Sorry for the late edit. Completely forgot to give the solution:

  1. A Juggler's Tale
  2. Amanda the Adventurer
  3. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
  4. Batman: Arkham Asylum
  5. The Binding of Isaac
  6. Epic Mickey
  7. Kindergarten

If you wanted to find out the answers the easiest way you could have looked at my Steam profile for the achievements. I did make a mistake on the Epic Mickey though. I genuinely thought the first game was already on Steam but it was just the second game. By the time I realized I messed up on the hint, the puzzle had been made public so I made it to were either game was acceptable.

~~I saw these two puzzles by semik552 and ExcelElmira and it look fun to make.

Here seven drawing of variable quality that I spent to long on. Some were just me experimenting. You have to name the game the character is from.
It is case sensitive.

I hope its easy.
Answers are pretty easy to find it your not sure.

1 month ago*

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In question 2 you've made one letter the wrong capitalization (see the name of it on Steam for reference), which means a lot of people are probably trying out the real answer and still not getting it correct.

EDIT: And solved. The only one that took me a bit to figure out was Question 4. Thanks for the puzzle!

1 month ago*

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Thank you for telling me about that. It's fixed.

1 month ago

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Bump for solved! Nice drawings

1 month ago

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Those are some pretty good drawing. I have to admit that it took me an embarrassing amount of time to realized what games were at Q4 and Q6.

1 month ago

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Q6 had me stumped the longest.

1 month ago

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Bump! Great drawings, I really enjoy these puzzles.

1 month ago

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Bump! Thanks for the puzzle, nice drawings =)

1 month ago

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Bump, nice puzzle, but I have to admit I never heard about 3 of these games before... 😅

1 month ago

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Bump! Nice drawings! ^^

1 month ago

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Bump, thank you for the giveaway! Had a bit of trouble with Q3 (i assumed writing the name of the series would've been enough). The only one that had me absolutely stumped was the last question, that's legitimately the first time i'm hearing of this game. Is it popular? Where did you find it?

1 month ago

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Sorry for not replying sooner.
Several big gaming youtubers that I watch played it when it first came out. The most popular video has 14 Million views.

1 month ago

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No worries! Yeah I looked into it a but more and figured that was the case. It was a period where I had already grew out of popular let's players so I never really heard of a lot of those titles that weren't as talked about after all those years

1 month ago

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Bump ✨

1 month ago

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I'll not be entering but I do want to say what a lovely set of different styles you have for your artwork.

Seems like number 4 was giving some people a nightmare of a time solving it :)

1 month ago

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a little bit of trouble with #4, thank you for the giveaways

1 month ago

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Wow, I've never even heard of game #6 before! I can tell what the elements are in the picture (which means it's a very good drawing) but for the longest time I thought I must be interpreting it wrongly :o

Thank you for the giveaways! All these puzzles are making me wonder if I want to try out some drawing-puzzles myself.

1 month ago

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This was fun. All of these games I either played before, seen them in trailers, or seen them here on this website

1 month ago

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dang, and here I thought Q7 was hard but everyone else thought it was easy. Good art too btw :)

1 month ago

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Thanks for the giveaways. You were really able to mimic each game's different art style. Q4 is my favorite villain in that franchise and you drew him really well :) Took me a hot minute to figure out Q7, though.

1 month ago

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Bump, puzzle was hard, but fun

1 month ago

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Bump for solved

1 month ago

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Bump! Great drawings, and thanks for the giveaway opportunities! Feeling smart for getting number 4 right away lol. Btw my favorite drawing was number 6, the super geometric style is cool!

1 month ago

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I swear I've seen Q3 before but I can't remember where, and I have no clue of where to even start with Q7. The rest ranged from knowing them immediately to having to check what was the full name of the game by searching the one word I remembered and scrolling through the results until I saw it. Surprised that people struggled with Q4, to me it was one of most obvious ones.
But now I'm pretty much stuck.

Edit: came back an hour later and figured it out. Thanks for the puzzly train, it was fun.

1 month ago*

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Stuck on the same 2 you were

1 month ago

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I don't feel confident giving clues for someone's else puzzle, but I can tell you that Q7 is fairly obscure, takes some thinking.

1 month ago

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Bump :)

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Bump for solved ;)

1 month ago

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Having trouble with q3 and q7. Hmm... bump for now.

1 month ago

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Q3 Has been banished, only Q7 remains. I'm so lost...

1 month ago

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Hint: Several big gaming youtubers that I watch played it when it first came out. The most popular video has 14 Million views. There is a musical based of the game with 30 Million views. It takes place in a school.

1 month ago

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bump for solved

1 month ago

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