
June 1 - Chilren's Day!
Hope someone will be happy to see a new game in his/her collection!
instead of 'T.Hanks' write something funny or nice :)

One more note: This is a gift in my inventory and it says it have a region restriction but no countries listed. Its from HB and I believe it should work without problems.

9 years ago

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Thank you for this giveaway.

9 years ago

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Thanks You (๑ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั﹏ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั๑)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i <3 this game

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I have a secret. I am sick with a bunch of chronic ailments, and at 33 I already have osteoporosis and the osteoarthritis has already started to degenerate my neck bones. I am in a lot of pain; I got lyme disease as a child, being bitten by dozens and dozens of ticks at 11 and 12 years old. I also have about 20 other problems I won't mention that I am seeing doctors for, and they are still trying to find out what exactly is causing these things to be happening in my body. Why I wanted to say this is that I have used it to the best of my ability not as a curse, but as a means to better myself, to fight onwards, and not give up.

I am still alive after all these years of being sick, and I have actually been blessed in many ways. One reason: The lyme and mycoplasma has not hit any parts of my body that have taken me out (example: heart attack, aneurysm, ALS, etc.). I have my good and bad days, my good days being like my old bad days, almost like a constant flu with some added features. Second important reason: I have learned a deeper meaning to life that I would not have grasped if I was not sick, and have developed an understanding of suffering and compassion that I never could possibly have known without experiencing this ailment for years and years. It's like war: you don't know what war is like unless you have been in it, as this is a constant battle, and a nightmare I never could have imagined before I was sick. Third: I can spread awareness about the disease, and dismiss rumors being put out there about how easy it is to cure, and how much it is being downplayed, and try and help others going through these kinds of thing. I know this is not particularly good, but depending on how one looks at it, this actually has many good points, and I hope it qualifies and is acceptable as something nice...

9 years ago*

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Oh, didint expect that really. Suppose people ussually dont say things like that on a forum. But it definately qualifies like a nice story. Thank you!
I believe in karma, not buddist cosmic, jedi force making balance in the universe, but something like in the movie 'Pay It Forward'. When you do something good it travel around a world and pats you in the back in return.
My mother always say she has a harsh life and my and my brother not always have everything we needed but we survived. Month ago she has a surgery (removng breast cancer), this week she starts her treatment. On the other hand one brother have 3 beutifull children, other have a 2 years doughter and today she travel nearly 700 km to see my newborn son for the fist time. She always tries to be a good person and now shes finally happy. She definately make her life good.
Head up!

9 years ago

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Hey, thanks for the share as well! I'm not giving up, and I use it as much as I can for positive, and try not to let it bring me down too often. Everything is in a state of change, so this too shall pass one way or another. I am just lucky and blessed to be here for another day. Every single one is miraculous, whether I want to see it that way or not. I'm finding out a lot of answers in my new situation (learned most of this in the last two years), so I am on the right track. I also have some lawyers to try to help me get some sort of disability since I cannot work because of my conditions. Things are going to work out - I know this deep down.

9 years ago

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