As promised last week in my public giveaway, I'm making a puzzle giveaway for SS The Second Encounter HD. Thanks to user Usagi I found out and made a few questions regarding FPS games in recent history, I believe you should be able to solve it without problem. If there are any doubts, every game on the list was released for PC so don't try to answer with Killzone or something.. If you can't solve some questions please write here and I'll give you hints but please don't post answers here (or anywhere else :))

Oh...the puzzle will run till friday so you have plenty of time :)
have fun!

2: go with the most "obvious" one, as MorphineBear pointed out there are more "correct" answers, if in doubt use the single player one
6: the question is not about the protagonist IN the game but about the archenemy of the game, something like...BF vs COD franchise
I see many people having problems with number 6...I should write down Quake 3, it would be fairer
There are 41 entries as of Sunday 9:30 CET so I guess it's solvable ;)

1 decade ago*

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I don't know 1 and 6

1 decade ago

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me too

1 decade ago

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Nice puzzle, enjoyed the nostalgia.

1 decade ago

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1 and 6... Sh*t! Quake vs Duke Nukem -- no. Quake vs Unreal -- no. Quake vs Counter Strike -- no. Aw man, I stuck...

1 decade ago

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added a little "hint"

1 decade ago

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The answers are pretty easy. For me, i only stuck on 4th... there is so much games with auto-aim in.

1 decade ago

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Guys, if you come into chat and ask for the answers because you don't know how to Google, I'm going to ban you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Ah c'mon guys 6 it's easy <_< (this is my first puzzle solved <3 )

1 decade ago

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i do not have got only 1

1 decade ago

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Well, needed Google for No. 1

1 decade ago

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yesterday i use google and i do not find answer, today i use google and i find answer :D

solve it, thanks for puzzle/giveaway!

1 decade ago

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Only one I have left is 4 o.o

1 decade ago

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It's a yes or no question. 50/50

1 decade ago

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I can't get #1

1 decade ago

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google help a lot with this puzzle

1 decade ago

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really? I tried my best to make it useless.. Oh well :)

1 decade ago

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You're welcome and thanks for the puzzle. :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bor.