
7 years ago*

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"However, I do find it kind of frustrating that even employing my best winning strategies, I still win mostly $1 crap."
Have you tried not entering for stuff you don't want?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You kinda answered yourself there, but I think you're overthinking it.
This system is random, you win(if you're lucky enough to win) things at random but only those things that you entered a giveaway for. So while increasing the number of GAs for a certain game would supposedly mean better chances to win it, in the end is a very unreliable way of obtaining the game you want.
For a more realist way of getting the game you can either:

  • Wait for the game to get bundled or heavily discounted so you can catch an increased number of GAs or "flood".
  • Increase your contributor level to gain access to more GAs.
  • Try your luck with groups, puzzles, trains, etc.; where the entries are lower and the chances higher.
  • Or just buy the game yourself.
7 years ago

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That's some deep thinking.

7 years ago

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This isn't a problem. You only see it as a problem because you're entering to win games you don't want.

Ponder this.

7 years ago

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OP is just level 2 in contributor value.

7 years ago

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He also hasn't given away any 20 point games, so this wouldn't even affect him

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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So you're only in it for the "profit." Got it, thanks.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And don't forget he enters for games he doesn't even want, which prevents people who DO want them from winning. It's disgusting that he refers to the games he won as "$1 crap". Might as well just be spitting in the face of all the other entries, all the people who wanted the game, but lost it to someone who didn't even want it.

I've won a few games that I've never played, from back when I logged in every day and tried to use all my points so none got wasted. But I would NEVER call a game I won "crap" because that's disrespectful both to the person who gave it away, as well as the people who lost the giveaway.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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We need better games so the chain I describe above does not happen.

No, you yourself want to win better games. No one "needs" any of this.

7 years ago

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Well, nobody keeps you from doing that now. Also you didn't take the fact into account that most of the "$1 crap" was bundled or even free before, so their CV actually already is lower than the price.

7 years ago

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Don't enter things that are $1????????!! crazy suggestion IK but it MIGHT work

7 years ago

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You are correct that SG is full of giveaways of games not because they are good, but because they give the most CV and this is a problem, but I do not like your suggestion of basing CV on the price of the game. This is a very difficult problem to fix in a fair way and I don't think anyone has thought of a proper way to fix it yet.

I think it would be interesting to have the CV work on supply and demand based on the community wishlist. The higher the game is ranked in the community wishlist the higher percent of CV is gives based on its retail value, but that system is not perfect and would have some problems as well. I explained it better here as well as talked about a few different ideas about the CV system in that thread.

7 years ago

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InB4 every user puts bad rats on their wishlist

7 years ago

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Remember that CV is dynamic, it gets constantly recalculated when a game changes its price. Now imagine the insane CV fluctuations if it was linked to the community wishlist.

7 years ago

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even if you set unbundled games to x5 cv, people will keep buying and giving away bundles, they are more convenient than a full price game.
they are easier to acquire, better for trains, you can contribute in events, and you can spam threads with them. ^^

7 years ago

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How will users be compensated for giveaways already finished if your idea is used on this website? What about level 10 users?

7 years ago

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Thanks everyone. I understand the community's reaction and admit that may be this is a dumb idea.
I'll close the thread now, cheers.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by gmodder311.