Did you know that the words "no" and "wrong" have a greater tendency to provoke an aggressive response than the word "incorrect", simply due to the amount of negativity inherent in both words? This is why counselors are typically discouraged from using those words when dealing with patients who have a history of violence. :3
This Tzaar Tidbit has been sponsored by Capcom and Street Fighter V.
Disclaimer: I'm not really a counselor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.
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Oh sorry, I didn't know that. :o
I had a similar occurance with "Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet" which got revoked, and I was still able to change the feedback. The gib was deleted later after the hoster made a request ticket.
Now I would also know how to behave appropriately in such cases. I think you should try to get in touch with the gib-hoster, either they will provide a new working key for the game, or they should make a ticket to request a deletion of the gib. ;)
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If you can't get a replacement key (thought I saw somewhere that you were going to try, but I could be mistaken), send a ticket to support to get the feedback changed. You may wish to provide a screenshot of the revocation in the ticket.
Edit: You may also wish to wait this storm out and hold off on that ticket for a bit, as support may be working on another way to deal with this.
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yeah, same here.. for sure I bought it on Steam (I mean: maybe from a bundle but I haven't won it or received for free) and I haven't won it here, anyways never received such a message.. through Steam Help I saw it was activated in May, 2018 and revoked today =\ I had a single DLC (called Find Exit) but this one has not been revoked..
The DLC was won 4 months ago on steamgifts, the game 100% not found here so I bought on the store/bundles 99%..
edit, new steam help assistance message: Simple Story Alex - Good Day, another DLC, was revoked but NOT the one I won on steamgifts, so it means I had that dlc from who knows where since I played it 7 8 months ago the last time..
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well, I won on SG Find Exit (Simple Story - Alex DLC) and.. it's the only one that was not revoked! =\ I don't own the base game anymore and i'm gonnna ask the creator if he wants to delete it 'cos I don't want to be part of this mess-up by the developers..
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yeah you're right, fortunately I didn't won the base game on steamgifts xD anyways I contacted them the same since I don't own anymore the base game and it happens they mass revoked lots of dlc keys =\
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it seems that some DLCs weren't revoked.. I still own Find Exit (Simple Story - Alex DLC) which I won on steamgifts, another DLC I won a month later was revoked along with the base game I activated through a bundle by myself.. though there are players who still have the base game and some dlcs..
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I feel like there is a lesson here: Stop supporting penny bundle sites!
Hear, hear.
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And in the forums of the developer of Simple story - Alex, there is ONE single person defending him. And it's an old veteran from SG of defending developers when they erase our games.
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The problem is that it's not that I bought something and it doesn't work. It's that the manufacturer has entered my home, stolen what I had, which worked perfectly, and told me to solve it by myself.
In a few years Sony can make your TV stop working remotely. Do you agree that if you buy a TV in BestBuy, and BestBuy shuts down without paying Sony, then Sony can shut down forever your TV? Hey, you and the millions of other innocent people can ask Best Buy to solve it.
And that computer or that mobile that you bought... hey. Are you sure that every single royalty has been paid? Right now there are thousands, of patents in hardware and software in your hands. And multiple trials about them. Do you agree that if there is any dispute with the patents, your computer can be shut down until the courts decide, say, in a year or two?
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"TVs getting revoked" would indeed seem weird. But, not every case is that weird. In example, you are renting a flat and part of the rental agreement is that you pay the flat-owner/landlord for electricity, with the landlord having the account for the electricity at the company supplying the electricity. And while you still paid the landlord for electricity, the landlord stops paying the company for electricity - due to which the company turns off the electricity for the flat. And what now? Who do you complain to or about ? That company or the landlord? I would think that you would blame the landlord, or not?
Or another example. After that affair you decide to go on holiday until they sort it out. So you go to a travel agency and book a flight and hotel. The flight went alright, but once you arrive at the hotel, the receptionist tells you that they can't accept the voucher you present from the travel agency because the travel agency did not pay what they were clearly asked to pay in advance for the booking to be confirmed. Now, the receptionist or perhaps even the general manager of the hotel may be right in front of your face, and as so often happens be the target for verbal anger, but are they really to blame for not providing what the travel agency promised you while they didn't fulfill their obligations with the hotel? In other words, doesn't it rather make sense for you to contact the travel agency for them to sort it out or at least provide you with an alternative, or in case they don't, for them to be the ones who you would be suing for money-back and for your expenses you had due to the situation?
