You might know of the original sin
You might know how to play with fire
But did you know of the murder committed
In the name of love? Yeah, you thought, what a pity.

Down under, see what i did there.

Broke a leg of my glasses in the middle of the weekend on king's day (so all stores closed) thinking they would just replace the leg to find out i had to get new glasses (which ended up 439 euro) and then i don't even have multifocal because they are going to be 3x as much, but eventually i have to, so yeah going great as always (y).

2 weeks ago*

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Glasses are so expensive nowadays

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, we used to have basic free healthcare for everyone, the good old days, everyone could get glasses (even though they looked like these big jam jars).Everyone that should need one, should have the right to get free ones, i mean not like it's a luxury.

Thing is the stores though like to throw around that they got all these expensive brands (they never name prices on the site) i am like who cares about gucci frames, i just want one where i could see through. :p I did end up with a frame that was originally 380 euro that went for 75, it's just the glasses itself that are the real expensive part, but i also have difficult eyes with prisma's (doublevision) which even adds up.

2 weeks ago

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Nice song. But daaaaaaaamn. Those glasses are expensive.

I am sorry

2 weeks ago

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Yeah and that was really the absolute lowest he could make it for me, i even said but i paid 300 for my previous one (different store that got taken over by a bunch that know nothing), 4 years ago but he said prices really increased in those years, i dunno if that's true or bended the truth a bit. But i also have prisma's (doublevision) so that adds up on the price.

I just have to go being really careful with this pair.


2 weeks ago

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I listen to it while leveling my characters. lol

2 weeks ago

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What game, or just any game?

2 weeks ago

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I have around 13-14 years playing Regnum Online. xd

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, every online game i tried ended up dead, why i became hesistant.

2 weeks ago

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Regnum is a pretty niche game.
Compared to other MMORPGs it may not be as attractive.
In my opinion the worst thing is that it is very P2W. But it doesn't affect me because I like massive warfare and not pvp.
Honestly, some of us may continue to enter out of pure nostalgia. There are seasons in which I play and seasons in which I play other things.
I think the game could be great, but the company hasn't made the best decisions. In fact, they have practically abandoned the game. They have given it to an administrator who is the one who is taking care of everything.

2 weeks ago

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Ah, never heared of it, but (the old) runescape also isn't attractive, but people still play it. :p
Most of these games tend to be P2W.

I played Priston Tale, Cabal, Crusaders of the lost idols and Forge of gods, the last 2 were on steam, but they all went down.
I am still playing American Throwndown right now, but it also has it's downsides, but it takes like 2 x 5 minutes of my daily time, and i got 11000+ single player games i rather should focus on. :p
But i am like every time i still see new mmorpg's, especially with a retro/old graphic style, i am thinking dev what are you thinking? Chances are high, it's just not going to be sustainable.

But hey, as long some people enjoy it still, let them.

1 week ago

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OSRS is great.
Nowadays, I also prefer single-player games. Especially since current MMOs are not games that my PC supports.
Playing with other people is more challenging, and you can't give your best if the game doesn't work properly for you.
But, as I said, I have been at Regnum for many years and I return from time to time.

1 week ago

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Hey Lugum, not much luck these days again :-/

Clearly, Healhcare is no longer as interesting as it was. Where i live, you can have a new pair of glasses every 2 years (less if you eye vision changed in between) but it's complicated to get a correct one without a good complementary coverage from your company.

I find strange however that they want to change the glasses, if just the leg is broken.

2 weeks ago

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Yeah. :-/

What country you live in?

The optrician said for 10 euro a month extra you can choose some glasses every 3 years, but that basically comes down to just paying for 1 yourself. I have a broken tooth filling too for years, i thought to go for a dental plan (some do that for a year, get everything done and end it again at the end of the year) but even then you still have to pay much yourself, and when your teeth aren't healthy they say it also suffers through the rest of your body which basically result in just more healthcare costs (all the more reason they should give us atleast free dental healthcare and glasses because they aren't exactly luxury items) every year you pay more, and get less.

Because they haven't got a suitable frame anymore to fit it in, because big frames are trending right now, while i like to keep my glasses as smooth, small etc as possible, and if my previous glasses were big enough they could take a little off, but if you already had tiny glasses offcourse they can't glue some extra to it.

2 weeks ago

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That system seems very expensive. As, for sure, teeth and vision are very important, so you can't ignore those. But should you have to pay the full bill for that.....

I'm from France, so we are covered a bit diferently (t's still good, but less than before)

2 weeks ago

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Yeah, in Belgium apparently (many) things seems to be a lot better (while all these EU rules are coming from there). Cheaper/better healthcare, better education, many near our border go to Belgium/Germany to get their groceries, especially with another tax increase on cigarettes last april, 1 pack cost 10 euro now, gasoline is way over 2,50? Euro a liter. So much for 1 united Europe.
Now a new thing has started that many medication aren't available anymore (i am also affected with it) but also f.e children with asthma can't get their treatment, while we can go with our prescription to Belgiium and they will have it, but not everyone can go to Belgium.

