
This giveaway is in support of Yunie's Giveback Thread and Khalaq's I don't want to be greedy....
Also, this is my first lvl 5+ giveaway. ♥ :) Please only enter if you own approx. 50% or less of the pack (so about 2/4 games or less).
Pack includes the following:

  • Saint's Row II
  • Saint's Row III + All DLC
  • Saint's Row IV + All DLC
  • Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
    Check here for a detailed list of the package contents.
    This is the 2014 package that does not include Gat Out of Hell. I mistakenly listed that it was included in the description.

This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Thanks for putting this up :)

Looks like all I need is IV+DLC and Gat out of Hell, what's the consideration for games already owned, here? :)

8 years ago

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I'd say if you own 50% or less of the whole pack then go ahead and enter. :)

8 years ago

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Cool :D

IV and Gat look like so much fun, like the devs took everything fun about the SR games and emphasized it by 2000% :D

8 years ago

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Yeah it does look that way. The SR series is pretty crazy as a whole. Good luck to you! (:

8 years ago

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Thanks for adding this Sooth. :) I totally forgot to do that. I'll add it to the description as well.

8 years ago

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may i join if have SR IV only (without dlc) ?

8 years ago

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Yes, absolutely! The description is now updated for clarification. :)

8 years ago

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Thank you for giving.
I already own the base game of III, but not the others. So I hope it's ok to join.

8 years ago

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Yes, it is OK. :)

8 years ago

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i own NOTHING! (blasphemy, i know)
thanks for the GA Phestacles

8 years ago

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It's ok Purple. I'm a fellow blasphemer don't own any of them either. :)

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8 years ago

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i love Doctor who. u just made my whitelist

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8 years ago

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Thank you! :D ♥

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8 years ago

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Not owning any, thanks a lot :3

8 years ago

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You're welcome a lot :). :3

8 years ago

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Thank you! :)

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8 years ago

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You're welcome! Thanks for the cake! (:

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wow, thank You fo such great package! I gave something similiar some time ago, so, who knows, maybe I'll win one too:)

8 years ago

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Ah, yes you did, and it was lvl 5+ too. Best of luck to you! :)

8 years ago

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Awesome GA!
Thanks for sharing :3

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Great GA! Thanks for sharing this :)

8 years ago

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You're welcome! BTW, how did you know what kind of car I have? :P

8 years ago

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Thanks Phestacles :)

8 years ago

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You are very welcome Hiro. :3 Prayers for you and your countrymen ♥.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Classy giveaway, my good man. Please accept my abundant thanks! :D

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8 years ago

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You're most welcome my good fellow!

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8 years ago

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i'm in for IV and Gat (approx 50%). if i win and you're not ok with if, feel free to reroll:)

8 years ago

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No worries. You're good to go. :)

8 years ago

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thank you VEEERY much!!!

8 years ago

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You're welcome VEEERY much. :)

8 years ago

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AwΣsØmΣ givΣΛwΛy, ΡΗΣSΤΛCLΣS. ThΛnk yØu sØ much for shΛring! ;-)

8 years ago

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YØu're wΣlcØmΣ! :)

8 years ago

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I miss only SR II and Gat out of Hell so I can't enter, but that's a fantastic giveaway :)!

8 years ago

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Well you only own 2/4 games in the pack, so you should go ahead and enter. :) I meant approx. 50% of the pack or 2/4 games. I can add that to the description for better clarification.

8 years ago*

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Well, I think that SR III + DLCs plus SR IV + DLCs account for more than 50% of the value of the pack :), but... as I'm allowed explictly I'll join, thx :D.

8 years ago

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Hmm, that is true. I was thinking approx 50% of the pack itself, not the value. No worries though. (:

8 years ago

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I own none of them and I only hear great things about this series, so I'll try rolling the dice on this one. Thank you so much, Phestacles!

8 years ago

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You're welcome Tumalu. ^^ Good luck!

8 years ago

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thxs for the awesome pack!!=>

8 years ago

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You're welcome! (:

8 years ago

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Great GA! I done the exact same package a while back.

Please note that there are 2 different
Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack in the steamgifts database.
The one you using now and the one i used...

The one you using are the old 2014 version of the ultimate franchise pack..
It doens't include gat out of hell and a few dlcs. That's why if u click the picture it doesn't give u a store front on steam anymore. You do however get 5 extra points of CV out of it.

If you want. u can send support a ticket and have it changed to the right ultimate franchise pack.

8 years ago

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Thanks for pointing this out wany! I did not notice that. I created a ticket asking them to change the point discrepancy and will update the description of the giveaway to reflect the correct package.

8 years ago

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You are welcome.. sorry that u lost 5 CV.. but now at least you will have the right package ;b

8 years ago

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Well, I was just informed that there is no need to change it, which seems weird. Both the pack that you gave away and the one that I am giving away originally retailed for $49.99, so I don't know where they are getting the 5 extra CV from. I would ask, but my ticket was immediately closed. ¯(°_o)/¯

8 years ago*

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lolz it's ok then! enjoy your 5 extra CV ;b

8 years ago

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Yeah, thanks anyway. :)

8 years ago

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nice giveaway you are doing here! I'll not enter because I own the third and didn't play it yet (high possibilities that other two stay idle for a while)... so I'll let the chance for who will really play it! :D

8 years ago

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That's nice of you vinirockman. :) I'm thinking of making another SR giveaway sometime soon. Maybe for Gat Out of Hell or SR IV, as people seem to be pretty interested in those two.

8 years ago

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