Three most-known bundle-sites that also have their own stores with normal games and are easy to use (warning, sometimes they do have region locks, depends mostly on publishers).
If you'll go to some cheaper legit stores (like if you can get the South American prices instead of global ones), you risk games being region-locked.
I guess you can always check the news on .
And of course there's always g2a and rest of grey market where you risk buying stolen key that will not work for the winner.
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Thank you. I want to avoid duplicate keys. Just one question: when you say "normal games", you mean they are non-bundle games that can be bought outside Steam?
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Yup, you can even find preorders or Early Access on those sites. I gave you links straight to the "normal stores" section of those sites - of course, just because game is in "normal store" doesn't mean it wasn't bundled before, remember to make your research before buying.
Oh, and while most of the times games will have Steam keys, for example Ubisoft's games will nearly always provide only Uplay key.
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Oh, and while most of the times games will have Steam keys, for example Ubisoft's games will nearly always provide only Uplay key.
The big ones to watch out for are EA (Origin) and Ubisoft (Uplay) though there are exceptions for both where Steam keys are sold for games by those publishers. The Witcher games in most stores will only be sold as GOG keys (but if you buy the first two games on Steam they can also be redeemed on GOG), you may find Steam keys for the earlier games but there are no Steam keys for The Wild Hunt. There are no Steam keys for GTA V, anywhere listing keys only has Rockstar Social Club keys.
One store in particular to watch out for is Gamersgate - not because there's anything dodgy about them but purely because there's quite a few games they sell as direct downloads that are available on Steam elsewhere.
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There are not only bundle sites, but also usual online shops that are official resellers, which means they are working directly with developers/publishers. The easiest way to figure out if a shop is an official reseller and therefore could be more trusted than key shops (grey market), is to use IsThereAnyDeal, which is a price comparison between all resellers. It also lists bundles and its information can be integrated into the Steam store by using the Steam Enhanced add-on.
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I have few other sites I can recommend aside from Indiegala, Bundlestars, HumbleBundle.
These are a few sites I use every so often.
The first three are stores, groupees is a bundle site... however compared to other bundle sites they aren't the best.
Also as Myrsan pointed out IsThereAnyDeal and Steam Enhanced are very useful, I'd like to recommend you using those.
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I failed to point out something that I should've in my post.
When you purchase games from GmG or Gamesplanet... or any site really.
You do need to make sure the game activates with Steam, I know I've made the mistake of buying a few games for the intent of giving them away only to end up with a few copies I can't do anything with.
That information is always located somewhere on the storepage of that game, just keep your eyes open.
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Just buy keys instead like people have already said. Make sure though that 1. game can be activated on steam (so it's not social club or origin or uplay key!) and 2. it's ROW/Global and not region-restricted key (yup, there are those too). Stores I'd recommend are Humble Store, GreenManGaming, BundleStars,, and Gamersgate.
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Does sell Steam games? I didn't know! Thanks!
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Yes and no, depends on a game. They offer developers to include steam/other keys, so it's up to them. But most games that offer steam key will mention it somewhere, and I think you can even search the store with this filter.
Itch does requires of developers to sell an actual game though, not just steam key, so you always get a drm-free copy too.
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I'd also recommend most of the ones already mentioned, plus WinGameStore. Found them all thanks to IsThereAnyDeal.
Also, your train giveaways are all public instead of the usual "invite only" type people use for trains. Not sure if you did that on purpose, but I thought I'd point it out 🙂
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Thank you for the recommendations! And yes, it was on purpose
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I've been aware that Steam changed some things that make more difficult to give games away, including region locking gifts that were not region locked (am I right?). Since my few giveaways were done through gifts bought from Steam, they were region locked, since I live in an area which doesn't use euros or dollars and I did not have international credit cards to buy them from other sites.
That's why I'm not used to bundle sites or bundles at all.
Since I've (nearly) found a job and got an international credit card, I will be able to make giveaways properly. However, I won't want to make giveaways of completely crappy games, so I need some recommendations of good reliable stores to get bundles of good games (or non-bundle games - is it possible to get non-bundle games outside Steam?) with good prices, since even if I got more possibilities now, dollars/euros/pounds are still too expensive.
To commemorate, here you are my first train
Edit: Meh, I got no job. Shit happens. Not giving up at all.
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