5 years ago*

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Lol, good thing I checked before starting a new thread.πŸ˜ƒ
It showed 97% for me, so I couldn't resist, even if I don't particularly like this genre.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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97% was since start of this sale, where is problem?
ok, 98% for me, but the price is the same.

5 years ago*

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Oh well, that's a pretty nice deal, thanks for bringing this to my attention. :D

5 years ago

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Nice, now I have all DLCs. Thanks.

5 years ago

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Shows 94% on the bundle for me (only missing Borderlands 2 Cosmetic items), does the discount change depending on how much you already own?

5 years ago

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It says 98% for me. And I don't own a single title or dlc
(Played them on free weekends with my friends)
Prob gonna get this because it's that cheap

5 years ago

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Yep. 94% for me too, also only missing cosmetics (none of which are on sale) and Shock Drop Slaughter Pit. Well, I was missing them. Not anymore ;P

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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some bundles in steam change in price depending on how many titles of the bundle you already own , it's -97 for me since i own bl2 and the pre-sequel and -94 for others who does not have them as far as i can tell :p

5 years ago

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Nah, it seems extremely fickle about 94/97%, probably some weird rules. I own everything except the Borderlands 2 Cosmetic stuff so your theory is wrong. Even the 97% for those who own nothing is wrong Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

View attached image.
5 years ago

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no dude i'm not wrong , valve made the changes to how bundles work a long time ago but the way it works and which items needed to get advantage of the extra discount is up to developpers and Publishers to set

5 years ago

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While your link is informative, you're still wrong, the link doesn't do anything to prove your point. I literally said I owned BL2 and TPS and still the bundle is 94% off NOT 97%. As a matter of fact if you look at my picture, you'll see it's never really 97% off, even if the pretty icon says so. The "97%" has something to do with games/DLC's (in the bundle) that are currently on sale (which you don't own), but I still can't see how it's calculated to be honest.

5 years ago

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well for me it's -97% while i only have borderlands 2 and the pre-sequel . i have 0 dlc for any of them

5 years ago

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I've finally figured it out. The bundle discount (at this moment atleast) is always 94% of the cost for all the items you are missing at this exact moment, BUT depending on what you are missing (items which are on sale at the moment or not) can increase this percentage.

The major thing that eluded and confused me about this was the rounding off. If you don't own anything you get 94% from the total value of the bundle at the moment (99,45€) which is 5,97€ (rounded up) which gets rounded up to 6€. Which leaves 97,45% from the total value of the bundle without any discounts (235,48€), but because Steam won't display a discount number after the comma it gets rounded down to 97%

Hence it depends which items you don't own are discounted or not. Since all of the items I don't own aren't discounted I get the lowest discount of 94%. If however you also don't own discounted items the percentage will be higher. If you only own BL2 and TPS, you'll get 94% of 79,97‬€, which comes to a price of 4,80€ (rounded up) which leads to a 97,96% discount of the total value of the bundle without any discounts (235,48€), which would probably get rounded up to 98% (I guess).

5 years ago*

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I own bl1 goty and its -97 for me

5 years ago

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Bl1 is not include, it the 2 and TPS, enhanced is sold as a new game.

5 years ago

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Thanks, I missed the cosmetic DLCs and the Presequel - doesnt't get much cheaper I think. :)

5 years ago

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I think I might have to

5 years ago

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Got the base games from Humble Bundle, its 4.90 my currency, have some credit in Steam wallet. Can't resist, Thank you for the thread. :)

Edit: My discount is 97% and also Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Season Pass should be included/highlighted after purchasing The Handsome Collection but its not . . . All the contents of the Season pass are in the collection.

5 years ago*

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Wait what? Do you get the season pass for the presequel or not?

5 years ago

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No season pass :/

5 years ago

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Everything for the two games is included.

5 years ago

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I'm asking about the presequel

5 years ago

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That is part of The Handsome Collection.

5 years ago

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Well, fuck :S

5 years ago

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Everything for the two games is included.

