
So this GA is my hub. You can ask me questions here. I'm not available between 23:00 - 6:00 GMT (I'm sleeping) and maybe between 6:00 - 16:00 GMT (there is a chance that I will get a job) so questions asked between these hours will have to wait.

I have written where hints are already put in ITH quiz (but you can still ask for more hints if these are not clear).

Also GAs are protected by no multiple win / no GAs activation check. There is no check on ratio, value and so on. Password from jeffhowe is at the end of the puzzle.

Puzzle consist of 4 parts (3 + bonus).

Start here

Reserved for something. 4 weeks are really long time, might want to add something and make it more visible. So you might want to check this GA / train before whole event end (tho I don't promise anything ~.^).

9 years ago

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I thing that the 3. question in part 3 is broken. I finished all other questions, and I know the answer to the 3. question, but it wont accept it.

9 years ago

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It's correct, there is already one solver.

If you know answer for Q7 - it is said that it's last enzyme in whole process. Which means it's part of process from Q3 ;) So you can get to process from Q3 by knowing in which process enzyme from Q7 takes place.

9 years ago

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I'm stuck here too now, I think I found the answer and have tried a one word and two word version but neither work :/
Isn't it the one with ch...? (I will edit this out later)

8 years ago

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No. The stuff you're thinking about is far more detailed than the answer I want.

If you're writing about certain theory, then the "products" of it (this theory) are used by process from Q3 to recreate molecule from Q2.

8 years ago

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Agreed. Broken indeed.

EDIT: found but too hard to guess

8 years ago*

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9 years ago

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faragona or MSKOTOR, could you give me a hint about 3rd question of part 3? For the life of me i can't figure it out.

9 years ago

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Oh, first you have to define what the process mentioned in the question is. Then a simple Google search will give you the answer.

9 years ago

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I still cant figure it out. It's official, I'm an idiot XD

9 years ago

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You are not the only one as it seems. Some times I figure that it's simpler than that though. It's just that most creators rarely accept different answers for something, despite the fact that on a numerous of occasions the correct answers are many more than one.

8 years ago

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There are answers where I can wite:

H2O + Na => NaOH + H2
water + sodium => Sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

Or other variations.

But there are answers that has got only one answer. There aren't any synonyms for example for "darwins theory" "calcium" "photosynthesis" and so on, so people have to be precise in what they're writing.

8 years ago

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Agreed. However I've found in various puzzles here these days, academic answers that are not accepted at all. Depending on source some times you may get an academic answer that is not accepted, because for example the creator has stuck with the "term" or "step" from wikipedia. Anywayz...

8 years ago

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Tho I see that you haven't tried to solve bonus past. Did you use wiki / internet to solve whole thing? :D

9 years ago

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Only part of it. Most of the info in the puzzle is taught in high school here, so I just have to look for the terms in English. Except the *** and names of enzymes; you can't expect me to remember all that after so many years :P

9 years ago*

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Delete this part before "names of enzymes" as it's huge hint D: Like literally it's solution for this question and I want people to came up with what it is by themselves :D

9 years ago

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Arg, suddenly my connection to SG became a snail. Sorry for the slow editing...

9 years ago

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Uh, the format of Part 2 Question 7? Even with the hint, it seems that I am wrong.

Does it start and goes like this? xxx'xxx xxxxxxxx
or should I use space when there are dots too?

9 years ago

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It's written what form you should use. So it starts like "A'B CDEFG ...".

You should remove dots (they're there to point that whole thing is made from 3 letter stuff). They don't indicate spaces.

9 years ago

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Yes, what I suspected. Will take another look, thanks.

9 years ago

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So I went through part 1 and 2 without any problems... I had absolutely no problems with Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5 form part 3... But I totally stucked at Q6 and Q7... Any help please?

8 years ago

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OK... Now I know... Q7 was just too easy... Q6 to go...

8 years ago

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Daaaaaamn... I was missing one letter whole time... All done. Thank you! :)

8 years ago

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Yep, cant even pass the first one, hints or no hints :P I'll try tomorrow but i have no idea what im looking at Q3-Q7 :P

8 years ago

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Have you tried solving it further?

Q3 - it's enough to check wiki page of Q2 molecule and you will find your answer.

8 years ago

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Stucked in Q6.. :/

Can I ask for the answer format?
Is the format without comas as the other multiple answers questions?