Like i pay 150 euro a month (that's the cheapest insurance) but there are that pay 200-300 euro, and then you got your "own risk" basically that means every time you get your blood tested, go to a doctor, it will go off your own risk up to a total of 400 euro (meaning you have to pay that) a healthy person might not have to go to a doctor and not pay their own risk, but a chronic ill patient does (and usually are the ones with less income) will always hit that roof of their own risk, and that also increases each year, you get "punished" for being sick.
And if you can't even afford your insurance and don't pay, you get hit by a fine (throwing people in debt even further down the drain).

I think many things are going wrong (on purpose) and we are just the front of what is coming for the rest of Europe, like how in America if you need a certain operation you basically got to work your whole life for it, or till you are 80? It's all politics in the end.
They (insurance companies) keep claiming that healthcare is becoming more expensive yet every year, but they make billions profit but we got to pay more, and get less.

1 week ago

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Not good friend, glasses are so expensive. I myself need some, but my solution so far is not going to doctor. On the other hand my font sizes are huge.:)

2 weeks ago

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Hope you can get them soon though and not driving a car in traffic then like that. :p

2 weeks ago

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Thank you, you are too kind. :)
No don't worry i don't have car, and even if i have will never drive in this situation.

2 weeks ago

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I feel your pain mate. While I myself don't need glasses yet(tho I had those glasses for correction back in the early 2000s) my dad managed to broke his and it was a pain and a half to get them replaced. Besides the obvious high price to get them replaced. Also one thing I've noticed is that no matter how small the damage is to them, at least in my area, they would always choose to replace them rather than changing the bloody frame.

2 weeks ago

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They did replace the frame for me once, but that was way back in 2009, perhaps they figured getting (forcing) us to just buy new glasses is more profitable for them (i mean what company these days doesn't try to squeeze you out, i can't speak about other businesses, but even our grocery stores are doing it here.

2 weeks ago

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If you don't mind waiting a few weeks for delivery, and know your prescription, you can order glasses online much cheaper. Zenni Online is one such store.

2 weeks ago

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Not really and i got prisma's that makes it more difficult (perhaps even online) but also the part that makes it most expensive, anyway i already had the glasses ordered and it's already been paid, i get them next week.

In the meantime, i have to do with the old one with a bunch of tape (really nerd like) but it's not holding very well.

2 weeks ago

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I'd highly recommend to fix your eyes with the LASIK. I've done it recently and it's the best investment in my life so far.

2 weeks ago

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If i would know what it was, you mean an eye laser treatment? Yes, but a) cost (most likely not covered) and b) your eyes have to be steady is what they keep telling me, and i got prisma (doublevision) which i believe even makes it less likely for eye laser.

Also such treatments are also not always permanent for life and you can be needed several times.

1 week ago

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Yes, it's a laser treatment method.
a) believe me you'll spend more on glasses/contact lenses during the lifelong than on this one-time treatment (most clinics provides a warranty period during which you can do an additional correction for free but even the first iteration will give you an incredible raise in quality of life) also you could consider different countries with lower prices.
b) not sure what do you mean by "keep steady" but your eye is fixated during the surgery, and double vision aka astigmatism is perfectly curable with LASIK, that was one of the reasons I'd finally decided to do this.

1 week ago*

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Yes, glasses will last about 5 years on average and seeing how that cost 440 (minus sunglasses even, let alone multifocal).
But aside from anything these days being expensive to groceries even, but being on wellfare saving up even makes that harder (especially when you find it difficult to say no to games and bundles) i am blessed that my mother is helping now, but with laser i am sure we talking in the thousands, i mean if i won the jackpot someday it would be a no brainer, but now?

With steady i mean your eye vision shouldn't keep dropping too much, differ too much each few years because then you laser at a certain point while your eye sight might still be going down thus making that laser treatment kinda "useless". It's atleast what the previous optrician kept saying but they live on selling you glasses, so i don't know if it's really true or not, but i can see a point.

1 week ago

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Yes the cost isn't the cheapest but as I said you could try to search other countries, the difference could be huge. Though I perfectly understand how hard could be to live without a decent income.

With steady i mean your eye vision shouldn't keep dropping too much, differ too much each few years because then you laser at a certain point while your eye sight might still be going down thus making that laser treatment kinda "useless"

As far as I know, you can do the laser treatment after age 20 or so, after your eyeballs stop to grow (excluding some special conditions but an ophthalmologist, who does an examination before the treatment, would say about them). The next major eyesight deterioration is presbyopia when you lose ability to focus on nearby objects. It starts at about age 50+. So the later you do the laser the less you'll live with a good eyesight.

1 week ago

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Wrong link. ;D


1 week ago*

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1 week ago

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