Will you Be Mine?
Fingers crossed for this one. ^^
Can't really say anything yet as there's no info yet. :O
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Likewise here on the pre-ordering. :-)
Be gentle with me, Be Mine 12 was my first one. ^^
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Maybe... but just like classic sport cars or real men they don't make 'em like they used to anymore :D
Although I would be glad to be proven wrong. Bring it on Groupees!
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With Be Mine's Jonny makes a drawing with hints. You can check the last Be Mine #28 thread, scroll down to "Guesses / Hints: Jonny's drawing". Click on the link and you can see the drawing he made last time, and how we all tried coming with guesses to what games are in the bundle. A looot of them were guessed correctly before pre-order time was over! =)
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Well, you don't need to use all the coins at once! :P But no, you still cannot use only a part of a coin.. :/ no change back or whatever. I remember they said they would consider implementing that, but I guess they decided against that since it's been what.. 1½ years since they said that?
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Then what are the $15 and $18 coins even for? It's not like they have a store (that would be really cool) or really expensive bundles (at least none for me). I was saving the coins until now based on that promise (I feel like they actually said they would do it, not just think about it), but now I guess I can just donate the excess amount next time I buy from them ...
(also, thanks for your answer)
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Well, they have expensive bundles sometimes. E.g. their visual novels (nsfw ones), and comic bundles. Hell even the Holiday Helpings 3 had a $50 tier.
You could also trade the coins to someone who's interested in them! They do have their trading system on the site. :)
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They have a 750$ Bundle right now. But only 2 copies available so better be fast ;)
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I have to admit the Purgatori and the Vampirella statues do look pretty cool and I don't even really know the comics, just the characters in general vaguely. But from the pictures the level of detail is hard to tell. But I assume for that price they're hopefully from McFarlane or whoever else makes high quality statues nowadays.
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Oh wow, it's sold out now!! People got too much money :D
Yesss! Especially Vampirella look awesome to me! Besides that Red Sonja and Purgatori look quite nice too!
I'm interested in the comics, but I probably wouldn't get to them anytime soon anyways. Didn't even read any of the comics I've gotten from Groupees over the years anyways.. Hm :p
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Yeah.. That's really a bummer.. Not everyone knew that. I feel like they should have had a banner saying something like "Note: If you are buying with coins you won't contribute to the charity" .. but maybe that would put Groupees in a bad light? Idk. Still weird to me.
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I have a feeling like the last bundle, the good games will end up in better Bundlestars bundle and then I'll end up feeling ripped off again. Happened with Blacksea Odyssey and The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition. Looking at that bundle again... Jesus fucking christ are groupees bundles overpriced or what?
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Oh my god, this sucks. I hope it isn't $1 Ride, the trail on the header is longer.
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One of the hints might be from this one: http://store.steampowered.com/app/389190/
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Two decent guesses so far (not by me):
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I believe Groupees doesn't take coins for pre-orders.
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Ahh... gotcha!
Although, I haven't seen any info pertaining to either the presence or absence of a coin in the bundle.
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Although, I haven't seen any info pertaining to either the presence or absence of a coin in the bundle.
Irenie is right. Normally when it has been "+ 1 other" it has most cases been a coin or software. That's how we knew in the past. =) Like when you hover over the gamepad icon etc. It shows how many games etc. are in the bundle.
I believe Groupees doesn't take coins for pre-orders.
Correct! One cannot use coins when pre-ordering!
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"recent buyers:tchii" ^^
I'll join the list as well... I'd like to believe that the quality will be there. I'm fine with anything as long as it works properly and it's not a cookie-cutter shmup/platformer/unitiy horror. Groupees needs originality.
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Given the number of rebundles, Groupees hasn't even been catering to the +1 crowd this past year, much less to people looking for noteworthy game bundlings.
Their introduction of the 50 cent bundles really exemplified their approach for this year (and their other bundles feel as though they ought to have been similarly priced). :X
Even this bundle, which should be a highlight, feels like a normal, no-name $2 bundle (at least by Groupees standards prior to this year), and not a $4 Be Mine. :X
It's not bad, persay, except by pricing and label expectations- where it fails in comparison to basically every other bundle site out there, nevermind prior Groupees standards.
Given that all Groupees projects (such as profile revamping) seem to have thoroughly stalled as well, it really feels as though they've just given up entirely.
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I can't help but agree with you. Seeing though as all the bundlers seem to struggle - no real bundle on Bundlestars for months, Indiegala showering us with shovelware, all other bundlesites even worse in quality, even HB skipping and repeating more than anything else when we used to have plenty of quality bundles to choose from - I'm hesitant to blame them fully.
I used to really like Groupees, they had the most personal approach of all bundlers to me and remains of that are still there. I wish they'd adapt and handle a few things differently (especially concerning respect towards their customers).
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Broken trust needs a lot longer to heal.
It ain't gonna be healing for us any time soon, I think. :X
I've only bought two Groupees bundles since March of last year, and those were in April and May, respectively. We're at three-quarters of a year without a single notable bundle from Groupees, and one month away from a full year of disappointments.
Given the 'spam trashware as much as possible' approach they've taken this year, I can only hope this forces Groupees to reobtain some respectability. Though so long as Miller continues on as a key member of their curator staff, I somehow don't see their general approach changing, regardless of circumstances. :X
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This might be the first Be Mine in a very long time that I'm not preordering. New Years resolutions, empty wallet, general bundle fatigue ... it's not like I don't have enough unplayed games yet, after all.
Hints could of course still sway me ;)
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Be Mine #29 (。♥‿♥。)
STARTS SOON™...If bored check out the Be Mine #28 for how the hints worked etc.20% of your payment will be donated to JonnyCat's Cancer Fundraiser!
Pre-order: $2Pay minimum $3.75 for 6 games & 2 album, and pay $12 for an additional game!
6 Steam, 1 greenlight & 2 album!
Bundle ends in 14 days!
They added a second tier with the game Realms of Arkania: Star Trail to the bundle.
If you pre-ordered, you will NOT get the game.
You will have to add $10 on top of it to your purchase.According to cyanic, it's only supposed to be $8.25, because the $2 pre-order is supposed to be valued as if you bought it for $3.75. They are intending to fix it!Tier 1: $3.75
Steam games:
Greenlight game:
Tier 2: $12 (Quantity: 500 bundles)
Steam game:
Confirmed: ✔
Nothing officially confirmed, but guesses number 2, 3, 4 & 5 fits quuite nicely to the hints!
Guesses / Hints: Jonny's drawing
Quote about the bundle content:
Red wizard:
Dog with its tongue out of its mouth:
Spaceship / plane:
/ Boat in a cave / helmet / shield:About the music:
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Thanks to talgaby for notifying me!
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