
The second of #? extra cars.
I have not played Gravilon yet.
I bought several extra copies of this package a few months ago. I had played Morphopolis and very much enjoyed it; I guess you could call it a H(idden)O(bject)G(ame), though it's unlike any I've played before (not that I've played many). There is no explicit story - it is conveyed through the actions and the environments. The art is beautiful and the puzzles are a bit teasing.
After writing my review for it (which is private, because I summed it up too succinctly (i.e. a bit of a joke review)), I saw the Art Appreciation Pack and bought several because it's too good a deal.
The Howler is a very interesting game, though if you play without utilizing the mic function, it's a bit annoying. You are intended to use sound to guide a hot-air balloon through obstacles.
If you don't win, I can GUARANTEE it would be worth a purchase ($0.50 for three games that each cost $0.49 each).
If you do win, perhaps consider writing reviews?

These cars are not ordered by expiry!!! Go On Through!!!!!

im sorry for that
The Station

Added in whitelist just because I appreciate the review on the art appreciation pack. :)

9 years ago

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It's good, mmhmm, 'S'GOOD!! :D

9 years ago

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obnoxiously loud whispering PSST!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!! AY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
do you believe in a Thing called love?
jusT lisTen To The rhyThm of The hearT
go back To The sTaTion
Also G & C and beyond :P

9 years ago

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thank you :)

9 years ago

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