
Controversial for fans of the series.

Thank you. Heard this wasn't as good as the first two.. but I really want to find out for myself. <3

9 years ago

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IIRC the problem lies in it not being a sidescroller anymore...? Something like that; all I know is, the devs attempted some sort of reparations in how they released the demo for their upcoming game, source (Tarmack is basically a Canadian Jim Sterling, sans attitude)... too bad I had to hear it from Tarmack too late :S

9 years ago

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I don't think people dislike the game for not being a sidescroller anymore. From what I've read people find the controls to be a bit awkward, then there's the fact that characters don't have as many abilities as they did in the previous games. But the biggest gripe people have against the game is that it's not even finished. It ends somewhere in the middle of the story because developers didn't have enough money to finish it.

That last part is actually ridiculous, how can someone release a half-finished game as a full product and on top of that price it at 21,99€.

I'll be entering for the giveaway anyway though since I already have the first two games.

9 years ago

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All I know: 20 something money-units for a half-finished indie game seems on par with a 60 money-unit AAA game + Season Pass (so, at this point, add 50) + Microtransactions (add 8 on its side) that had more than the Season Pass cut out of it (i.e. release a shell of a game, to "patch" with the rest of the game later)
Not a defense of Trine devs at all; just an indictment of the industry as a whole. Can't blame them for trying(?)

9 years ago

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Those AAA games with season passes and first day DLC's at least have main campaign finished. You can go through story from start to finish. DLC's add more side-missions and what not.

Trine 3 is unfinished, you can't go through entire story. Not only that but it seems developers have no intention on ever finishing it, they even said they wont release any DLC's to continue the story.

9 years ago

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Some discussion about it that I don't want to repeat here. :p

9 years ago

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Thanks! Still want to try though :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Loved Trine 2, but this looks fishy, no idea if I'd enjoy it, so I'll pass, may it find a good home :D

9 years ago

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Loved the first parts in the series. I heard this one wasn't as good, but I still would love to play it. Thanks for the chances!

9 years ago

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Not sure if I'll enter for this one. Sounds like it was a big disappointment, and I gotta save muh points for Wasteland 2 gibs.

9 years ago

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Well, for me the series already went down with the second one. I was never able to get why it was but while I loved the first I felt the second was just meh.
So maybe the third is closer to my taste, who knows.

9 years ago

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