
  • Are you affiliated with Valve

    Our site uses the Steam OpenID provider to authenticate users. However, we have no direct affiliation with Valve or the Steam platform, and we're simply a community of gamers that are fans of PC gaming and Steam.

  • What are the requirements for registering?

    Users sign-in using their Steam account, and we require their account to be valued at $100.00 or greater. Games that have been accessible through bundles, or games that were once available for free due to promotions or pricing errors are not included in this calculation. We have this requirement in place to prevent users from registering multiple accounts.

  • Does my Steam profile need to be public to use the site?

    You'll need to switch to a public profile when registering, so we can confirm you have a legitimate Steam account that meets our minimum requirements. From that point on, you can use the site with a private profile. However, if you wish to enter giveaways, the site will ask you to switch to a public Steam profile once a week to bring your account up-to-date.

  • I changed my avatar on Steam, why is my old one still in use by your site?

    User data is automatically updated and synced on a regular basis, but you can force a sync to instantly update your avatar.

  • How do I change the background color of my profile?

    The background color of your profile is automatically generated by the site, based on your avatar.

  • How can I delete my account?

    You will need to sign into your SteamGifts account and then navigate to the delete account page. Once you click the button to proceed with the deletion at the bottom of that page, your account and personal information will automatically be erased in two weeks.



  • Who is giving away all of these games?

    All giveaways on our site are provided by users in the community. Users manage their own giveaways, choose when they start, when they end, and who is able to enter. Once a giveaway ends, a random winner is generated by our site, and the giveaway creator receives the necessary information to contact the winner in order to send their gift.

  • I think I spotted a fake giveaway, what should I do?

    We try to allow all giveaways to run their course without judgement. An exception is when a giveaway creator enters a description that clearly states their giveaway is fake, or if the description illustrates a lack of understanding of how the giveaway system works. In those instances you can create a support ticket to inform us of the issue.

    You should always refrain from writing comments which accuse users of posting fake giveaways, or question their integrity. It's important we show giveaway creators respect by allowing them time to follow-through with sending their gifts.

  • Why do I not have permission to view a group giveaway, when I'm a member of the related Steam group?

    This typically happens if you recently joined a new Steam group, and your account has not yet synced. Ensure you have your Steam profile set to public, and then force a sync with Steam. Once complete, you'll be able to access the giveaway.

  • Why are giveaway winners listed as "Anonymous"?

    Giveaway winners remain anonymous until they mark their gift as "Received" or "Not Received". We have this in place to prevent other users from copying the identity of a winner in an attempt to receive their gift.

  • How does a whitelist work?

    If you view a user profile, you'll see a button with a heart icon in the left column. If you click that button, the user will be added to your whitelist. If you click the button again, the user will be removed from your whitelist. When creating a giveaway, you have the option to limit your giveaway to users on your whitelist. By doing so, the giveaway will only be visible and accessible to those users, and only they will be able to enter for a chance to win. If you add new users to your whitelist after your giveaway has been created, those users will instantly gain access to the giveaway as well. If you remove a user from your whitelist, they will no longer have access to your whitelist giveaways, but their entries will remain valid for any previous giveaways they might have entered.

  • How does a blacklist work?

    On user profiles, you'll see a button with a circle icon and a slash through it in the left column. Clicking that button will add the user to your blacklist. Clicking that button again will remove the user from your blacklist. When you blacklist a user they will no longer see your giveaways on the homepage, and they will not be able to view or enter your giveaways from that point forward. If the user entered one of your giveaways prior to being blacklisted, their entry remains valid.

    It's important to note that blacklists work two-ways. If you blacklist a user, you will also no longer see their giveaways on the homepage, and you will not be able to view or enter their giveaways.


  • Why is there a limit to the number of gifts I'm able to give away?

    We limit the number of gifts a user can create for security purposes, and to prevent a new user from potentially posting a large number of invalid gifts to the site. When you create giveaways and your gifts are received, this number will increase. At that time you'll be able to create giveaways with a greater number of copies, and more simultaneous giveaways.

  • How do the "Gift" and "Key" options work when creating a giveaway, and sending my gift?

    When creating a giveaway you have the option to choose either "Gift" or "Key". The two are interchangeable, and after your giveaway ends, you can add or remove keys regardless of the option you select when creating your giveaway.