5 years ago

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Wow... well, that's an appealing bunch indeed. Depending on which titles you already own (cosmetics aside), the ones you're missing can be had for quite the bargain (especially when compared to their individual prices). Steam bundles sometimes do hide great deals.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I know its not physical but its free for PS+ this month

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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You mean they stopped offering free games via PS+ to PS3 and Vita users? I never owned either PS3 or Vita so i am out of the loop as to their goings on. Frankly, I didn't really want a console that i would have to pay to access online features (multiplayer/co-op) but my wife and son wanted it and they like it a lot.
I bought the Handsome Collection for it months ago in the hopes i could play with them but they are not really into it.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Ahh i see, i wouldn't blame Sony either, it's just business.
My wife really enjoys Tales of Zestiria, Jak & Daxter, Rayman Legends and the Trine series.
My son, Minecraft and Fortnite.
I have Horizon Zero Dawn, Battlefields 1, 4 and Hardline, GTA San Andreas & Vice City, Borderlands Handsome Collection, Call of Duty: some game, and a few other that i can't name off the top of my head.
We have tried to play Borderlands but my wife really struggles with FPS games.
I have played CoD with my son but just the "wave" mode or whatever its called.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Trine was good for the three of us for a while, things get really stressful for them after a while so I usually don't last too long in a session. Her favorite now is Tales of Zestiria and she is apparently almost finished and kind of sad about it. She is excited to play Tales of Berseria after when she can get it on sale.

My wife isn't a reaction based gamer (see above) so she'd really struggle with Horizon, especially when she gets jumped by some Watchers. She watches me play it sometimes though and seems to enjoy that just fine. It is a good game but for some reason its hard to stay involved in it. I bought closer to a year ago and forget that i have it sometimes. But then I remember and play it for a few enjoyable hours before life gets in the way, then the cycle repeats. I agree that it is a beautiful game.

5 years ago

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Bought them. Thanks

5 years ago

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I bought now

5 years ago

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I guess I buy. jpeg

5 years ago

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Too bad I bought it before. No hard feelings though - games are good.

5 years ago

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Well that's weird, it says I got 47 games and DLCs from the package, but my profile showed almost +100 DLCs :s Nice math ^^

5 years ago

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Steam is showing double DLC count since last year. Just a bug I guess but no fix yet.

5 years ago

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Ah ok, funny bug. Even more funny since my DLC count is odd, so at least 1 DLC must count as one (or maybe as tripleπŸ™ƒ)

5 years ago

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Goddamn it... :D
1.77€ for BL2 Headhunter DLCs, a few skins, and literally every DLC for the P-S base game I have. Way too good to skip.

5 years ago*

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I paid $15 for this 2 months ago

5 years ago

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I recently bought it as a gift for a relative at the same price. Oh well, frankly still good value at that price let alone this...

5 years ago

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you can refund gift for standart 14 days and 2 hours.

5 years ago

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They have 46 hours playtime and 29 of 69 achievements.

5 years ago

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If there was a way to upvote posts here I would do this one a hundred times. Thank you very much! I don't know how I missed this. πŸ™‚

5 years ago

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Bump and thanks for the information. Its so cheap.

5 years ago

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That's super cheap and I have enough in my wallet for this... Fuck it, I'm getting this! XD

Thanks a lot for these great news! :D

5 years ago

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wow, thanks for info:)

5 years ago

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I don't own a single piece of the bundle, and it's still cheaper than just buying the game at its current discount, that's madness. 6€ for all of it, I kinda feel like not buying it would be sinful, but daaaamn, my backlog. I mean I feel like I'll buy it for the savings alone but I'll probably keep mulling over it XD

5 years ago

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Borderlands games are pretty rad... good FPS/RPG with alot of perv humor and over the top shenanigans. IMO the original BL is still the best. Gun mechanics didn't feel as good in BL2/TPS, not to mention annoying bullshit mechanics like slag. All in all great games though.

5 years ago

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It's a very nice deal :D I didn't know if it's a new deal or what, in any case I was scratching a few euros, I am 1ct short for now x)

5 years ago

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For that price I might bite, even if I've never played a game in that franchise. My backlog is staring at me tho so I'll have to think about it for a bit.

5 years ago

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Cheers for the heads up. I have most of it but I can complete my BL collection for a nice price to boot :-)

5 years ago

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