Hello everyone,
The first edition of this March MEGAEVENT is here, where 30 collaborators and me will put many many many games in giveaways.
I'm going to explain how it works; every day, a different collaborator has put up one or more different giveaways, to which I will double the number of games there are.
This means that if a collaborator puts in 3 games, I put in another 3, and so on.
Each collaborator chooses the rules and the level and together we choose the antibot measure, there will be all kinds, it depends on the time you have each day, there will be Jigidis, Ghosts, simple riddles, safes, hidden letters, nonograms and many more crazy things that occur to us, everything very easy to solve or see the links.
Each giveaway lasts 36 hours and every day I will edit this thread with the new collaborator.
On March 31, the event will end and there will be a final draw with great games and a one surprise for some of the comments during the event thread..
All thanks go to them who have participated in such a generous and selfless way in this little madness, they are incredible.
If you win a prize, high chances, don't forget to thank the user who has made it possible.
The start time of each day may vary, depending on the schedules of each collaborator and my own.
There are hundreds of games and we cannot guarantee, although we try to make them global, that they can all be activated in all regions. If you enter and cannot activate, you must be aware that you must specifically reject the prize so that it can reach another user. Russia, Ukrania and Argentina They're causing a lot of problems with activation. You'll need to specifically agree to cancel the giveaway if you're from one of those regions and can't redeem it.
Come on!!!

We have had a bad experience with a user who won a valuable giveaway on one of the days, and not only is he not able to thank the person who gave it to him, but he is not even able to mark it as received. Since this is a community event, where having a good time and enjoying the multiple prizes is the objective, I will not allow that kind of attitude. IT IS ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY TO HAVE EDUCATION IN THE EVENT THAT YOU WIN SOMETHING, If you do not comply with this simple rule of life, or I think you will not comply with it because you already do it habitually in all the giveaways that you win, you will be put on the blacklist anyway.

Day 1 Ch1ckwolf / Gus (Finished)

Day 2 Conti / Gus (Finished)

Day 3 Scorkla / Gus (Finished)

Day 4 ZeePilot / Gus (Finished)

Day 5 Codric / Gus. (Finished)

Day 6 yannbz / Gus. (Finished)

Day 7 puninup / Gus. (Finished)

Day 8 CuteEnby / Gus (Finished)

Day 9 Schmoan / Gus (Finished)

Day 10 Ottah / Gus (Finished)

Day 11 RGVS / Gus (Finished)

Day 12 Shurraxxo / Gus (Finished)

Day 13 Yugimax / Gus (Finished)

Day 14 DinoRoar / Gus (Finished)

Day 15 Ellendyl / Gus (Finished)

Day 16 McZero / Gus (Finished)

Day 17 GeekDoesStuff / Gus (Finished)

Day 18 canis39 / Gus (Finished)

Day 19 sobbiebox / Gus

Day 20 ShroudOfLethe / Gus

March 20
Level +1
Contributor: ShroudOfLethe

We've been here for 20 days now, and we're bringing you 20 games today.

For this occasion, I'm accompanied by ShroudOfLethe, who brings us not only games but also some truly descriptive entertainment. Today, you'll have to win access to the giveaways. I hope you enjoy reading and making decisions, because today we've become writers, and we're proposing this anti-bot measure.

Threat from Another World

I just have to thank ShroudOfLethe for collaborating in such a wonderful way today.


2 weeks ago*

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2 weeks ago

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hm. I'm unable to get the scratch off to work with either Firefox or Microsoft Edge (without adblock just in case). I also tried it on phone and I have no idea how to get this to work. I was able to get in through F12 though I guess?

Also I think SG is killing the site lol

2 weeks ago

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Seriously? I'll have to put something else for those who can't like this.

2 weeks ago

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for me the mortal sin one is broken, but I see red worked(I didn't check rest as not interested)

edit: checked the rest
stardew valley and winter embers are working

2 weeks ago*

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I hope I'm not being stupid. I get the coin cursor and I hold left click to scratch off the card but the second I do, confetti spews out and I lose the "coin". I am then unable to scratch the card.

edit: oh wow, I got stardew valley to work and that's so cool. The card I see for the error just loads up as an empty blue card.