    • Gift
      You'll want to choose this option when you plan to send a Steam gift to your winner, or if you would like to add keys to your giveaway after it ends. Once your giveaway is complete, you'll be able to see the winner, along with their email address. You can then choose to either send the winner an email, or a message on Steam to deliver your gift. Once the gift is sent you'll want to check the "Sent Gift" checkbox next to the winner as a reminder that you're finished with the giveaway. If you prefer to send a Steam key through our site, you can click the "Add Key" button that's displayed beside the winner. You can then enter a key and click "Save" to assign the key to the winner. At that point, the key will not yet be visible to the winner. They will only be able to see the key on our site when you check the "Send Key" checkbox. If you uncheck that box at any time, they will no longer be able to see the key. An icon with an eye will appear next to the key once it has been viewed by the winner.

    • Key
      If you choose this option, you will be required to enter one or more Steam keys when creating your giveaway. Once your giveaway is complete, you'll be able to see your winner, along with their email address. You'll notice the key you previously entered is displayed next to their username, along with buttons to modify or delete the key if necessary. At that point, the key will not yet be visible to the winner. They will only be able to see the key on our site when you check the "Send Key" checkbox. If you uncheck that box at any time, they will no longer be able to see the key. An icon with an eye will appear next to the key once it has been viewed by the winner.
      If you create a giveaway for 50 keys or greater, the "Send Key" checkbox for each winner will be automatically selected. This means the keys will be instantly available to your winners the moment your giveaway ends. This is done to make the experience more convenient when managing giveaways with a higher number of keys.

  • How do the different giveaway types work when creating a giveaway?


    • As the name suggests, these giveaways are visible to everyone in the community.

    Invite Only

    • These giveaways are not publicly listed on the site, but rather remain hidden. Only users that know the URL of the giveaway will be able to enter for a chance to win. This allows you to privately share the giveaway link with friends, or outside communities. Many users also use these giveaways to create puzzles, and leave hints to help solve the URL.

    Whitelist / Steam Groups

    • This option allows you to limit the visibility of your giveaway to users of the selected Steam groups, and/or users that you whitelisted on our site. When selecting multiple groups, users will only need to be a member of one of those groups in order to have permission to view and enter the giveaway. Outside users will not be able to access the giveaway, even if they know the URL.

  • How do I delete a giveaway if I create one by accident, if I select incorrect information while setting it up, or if the gift is no longer available?

    When viewing your giveaway, you'll see a "Delete Giveaway" button in the left column. Clicking this button will let you specify a reason for the deletion, and it'll walk you through the process of creating a support ticket. If the giveaway is still open, the ticket will be automatically approved and the giveaway removed. If the giveaway has already ended, then the ticket will need to be approved by a member of support.

  • What should I do if the winner of my giveaway has not redeemed their key or gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them?

    1. If you sent the winner a key or gift link through our site over one week ago, then you can create a support ticket to request a new winner. Select "Unresponsive Winner" as the reason for the request.
    2. If you did not use our site to send the gift, then when creating the ticket we ask you to show you made an adequate attempt to send the gift to the winner over one week ago. This needs to be screenshots for one of the following:

      • A key or gift link sent to the winner's email address or by Steam chat (censor the key or gift link in the screenshot).
      • An email or Steam chat attempting to move forward with the gifting process (e.g. "Congratulations on winning my giveaway, where would you prefer I send the key?").
      • A pending Steam gift purchase or trade offer sent to the winner.
      • A pending Steam friend request, along with either an email or comment on SteamGifts to explain the pending request to the winner (e.g. "I sent you a Steam friend request, please accept so I can send the gift through Steam"). If you choose to write a comment on SteamGifts, include a link to the comment instead of a screenshot. The comment needs to be a reply to one of the winner's comments in your giveaway or a comment in one of the winner's own giveaways to trigger a notification for them.

      When providing screenshots, include timestamps when possible, as we will use these dates to determine when the conditions were met. If no timestamps are provided, we'll wait one week from receiving the screenshots to approve the request. When sending us a screenshot of an email, the date of the email and the recipient's email address needs to be visible.

  • The winner has redeemed my gift, but not marked it "Received". How do I proceed?

    If your gift has been activated or redeemed by the winner, and they have not left feedback after one week, please create a support ticket to request received feedback. A support member will review your ticket, and if the gift is activated on the winner's Steam account, they will update the feedback to "Received".

  • What happens if I create a giveaway and the winner is unable to activate the gift in their region?

    If you setup the giveaway with the appropriate region restrictions, and the winner was outside of those regions due to inaccurate information they provided, then you can request a new winner for the giveaway. If the giveaway did not have the correct region restrictions assigned to it, then one of three options are available.

    1. You can acquire a replacement gift or key for the same game, which the winner is able to activate in their region.
    2. You can accept the giveaway as being "Not Received" by the winner.
    3. You can submit a ticket to have the giveaway deleted. In order for us to delete the giveaway, the winner will need to post a comment on the giveaway saying they agree to have it removed.


