
Its time to give something back.

Note to the winner: There will be an extra gift in your Steam inventory after you activate the game, I would like to take it :)

I'll enter once I have the points to enter :P and sure, if I win, you will get the extra gift :)

8 years ago

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So nice to hear that. good luck :X

8 years ago

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thanks :)

8 years ago

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....... totally forgot to say thanks for the giveaway..... I'm an idiot XD

8 years ago

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I don't mind that, if you want to say something, just say it when you won.

8 years ago

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than let's hope I'll get the chance to do that in the end :P hahaha

btw, just 10 points short of entering now

8 years ago

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Hope so too, seem you are a cool guy :D don't worry, you still have 1 day left.

8 years ago

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that 1 day is actually what I worry about :P lol

Edit: seriously.... 1 point short now, SG is bullying me XD

8 years ago

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5 entries already, this is getting dangerous :P lol, oh and just added you (MonoTheKing) to my whitelist

8 years ago

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Its a long time since I met someone excited about this like you, you must be new to the site. Oh I really appreciate it, thank you :D

8 years ago

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Yup, made this account 4 weeks ago, but didn't really do much with it until last monday I believe

8 years ago

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just 2 hours remaining for this giveaway :) let's see what we can make of this :P

8 years ago

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More than 1h remaining :P

8 years ago

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would be quite something if all of a sudden this GA went up from 25 entries to..... MORE than 25 entries XD

8 years ago

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haha I don't think so, and the fact that a lot of ppl already have this game.

8 years ago

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haha, it seems like a cool game at least, let's see if the luck is on my side today :P

8 years ago

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5 minutes, let the countdown begin haha

8 years ago

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60 seconds

8 years ago

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congratulations to whoever won it ;)

8 years ago

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So sorry its not you :'(

8 years ago

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doesn't matter m8, I am used to not winning giveaways XD haha, but really, I don't mind losing, giveaways are free to enter after all, it's not like I actually lose anything because of it

8 years ago

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But seem you expect too much :'( yeah just join giveaways with few entries like this, no matter what the chance to win still high.

8 years ago

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ow, haha, didn't actually expect to win, just like to ramble along in chats when I'm bored :P

8 years ago

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oh yes i know that feeling, but win something even more better, keep that spirit, you'll meet our space cat soon (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

8 years ago

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I'll do just that ;) thanks for the giveaway m8 and maybe you'll see a whitelist giveaway of mine pop up sometime soon :)

8 years ago

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Oh dear, you're so kind. Thank you too, its so nice to meet you (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

8 years ago

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