8 years ago

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In part one? With comma, it's written in the bracket :)

8 years ago

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Sorry for not being clear.. Actually part 3.. :3

8 years ago

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There are 2 correct answers (1st is one word, 2nd is two words). But it's plural so for example "cats" instead of "cat"

So you don't have to list anything. It's one-term answer.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the info, finally solved it.. ;)
Before I thought they are two-term answers and thought that I use wrong format.. :/

8 years ago

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Working on 5-7, finished 1-4

8 years ago

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Still stuck on 5-7

8 years ago

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Hope it will help, it's mostly made of stuff from Q5-7 (well, apart from water xD) :D

8 years ago

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Since I am a biochemisty I thought I would rush through these... then question 5 came. I wondered nearly halve an hour over this.
First I thought it was L2 or a strange form of BSA. But after that answer...

8 years ago

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Well I just picked up simpliest molecule from data bank I could find + add these structures to make it obvious that it is what it is ;D

Or I thought it's gonna be simple D:

8 years ago

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Just for my curiousity, what was it at the end? Or shouldn't we talk about it here?

8 years ago

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The biomolecule? I will answer this when you write comment under one of my GAs in train after part 3 of this puzzle :D

8 years ago

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The format on Q6-puzzle1 is driving me crazy, NUTS. How do you want them written? I know the answer but there's many ways to spell them. Do you want the wikipedia term, the term with the greek letter, an answer for each word with "-" or space in between or not. Also, plural or singular? :O So many possibilities on answer that it's practically too hard to find...

8 years ago*

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Cat meow, dog bark

So one comma, without greek letters and without "-", wikipedia terms, singular forms ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks. You can't imagine how many tries I did on that one while knowing the answer... Full google resistant too.

8 years ago

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I know the answer to Q3 Puzzle 3, but I have no idea why it is not accepted. What do you expect in it? I don't get it. Some hints on format/number of words etc, should be a must for such questions man... :/

EDIT: found after brute forcing stuff lol and before you gave hint.

8 years ago*

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Two words. Last enzyme of this process is enzyme from Q7 P3.

8 years ago

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Ok only P3Q5 left for now and it seems it requires knowledge that I do not have, searching google/wiki did not help much hmmmm...
Failed for today...

8 years ago*

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You don't have to have any kind of knowledge. It's simple yes/no answer, you just have to use different words - look at the question closely :D

8 years ago

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I can't believe it... Would have never tried that... !

8 years ago

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In P1Q3 aren't we talking about dumbo? ç.ç
And P1Q4 isn't dumbo?
Also P1Q6 I know the asnwer but what's the format? Format is hell -.-"

8 years ago*

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First of all delete these answers D: Write just with which questions you have problem, don't write answers like that.

8 years ago

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Done XD Sorry but I thought they were wrong seeing that ITH keeps saying me "Wrong!" ><
Anyway I wrote the question with which I have problem there: first puzzle, questions 3-4-6

8 years ago

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3 - nah. Answer you have written is a complex of molecule from Q2 and something else. And in Q3 is just specific type of Q2 molecule. Open up wiki page of Q2 molecule and read first two paragraphs. The answer is there.

4 - you have written this right, but I've got no idea why you have used dots. It's exactly what you typed, but without dots after every "word"

6 - format is in my reply here

8 years ago

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Stucked in Q6 and its format :S

I'm following your instructions: no greek letters, singular forms, without '-', etc.

No greek letters means not greek name of that letter neither?

I have this answer (of course, with differents words :D)

spiral, creased pane

8 years ago

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You don't write "γ radiation", but "gamma radiation". So no greek letter, but full term.

8 years ago

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Finally, thanks!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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I really don't know what that blob in Q5 puzzle 1 is called, how am I supposed to guess? :(
I was hoping p... would work,especially after your hint with meat, but I guess it's too general.
Can you give me another hint, I'm at a dead end and have looked at hundreds of different molecules now with no hope to find the right one, there are gazillion different ones ;(

8 years ago

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It starts with p.... but it's plural.

So if you're trying to use single form it won't work.

8 years ago

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Ok I feel stupid now, I have tried the plural but I had an e too much d'oh
Thanks so much for your fast reply!

8 years ago

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s'cute bump whistles

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thank you :3

8 years ago

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Hey!! I remember how much fun it was having you in the Science event as a puzzle creator... here's a chance at another event I'm doing-- hope you can return with designing a puzzle!!

7 years ago

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Hi :D

Im on vacations with mobile Internet, so I will check thread in a a few days. But it looks nice :D Thx the for notice ^.^


7 years ago

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