
I only have one copy of this key.

Please be prepared to authorize a delete if the key doesn't work for you.

Generic Disclaimers:

This same text goes in all of my giveaway descriptions. Updated 4/20/24 C

If you consider this game to be problematic/overpriced/shovelware know this:

I understand that any game can be set to zero CV at any time. This isn't an issue for me because I'm not giving away games to farm levels. I came across this key and have no use for it. I don't like to waste things and if someone wants it, even if just for a +1 or out of curiosity, why not let them have it?

If you want to help curb problematic games:

  1. Leave a negative review anywhere you can. Metacritic is a great place to start since it's used as a greymarket validation method You do not need to own the game to do this.
  2. Report the game on SG. It will be nominated to be reduced to zero CV by SG mods.
  3. Report the game on Steam.
  4. Tweet @Steam or @Steam_Support.
  5. Email Gabe Newell, at He, or an aid, actually reads his email. He even responds sometimes.
  6. Use any other method you can think of to contact Valve.

Please note:

If you do not mark the key as received after 14 days, I will request a re-roll.

Thanks for reading, good luck!

What a detailed and comprehensive GA description. I'm impressed xD
[not entering btw because the game isn't my cup of tea]

1 month ago

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Why thank you. I have spent WAY too much time working on it. And I still see a spelling error.

Edit: Fixed! And cut two more lines!

1 month ago*

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Thanks 👍

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I would suggest removing Gabe's email, people don't need to waste his time with such nonsense.

1 month ago

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Why is it a waste of his time?

1 month ago

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You're Breathtaking

1 month ago

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Thank you!

1 month ago

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Thanks for the giveaway <3

1 month ago

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Thank you for the opportunity! :)

1 month ago

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Thanks mate!

1 month ago

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Thank you!

1 month ago

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Sending you a message here since you closed the thread.
You are welcome! I am glad I was able to help - I am far from being the expert, but since I was the only one to answer, well. Hope the giveaway goes well. :D

1 month ago

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I just needed someone to check my thinking. Even inexpert eyes help.

The giveaways are up in the puzzle discussions.

1 month ago

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Not interested in the games, I don't meet requirements anyway - I just wanted to help; but thanks for letting me know!

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 3 weeks ago.

3 weeks ago*

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That's all correct.
The letter is from the book.
If you take a look at the plot of the book, it should help.
Even a summary should work.

3 weeks ago*

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