  • What are points (P)?

    Points are used for entering giveaways. The number of points required to enter a giveaway is based on the list price of the corresponding Steam game in the US region. If the price of the game exceeds $50.00, the giveaway will be capped at 50 points.

  • How do I receive or earn more points (P)?

    Every user on the site is given an equal number of points. You will receive 6 points every 15 minutes.

  • How many points (P) can I receive?

    You will stop receiving points once you reach the maximum of 400 points. At that time, you will need to spend your points on giveaways before receiving more. In the below situations you might exceed the maximum point value.

    1. You manually remove a giveaway entry, and points are refunded.
    2. A giveaway you entered has been deleted. When this occurs, all users that joined the giveaway will have their points refunded.
    3. You win a game while having other active giveaway entries for that same game. In this case the site will automatically remove those entries to prevent the possibility of you winning the game twice, and the points will be refunded.
    4. Your account is synced after purchasing a Steam game and you have active giveaway entries for that game. The site will automatically remove those active giveaway entries since they're no longer needed, and the points will be refunded.

  • Do I get points (P) back if I don't win?

    Points are used for a chance to win, and they're not returned if you do not win. If you choose to remove your entry from a giveaway that's still open, the points will be returned to your account.

  • Can I enter a giveaway for a friend?

    You should only enter to win giveaways for yourself, and if you win a game, it must be activated and redeemed to the Steam account you used during registration. If a friend is interesting in joining giveaways, they'll need to register for their own account.

  • What are the rules for entering to win Steam packs if I currently own a number of the games contained within?

    We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games. This allows for winners that will receive the most value out of their gift. In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner.


  • How do I win games?

    If you browse our homepage, you'll see a listing of all giveaways that are currently available for you to enter. Once you enter a giveaway, you'll need to wait for it to end to see if you're the lucky winner.

  • How are giveaway winners selected?

    All giveaway entries are treated equally, and when a giveaway ends, the site will randomly select a winner. Users that are suspended during the selection process are unable to win, and their entries will be excluded when the winner is generated.

  • How do I know if I won a giveaway?

    If you win a giveaway, you'll see a popup on the site notifying you of the win. You'll also see a notification in the navigation bar, linking you to gifts won.

  • Why have I not won yet?

    Although some users might win on their first entry, others will need to enter a larger number of giveaways before being lucky. If you search for giveaways with a smaller number of entries, such as invite only and group giveaways, you'll have a higher chance of winning.

  • If I win a game, when can I expect to receive it?

    Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after their giveaway has ended. Depending on the type of gift and the giveaway creator, you might receive the gift to the email address you have listed on the account page, a key might be added beside the gift you won, or the giveaway creator might have sent you a friend request on Steam to make the exchange. Please remain patient, and do not contact the giveaway creator during this time. If the gift is not received after one week, you can mark the gift as not received, and attempt to contact the giveaway creator on Steam to follow-up.

  • If I win a game, can I regift, trade, sell, or remove it from my Steam account?

    According to our guidelines, no, all games you win must remain activated and redeemed on the Steam account you used during registration. Failure to activate games you have received will result in a suspension.

  • What should I do If I win a game that cannot be activated in my region, or if I receive a gift or key that does not match the game I won?

    You should contact the giveaway creator to return the gift, and to inform them of the situation. If the giveaway creator is able to provide you with a replacement gift or key for the same game that can be activated in your region, then you should mark the gift as "Received". In all other cases, the gift should be marked as "Not Received". When marking a gift as "Not Received" it's recommended that you leave an explanation in the giveaway comments as a reference for both the giveaway creator and our support team. If the giveaway creator is not able to provide a replacement gift or key, they may ask your permission to delete the giveaway.

  • What should I do if I win a game more than once, or if I win a game that I already purchased?

    When this occurs, you should contact the giveaway creator and inform them you will not be accepting or redeeming the gift. Explain the situation, and ask the giveaway creator to request a new giveaway winner. During this process you should not mark the gift as "Received", or reveal the key if the option is available. This will help inform us that you are not accepting the gift, and it will prevent you from being suspended for not activating a gift you won. Once the ticket from the giveaway creator is approved for a new winner, the win will be removed from your profile.

  • When should I mark a gift I won as "Received" or "Not Received"?

    You should only mark a gift as "Received" when you have both (i) received the exact game described in the giveaway, and (ii) activated that game on the Steam account you used during registration. In all other instances you should mark the gift as "Not Received" one week after the giveaway has ended.

Contributor Value and Levels

  • What is contributor value?