That said, in case of them video games and licenses, I think that indie-devs are shooting themselves in their own leg when they do mass-revocations, since their lack of making proper contracts to go to court with should not be a problem of customers. But in terms of the argument about "Who are you mad at?", as shown it can be easily argued that rather the landlord and the travel agency are to blame than the supplier of the "promised".
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In both cases, electricity and a holiday, it's not a product you have, but a service. In this case, we are talking about a object in your hands (game license, we all understand) that perfectly works, that you legally paid yourself. I think my examples, a TV that you bought yourself and that works, a computer that you bought yourself and works, a mobile that you bought yourself and it works in this case are better.
Let's not forget that at least in the indiegala case, the dev was ultimately responsible, since indiegala provided the invoiced that proved they paid the developer. And the developer, who is banning everybody from the forums didn't even contact indiegala first. But it was too late for the owners of the game. Even if indiegogo provided right now all the proof, and the developer admitted he messed up, it's too late already.
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Also only trolls who can't read find any defending done there. Just like they confuse a worthless trash +1 with a brand new TV. They just simply can't think about anything other than their precious +1. And to a raging mob of kids, anyone who says anything sensible is their mortal enemy. So much fun :)
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Itse olen ollut koko ajan rauhallinen, jos ei nyt huvittuneisuutta lasketa rauhattomuudeksi. Siksi onkin niin hauskaa rauhallisena todeta faktoja kun toiset huutavat naama punaisena että seuraavaksi devit tulee ja pöllii sun talon ja muita harhojaan. Mutta anteeksi jos vinkujia vastaan vinkuminen aiheutti häiriötä omalta osaltani.
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Oh sì, ho dimenticato di dire che le banane sono arrivate perché l'inserzionista è stato fatto in Finlandia dal curatore 6.12. anche se sapevo e ammettevo apertamente che era contrario alle regole. Questo terribile peccato io sono pronto a ripetere ogni anno :)
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I do wish people would stop using terrible analogies.
Sometimes I think they'd compare a blister on their thumb to someone being crushed by a fallen airplane full of elephant dung and then run over by a herd of antelope being ridden by tutu-wearing chimpanzees carrying spiked baseball bats.
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Analogies are simple language tools people use to help others understand their point of view.
Take yours for example, which seems simple enough; but if it was being used to prove some sort of culpability of someone else.... For example, if I slammed your thumb in the door on purpose causing your thumb to blister, is that my fault or not?
I do see your point but this keeps on happening so the analogies will keep coming I fear. ^^
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The phrase "making mountains of molehills" comes to mind (to clarify - not about your comment).
The simple point was this - there's no analogy that can be made between a game being revoked from your Steam account and someone breaking into your home and stealing your television.
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I agree, it is a bad analogy.
I thought the analogy regarding a 'kill switch' being placed in the TV made a bit more sense but in the end this is new territory for us all.
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I just get weary with people making everything seem like an "end of the world" thing.
Contact the retailer, be nice, ask for a replacement key. If that fails, go to the developer, be nice, ask for a replacement key.
If all that fails, it's still not the end of the world. There's no reason for people to be all up in arms and belligerent. It's just way too much.
When something like this happens, I stop and ask myself this -- "How bad is my day if this is the worst thing that happens to me today?"
Anyway, sorry for the "rant", it wasn't directed at you, just at the whole situation. I'll switch it off now. ;)
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You aint kidden tho.
I knew a kid got stabbed for stepping on someone's shoes while on the subway. I think for a lot of people it is the perceived slight, the 'disrespect' that urks them.
What alarmed me about it is knowing it will keep happening and just the fact that it is really inconvenient to remedy.
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not exactly, yes IF there is a problem between them , MUST stay between them, taking it from the final customer is worst.
Dev can gain support of community making awareness about his problem, showing the proves, and making people empathetic with him, this is a stupid movement from developers not understanding Public Relationships
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While his point is good, he's not taking into account that it was not just that the product stopped working, but that it was deliberately disabled by the "manufacturer". Any time a company decides to do something that affects costumers negatively they're the one to blame, not the retailers. The developer decided to do something against people that were not involved in any way with the situation, he deserves all the flak he's getting right now.
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I take all things into account, like the actual worth (0) of what was lost. If a +1 is the most precious thing in your life and worth raging in a lynch mob, you have far worse problems with your life. It's irrelevant who did what, the end result is still that in case of any problem with a paid product, you should ask your retailer for a refund/replacement since they are the ones who got your money. This concept is even written in consumer protection laws.
