. You will be sorely missed.

Blue Award

12 years ago

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Alas, I didn't :< Well, gratz to the winner. This got bit more entries than I thought it will so yeah, Skyrim must be a really good bait =]

12 years ago

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We should nudge Mike to make another impossible puzzle with Skyrim as a gift!

12 years ago

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Congratulations as first solver, Award. Very clever, I thought 'o' too. Of course, since my English is pretty bad, my answer for last character was just 'a'.

And Mike is a good puzzle maker. ;)

Edit: I am sorry, you didn't win.

12 years ago

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Haha thanks! Well that just means I still have something to look out for, since I already won Fortix! If I also won Skyrim, I dunno what would I be looking for then.. SotMC?

12 years ago

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Definitely. You can't be the master of dragons w/o being the master of horses first

12 years ago

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Me too! I brute-forced only the 3rd letter!

How I solved it:
I just came from a lecture where there was a strange typo on the screen - "8" instead of "s" and I said "OMG" - I need to get home quick!

Thank you for the giveaway and impossible puzzle! Already got Skyrim though :)

Edit: the actual typo was "10Ba8e-T" instead of "10Base-T"

12 years ago

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Nice! That's serendipity for ya. I should've totally commented 'inb4 chour' hehe. I'm silently glad that you were not a "serious" competition, having won Skyrim earlier, but I knew this would not stop you from wanting to solve this :)

12 years ago

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I'm competing! It's just the button unclickable! So if I find a way to click it...

P.S. And this comment made curve logarithmic.

12 years ago

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I'm tempted to add a few comments just to mess with your fascination with them curves ;P I think it's pretty expected that for public giveaways they look exponential, and for puzzles - logarithmic.

12 years ago

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Yeah. I guess they should be. And I just like see them evolve!
As a matter of fact I'm actually raising the ratio comments/entries for this particular giveaway :P

12 years ago

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Had the hardest time jesus/god. Was pretty sure about 3/5 though. Thanks again for all the giveaways mike

12 years ago

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Welcome to the club!

12 years ago

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Christ, this one was difficult! Spent quite a few hours on it - glad my boss did not notice...

Your 4th hint, about what you get on a question when you get it wrong (and to keep it simple) was kind of an eye-opener though.

12 years ago

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I was so sure that God and Jesus referred to the holy trinity; I guess I thought too hard about that one.
I had picked x as my 3rd letter...until you changed the clue, making me (and probably many others) think it was F, until you changed the clue again.
Really, the only one I was absolutely sure about was the last one.

Thanks for the giveaway.

12 years ago

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Hello, kitty! I wonder where are some other people I usually see on hard puzzles. Some new faces here too, tho.

12 years ago

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Fun times. Cheers.

12 years ago

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hard puzzle thank u so much Mike! truly hope to win

12 years ago

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tnx - god plz let me win

12 years ago

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Thank you Mike! You Legend! Can't believe I managed to solve this puzzle, lol, was certainly the hardest one I've cracked so far but I wasn't going to let it beat me >:D I wants SKYRIM! Lol. Thank you again Mike :D Your giveaways are always epic!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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So you've made it. Hi there. Now I gotta cast some spell before you get yer points... pointis expelliarmus!!!

EDIT: nvr mind you got yer points. So it's last man standing now, Wormy. Serious biz!

12 years ago

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May I hang on your tail here? :)

12 years ago

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Haha nice one! Gratz Wormy on the win! Now go kick yourself from nWa or something ;) And from this day forward, no hate at me if I win something :P

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle, and giveaway.
I kept thinking 1. should be "o" for a long time :)

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway! cool puzzle. Keep them coming. Only thing I wasn't sure was the 1st one where I looked at my keyboard and got it. :D

12 years ago

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I was thinking I was wrong on the God part, when it was really question 1. I had tried "o" and "u", and then finally actually wrote an "8" to see where you were "stopping halfway."

12 years ago

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heh, that's clever :)

12 years ago

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Thanks a lot man!

12 years ago

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Took me forever. I kept thinking half of 8 = o, didn't think of s. Silly me.

12 years ago

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Thanks, I had a hard time with 2 and 4 an till I reread the clue about them.
thanks for a fun puzzle!

12 years ago

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Wow, can't believe I solved it. Anyways, thanks for this giveaway!

12 years ago

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Wow, great puzzle, thanks!

12 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

12 years ago

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That took a lot of guesses. Thanks Mike!!

12 years ago

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Thanks for the opportunity, sure was hard now just some luck is needed ;) Fun puzzle as well as frustrating. I had most combinations but got a lil help from the comments on the forum with the Fail part, tought it was F,0 or o before. As for the rest I had

  1. o e(3 is E and then u make it non capital ^^) s a t(pronouncing eight gives a and t)
  2. x (cross) 1 (they form one and are the same) 3 (3-unity)
  3. f O and 0
  4. same as 2.
  5. 8 (the only thing I was certain on ^^
    Anyway thx a lot Mike and sorry for the long post but just wanted to share my ways on how I got around the problem =)
12 years ago

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Thank you very much...
Always thought the half of 8 is o...oh, when I realised my mistake...

12 years ago

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I guess I should say I was lucky that when I saw the thread you'd already given all the clues so far, so I didn't spend a great deal of time on it.

1 is a cheap answer tbh. My first instinct was o1x1a, then I got than wrong so thought "ok maybe you're being a little sneaky with the last 1,so 8"
Then when I got that wrong I thought 2 and 4 were '3' for trinity, but nope. So I tried brute force for 2 and 4 and when I got nowhere I started getting irritated.

I thought, you're being sneaky somewhere else then, so I looked at all the ways to half 8. "Could the very middle piece be an 'x'? Is it 'u' or 'n' for the bottom and top? Is it 'B' that he made lowercase? 's'?"
Luckily I chose 's' but I still got it wrong because I kept the '3' for trinity. For some reason instead of using the different letters for the first one I decided to brute force 2 and 4 again. And here I am.

People argue that you are too vague on 2 and 4, but I don't think that's the case. I think you are misleading on 1.
People think 1 is 'o' and that can't be wrong, so they second guess 2 and 4.

And this is the part where I thank you for the giveaway. I think I will be very disappointed if I lose this.
I didn't even know there were private giveaways, it's a bit more exciting.

Thank you.

12 years ago

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1 is misleading exactly. He should've said "cut 8 of into two and you get it!" or something instead of "Half of 8".
But anyway great giveaway, Thanks.

12 years ago

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took me like... 20 minutes and it was the first answer which really eluded me till the end. I kept thinking it was o for the whole damn time cause I started by looking for more hints in the comments. also, now I got here and don't have enough points, ha

12 years ago

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