2 weeks ago*

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not just you, it seems only 3/8 are working correctly.
the other 5 you can get the link via inspect element.

2 weeks ago

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Thаnk you for the tip with inspect tool, also experiencing that bug on Liаr's bar link

Big event like this is hard to do without few issues poping up)

2 weeks ago

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Limited to phone right now but also unable to get through on Mortal sin, Assassin's creed, or mouthwashing. I see red worked and I get a nice little explosion of emojis though so there's that. 😆

2 weeks ago

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solved for those of you who have problems

2 weeks ago

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Solution works great! Thank you for the work around.

2 weeks ago

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I think we're all just outing ourselves as bots today, giggles.

But yeah, I can't scratch the cards, just pops up with emojis and nothing else, tried in three different browsers, and turning the adblock off. Your F12-method worked though, does it makes us more bot-like?

Edit: I can see the "I see red" one and "Winter Ember", but none of the others.

2 weeks ago*

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solved for those of you who have problems

2 weeks ago

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Hm, i have problems with the scratch thing.
Moving without a click don't do something.
Clicking and moving or only clicking lead to a celebration but absolut nothing get scratched or revealed.
So i see in the end the same as before.
Refreshed the site 15x and tried everything that came to my mind.
I seen that the scratch animation show always a different "way" and i tried to imitate this but no effect with click and with a click or click + moving, the same result as before.

Are the the scratch things ok and the error is on my side?
Or have the thing a problem?
Or do i something wrong?

2 weeks ago

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solved for those of you who have problems

2 weeks ago

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Hey thanks and bump for day 4!
Just a thing maybe to consider: The scratch cards execpt from "I see Red" and "Winter ember" is not working for me. The cards are just blank blue. I had to go through F12 menu and find the ga link. Maybe it is just me but i wanted to give heads up.

2 weeks ago

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solved for those of you who have problems

2 weeks ago

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Sorry for spam, didn't see the previous messages.

2 weeks ago

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Day 4 seems like a good set of chill games, with a side of drama, action, and adventure. Thanks again for hosting!

I had no idea that there was a custom "scratch cards" website.

2 weeks ago

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Liar's Bar is hard to put into those categories, but yes, today there is something for everyone.

2 weeks ago

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Gus finds all the out of the way custom sites, just look at his previous puzzles and giveaways! :D

2 weeks ago

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MEGABUMP for Day 4

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the alternative for scratch, I'm without a(n internet connected) PC, and it didn't want to work on mobile :)

2 weeks ago

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This is so that everyone can enjoy it, it wouldn't make sense to leave people out because of problems with the website I chose today.

2 weeks ago

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thank you for organizing the event! Bump :)

2 weeks ago

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Fun assortment of games! I got so much play out of Black Flag in console. The ship battles were very fun. And Stardew, so many hours in it. I found a few that look great to enter I dont have. Thanks everyone.


2 weeks ago

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Day 4 bump!

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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great giveaways as always

2 weeks ago

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Thanks to Zeepilot (and gus of course) for today’s giveaways 😊

2 weeks ago

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Cheers to you and Zeepilot for another great round of giveaways!

2 weeks ago

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Day 4 bump, thank you!

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Thank you ZeePilot and gus for the great selection!

2 weeks ago

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Day 4 bump

2 weeks ago

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March Madness continues...

2 weeks ago

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Bump! Thanks for the Mega-GAs!

2 weeks ago

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Late bump for Day 3! There's still time to enter :)
Thanks Gus for this MegaEvent and thanks also to Scorkla for today GA :)

2 weeks ago

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All the scratch cards were a bust (blank), so I decided to break through the padlock and break in!
There are so many intriguing titles! Thank you very much!
(I'm using Google Chrome, but it didn't work. I wonder why...?)

2 weeks ago

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Nice security setups :)

2 weeks ago

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scratches didn't work for me, but the padlock did, thanks and bump :)

2 weeks ago

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Day 4 bump! As always, great giveaways! Thank you ZeePilot and gus, yipppieeee.

2 weeks ago

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