Let's see what happened with the Urban crap, people raged online writing fake reviews and that achieved nothing at all. Then they contacted the bundle site who handled the mess with the dev and got them replacement keys. So how are acting like an adult and actually thinking the bad things here? Is it more important to point fingers and blaming others OR actually trying to fix the problem?
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You downplay the worth of the "+1" grossly based on your views. It's not always about the monetary value, or about a meaningless number. There are several other ways people might perceive loss. Like having something taken from you that you believe shouldn't have been, it's a really harsh trust issue for some, especially those unaware that Steam licenses work that way.
Also, you're not considering that people have to waste their time over this contacting the store or people they gave or received keys to/from. I lost some good 5-10 minutes I'd rather spend somewhere else today. So, nope, despite the worthless game there was definitely plenty of actual worth I lost over this. Though if you don't value your time just let me know and next time something like this happens I'll contact you so you can handle it for me.
Anyway, I don't care about the game loss nor support people review bombing or raging at the dev. So I agree with you there. Also sure, take it to Otakumaker for a refund if that's the case, you'd be a fool otherwise. But I disagree that people shouldn't be doing anything regarding the dev. If anything, the response he's getting might make him or other devs reconsider something like this in the future. On my part, I marked the dev and will not be supporting anything he makes in the future. What other people do about it is not my concern.
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No, I state the worthlessness of a +1 that nobody has ever played or wouldn't know they had if someone asked before the removal. This doesn't justify taking it away of course, I have never said that, it just makes raging about it like it's the end of the world look really childish. But unlike many love to imagine, it doesn't mean that every AAA game will be taken from you the next day if you don't rage about it. And it means even less the more loved imagination that they will break into your house and steal your TV, dog and car. If you never played a game and never will, what valued does it have in reality? It's not monetary, it's not entertainment value, so it can only be either sentimental feelings towards the game or the loss of a +1.
People get 2-3 games as compensation from the dev from what I've read, so they get 1-2 more +1s for just spending that 5 mins. And if they really can't waste those minutes, why are they wasting 10 times more minutes complaing about the situation instead of trying to at least fix it? You spent the same amount of time writing me that reply than it takes to send the email to the dev, so nice to know that you value me more than your time. I cared about the game enough to read the notice, check that I won it here and post the news and agree to delete the GA. After that it's been all for fun while doing 1-2 other things at the same time, so no time was really lost, didn't even bother emailing since I gave up on +1s.
Do you actually believe that anyone buys those games from Steam store ever? And they read reviews and notice the game only 10 people have ever played is from a bad dev, so they will buy some other trash instead? My bet is that they will continue buying more trash from the dev as long as they appear in $0.40 bundles of horrible crap. So what can it actually accomplish if mobs rage at the dev? I bet that it can only succeed in the dev saying FU and forget ever being a game dev. If nobody will ever buy any of their games, what reason do they actually have to keep trying, the $100 they get once a year from some shitty bundle? So if raging like a spoiled kid can only have bad results, why not try the adult way instead. If you want to not support all devs like those, just stop buying shitty bundles that only have trash games like that.
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Ursprünglich geschrieben von justseedy:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Creative:
thanks what do i need to put in the e-mail to prove i bought the bundle?
Like I said, page 4, first post. Everyone looking for a form of compensation, just send and E-mail with proof of revocation.
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Got 1 key, for a 2 min achievement farmer which thought was little misleadingly advertised as a logic riddler.... yaaay 😩
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Only got Find Exit revoked, but that's probably since I only used that key from the #75 bundle. Had the base game before and the other DLCs didn't seem worth it to be redeemed to me. Contacted GoGo by PayPal and the dev by mail.
Oh, and since it's ridiculously matching, have a Trash Story (replacement by dev):
(a pile of ?unk)
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If you bought through Paypal, do a chargeback. The company that you bought from will have to sit up and take notice of that.
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I think the time limit is 3-4 months. It's worth looking into. They shouldn't be allowed get away with it.
My thinking was that if enough people did file a chargeback, the company would be forced to resolve it pretty sharpish. If the time-limit has indeed passed, then that's too bad. :(
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Here we go again, another lying dev punishing consumers because they have an issue with the storefront they authorized to sell their game...
My key wasn't revoked, but like I said the last time- this will continue to happen again and again until some kind of system is put into place.
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