If you don't have another Steam account, you can do it from ASF console:
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I use it, but I don’t know where to enter this command
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It is free .
Click on the " Free " on top right.
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339080 | Glare1more - Commercial License (Monthly) | Free on Demand | Last Updated: 3 months ago
Apps in this package
834150 | Game | Glare1more | $5.59 | 3 months ago
The app is $5.59, the package it is contained in is free, hence you bypass the cost of the game itself by activating the free package [in the same manner that you'd bypass the price of an app if you were to purchase a GOTY package that contained the app].
The reason the game doesn't show up in library as a +1, the reason it can be removed easily, and the reason it doesn't drop trading cards are all due to the activated package being Free on Demand, which negates all of those elements. You are still getting access to the full game, just not to any of the elements that come from having a paid license.
So, from the Steam side of things, nothing seems to be a bug.
As far as the publisher side of things, seeing as it was last updated 3 months ago, it seems to be less a bug, and more an inept or bizarre approach to their package configurations.
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btw, before anyone get excited:
1: this not add a permanent copy to your account. It is not a +1game to add via this way.
so this add some demo to your account.
2: you cant get the trading card with this version.
Unless you want to play this is pointless for everyone else.
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it does have cards, I was running the game the badge page still showed that no card drop left, also activation history showed it as Glare1more - Commercial License (Monthly) which isn't the common wording and license for full package activation.
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Made me think of this lol:
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You are right. It does not stick on app . I can delete and it is gone on steam app.
But, steam website says you still have it. Wont let you buy it. Demo's , you can still buy the game.
As far as Trading card. I know it was post Feb. 12 that is had Trading cards.
But, steam says it does not have Trading cards. There no indication under the " Single-Payer " that is does now.
Maybe removed.
I'm going to go with Aydaylin on this. It is a bug.
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Account purchase log: Glare1more - Commercial License (Monthly)
Wondering if that’s a monthly pass and it means I could keep the game for one month :doubt:
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me too, but nothing like "Commercial License" showing up when u install the game
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While I can't say for sure, I don't think Steam publishers can actually revoke purchases made through Steam itself. The publisher can just update the package to no longer include the game, of course, but even that wouldn't interfere with the game if you already had it installed.
Though, if the publisher wanted to be really dramatic, they could purposefully break the game [which would break it in every package] and then add a working version to every paid package. Then, allowing Steam to update the game would in fact break the install for any freely obtained copy.
Anyway, the package has been up for 3 months now, so we can at least say the label has nothing to do with the publisher's intentions. :P
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I think Steam keeps copies of all old releases of games and it is possible to download the old versions. I don't know if the devs have the ability to remove these old versions or if Steam keeps them permanently. There is no easy way to do it, but it is possible. I was just playing a game that has bugs for a lot of people and there was 11 updates to the game. I had to download a release from 2016 to get it to work.
Edit: Then you have to stop Steam from updating the game automatically, which is also not that straight forward.
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I found out about it from these instructions someone posted on Reddit.
I was having issues with the game "The Bunker" and created a thread with my own instructions here.
Also, you may not get all the game files in the download. I think the updates usually just give you the files that changed so Steam doesn't have to redownload the entire game everytime a dev releases an update. Steam will not overwrite the game files automatically when installing an old version this way. You will need to look at the new downloaded files and compare them to the ones that are already installed and replace the ones that need to be replaced. Or you might just be able to copy all the files to the game directory and let windows overwrite what is already there. I'm not sure if that will work correctly in all games though.
If anything major changed, your save and settings config files might not be compatible, so backup your save just incase it ends up not being compatible and you want to go back to it on the newer version of the game.
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It's VR arcade license tied to monthly payments, so you'll be charged each month until canceled.
Like this: https://imgur.com/siu63ke (normal accounts can't see these on store, afaik)
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Make sure to then add the free dlc
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The steam page for me shows the price.
But on steamdb, top right hand corner, you can get it for free.
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Interesting, mine on pc immediately led to “open in steam client” and then it immediately started a download after.
Glad it worked for you!
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Were you going to buy it if you didn't get it for free? I would never buy that game with money so there can't be any harm in me getting it for free.
What if you win it here, did they lose the price of the game and do you feel like you should send them money as compensation?
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Well I can't speak as to the others but I remember reading about how the folks behind Dark Matter took people's money and just left the game with an abrupt ending and abandoned it so unless that has changed then they aren't worthy of anyone's good will.
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Saw it dropped card on my other account. I had removed from main but good that you can restore games in steam support :)
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Here you have some more
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Available Commercial License Games
ASF for all availables
!addlicense ASF
How can I add it to my account?
Fixed Commercial License Games
Aren't you getting the cards?
Want to remove a game from your account?
If you want to reactivate the license in the account, you should be able replicating the steps with a "it doesn't appear in the library" option instead and that you want to recover it.
The developer of Glare1more invites us to leave a review or also you can buy their other game
Leave a little love if you get a chance to play it!
Thanks to madjoki for his great tool.
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