    Contributor value is a number that estimates the value of your giveaways within our community. When you give away a game, and the winner marks your gift as "Received", the value of the game is added to your contributor value. If your giveaway was assigned "No Value", or "Reduced Value", the value of the game would be adjusted prior to being added. There are also two other factors that may influence the value of your giveaway.

    1. After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) to your contributor value. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high contributor value from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.

    2. If a giveaway is invite only, region restricted, or limited to a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add contributor value if it receives 5 or more entries. This is in place to prevent small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.

    If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" dollar value on your profile, you'll see your contributor value after all of the above adjustments have taken place. You might also notice that games valued over $50.00 will only require 50 points to enter. However, their full price will be used when calculating contributor values.

  • What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways? How do they affect my overall contributor value?

    When creating a giveaway and selecting a game, you'll notice "No Value" games are marked with a double asterisk (**), and "Reduced Value" games with a single asterisk (*). If you hover over those icons, you'll see the effective date for the value adjustments. For example, if a game is marked with a single asterisk (*), and hovering the icon shows "Reduced value since January 4, 2018", this would mean giveaways created for that game on January 4, 2018 or later will receive reduced contributor value. Games typically receive no value or reduced value when they're featured in bundles, heavily discounted, or available for free in online promotions. Their values are adjusted this way to better represent their true value. Keep in mind, the asterisk icons are just for reference, and the value of a game can be backdated if we need to make retroactive changes.
    Games fall into one of the below three categories.

    1. No Value:
      No contributor value when given away after the effective date.

    2. Reduced Value
      15% contributor value when given away after the effective date.

    3. Full Value
      100% contributor value when given away.

    If you visit your profile, you can see a breakdown of your previous giveaways. If you hover over the "Gifts Sent" number on your profile, you'll see the number of gifts you have given away in each category.

    For example, you give away three games. Game A is $10.00 and it has no value. Game B is $20.00, and it has reduced value. Game C is $50.00 on Steam, and it has full value. Once your giveaways have ended and the gifts have been received by their winners, you will see the updated values on your profile. In this case, you would see "Gifts Sent: 3 ($80.00)". This would show that you have successfully given away 3 gifts, and their current list price on Steam is $80.00 in total. If you hover over the number of gifts, you would see you have one "No Value" gift, one "Reduced Value", and one "Full Value". If you hover over the dollar value, you would see you have a contributor value of $53. It would be calculated as 0% of the gift with no value (0 x $10.00 = $0.00) + 15% of the gift with reduced value (0.15 x $20.00 = $3.00) + 100% of the gift with full value ($50.00).

  • What are levels, and how can I increase my level?

    Levels range from 0-10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. Levels represent a user's contributions to the community. At their core, they are calculated based on a user's contributor value. When a user creates a giveaway that's received by the winner, their contributor value and level increases. This allows the user to access additional giveaways that are restricted to higher levels. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on your user profile, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places. This will give you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.

    Levels increase in difficulty almost exponentially. Below is a summary of levels and their corresponding contributor values.

    • Level 0: $0.00
    • Level 1: $0.01 - $25
    • Level 2: $25 - $50
    • Level 3: $50 - $100
    • Level 4: $100 - $250
    • Level 5: $250 - $500
    • Level 6: $500 - $1,000
    • Level 7: $1,000 - $2,000
    • Level 8: $2,000 - $3,000
    • Level 9: $3,000 - $5,000
    • Level 10: $5,000+

  • Why did my level decrease?

    There are two reasons why a decrease could occur.

    1. Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.
    2. Certain games on our site are flagged as "No Value" or "Reduced Value". This is done manually by our volunteers, and therefore there might be a delay before these values are assigned. For example, a game might be included in a bundle on January 10, 2018. If on January 13, 2018 we flag that game as "Reduced Value", with an effective date starting January 10, 2018 (the day the bundle started), then giveaways created between January 10-13, 2018 would have their value reduced accordingly.


  • I'm a game developer or publisher looking to promote my game through giveaways. How do I get started?

    If you're looking to promote a game, the best option is to create a featured giveaway. These giveaways are displayed at the top of our homepage, and receive the highest visibility. Featured giveaways are created in the same manner as every other giveaway, and our site will automatically feature giveaways on our homepage if they contain 50 copies of a game or greater, and if they're ending within four days. We feature up to two giveaways at once, and if more are available, then two will be displayed at random, with preference given to giveaways of higher copies. Please note, the giveaway will only be displayed to users that have permission to join, and if you choose to limit your giveaway to a particular Steam group, it will only be visible on the homepage to members of that group. If the limitations on your account do not allow you to create a giveaway for 50 copies or greater, then please contact support. We'll upgrade your account to developer status, allowing you to create giveaways up to 100,000 copies.

Last modified 10 months ago by cg.