
So, back to you: you are discovered when the door opens and then you are put to death, because you murdered a guy and hung around to be discovered when the door opened.

The stew was really delicious though!

And YOU got the recipe!

You take this recipe to the grave and share it with all the ghosts, translating it from unfamiliar and bizarre metric and imperial measurements I used here into “ghostric”,

… which uses the interior volume of a spooky skull as the standard unit of measurement.

It makes you really popular! You have some really amazing and fun ghost dinner parties and make a lot of cool new friends who can fly!

The End! Or repeat?

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9 years ago

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Well, technically not - you are a ghost now. A popular one though.

9 years ago

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Yeah! I mean.. I will be there for as long as they can rememebr, which will be a lot ;)
Ghost parties are a blast, too

9 years ago

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Thank you very much! ^^

9 years ago

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