Hey guys, i'm here to invite you to take a look at a system i developed. I call it Steam Coupon Finder (sugestive name).
You can find coupons from other players and ask them for the coupon if you're interested.
The site is available in 7 languages and support some currencies.
You can search coupons which will help you spare those cents on your wallet and farm the game's cards :P
The more people accessing, more coupons will be there to trade! Invite your friends to use it :)

If you're afraid of scam, you can access the steam group page (http://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamcouponfinder), read comments of who's using it on this topic and here: http://whosgamingnow.net/discussion/2243/steam-coupon-finder/p1
Just to show you the basic of the site, here are two pics:

9 years ago*

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The search is slow, but it doesn't matter in the end because it works. I could help you with the developing if you wish too. I'm Brazilian Undergraduating in Computer Science and I might be able to help you. If you wish any help just get in touch with me on Steam :D

9 years ago

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Opa, sou br tambem, e faço Ciencia da computação tbm xD. Esse site é meu estágio obrigatorio pra me formar :P

A busca é lenta pq eu coloquei pra fazer uma requisição ajax por segundo, até um máximo de 3 simultaneas. Tive q por esse intervalo pra nao estressar o servidor, mas vou diminuir o tempo (pra ficar mais rapido) pq esse server q ta hospedado agora é mais parrudo :)

Agradeço a ajuda cara! Realmente agradeço :)
Por enqnto ta de boa, eu só to meio sem tempo pra implementar as coisas kkkkkk, mas devagarinho eu to mexendo nele aos poucos :D

9 years ago

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Realmente 3 simultâneas tira a escalabilidade do site. Os meus aplicativos eu faço com NodeJS mas faço mais requisiçoẽs em paralelo e reduzo as conexões quando começa a bloquear o tráfego. A Steam tem uma interface sem documentação em JSON, tá ligado? Isso reduz bastante os dados da conexão e pode deixar seu aplicativo mais rápido.

Eu estou no final do curso também mas meu projeto é mais focado em inteligência artificial, mas eu sempre faço uns projetos menores assim pra economizar na hora de comprar jogos (inclusive dei um jeito de pegar mais de 30 jogos mês passado de graça).
Eu adoro implementar as coisas mesmo sem tempo, por isso que sou maratonista :P

Enfim, se quiser bater um papo ou quiser uma ajuda pode me add na Steam :)

9 years ago

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Então, tive q limitar pra 3 pq senão bloqueia o browser (maximo simultaneo é geralmente 6). Mas esse 1 segundo de intervalo vou diminuir pq ta em outro servidor agora. Eu sei q pego uns JSON da Steam q é a lista de cupons do user, acho q é essa q vc ta falando. Mas a API da Steam poderia ser mais completa, nesse JSON não vem os jogos aplicaveis do cupom, ai eu tenho q parsear um HTML pra pegar essa lista de jogos aplicaveis. É simples, mas seria mais ainda se ja viesse pronto :P
Aí também uso cache pra agilizar e não ficar fazendo requisição no servidor da Steam toda hora.

Hahahah esses jogos free eu pego so post da galera por ai mesmo, vc chegou a desenvolver um crawler pra isso ?

É massa implementar coisas aleatórias assim xD. Esse sistema de cupom eu comecei brincando com ele pra aprender umas coisas e acabou que virou meu estágio e talz, agora vou tocar ele até não ter mais o q fazer.

Adicionei lá :)

9 years ago

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Find an another bug for Check vs. Mate 90% off coupon. When you click for it, you got message: "Error to retrieve Game Info". Also here some error codes, hope it help.

EDIT: Hmmm, there no game in Steam for that name (at least in my store), so problem in it. I guess, you need just delete it from list. And try to find this game in your store.

9 years ago*

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Check vc Mate it's the new Battle vs Chess (devs changed his name). It was bugged before, and I fixed it. I'll check it soon and make a hotfix again while I don't find a real fix.
Thanks for the information and the error code (will be very useful :P)

AppID 211070 redirects me to Battle vs Chess (211050). 211070 store page.'

EDIT: Looks like for not logged users, it load normal. But for logged users, the bug occurs. This is a useful info :D
I'll take a deep look on it soon

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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The site now have a system to search coupons by game name, and also by costs (with the coupon applied) to help you spare your steam wallet money wisely xD

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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I'm only getting a blue box with "Checking your inventory status." instead of the filter options on the top of http://steambrasil.org/SteamCouponFinder/Home/couponList

I've tried resyncing my inventory on the config page several times

9 years ago

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Can you try again please? I made a small change

9 years ago

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No change unfortunately: http://someimage.com/WU7bFE8

If I hover over the small dots on the left side inside the white box there's an invisible zero that tells me "Technical Errors" when I hover over it

9 years ago*

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That dots are related to the coupon search, not to the
If you press F12 (Chrome and Firefox) and go to Console, is there any error ? (RED message)

9 years ago

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It's all CSS related warnings: http://pastebin.com/beXjUQ4Q

I usually use Firefox, but I just tried it with Chrome and it's the same situation there

9 years ago*

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Yeah, all CSS error/warnings. Do you have any extension/plugin/software that may block some content ? (AdBlock is ok)
Do you have problems with some other sites ?

Do you have some other Steam account to try ? A brother, sister, friend, anyone you can try to use the site ?
Or maybe, can you try using by your smartphone ?
Just to check if it's something on the computer you're accessing, or something with your steam account

9 years ago

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I just tried it with a different steam account. At first it didn't work either, but after re-syncing 2-3 more times it finally worked. My main account still doesn't work though, seems to be an syncing or accessing my inventory issue

9 years ago

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Oh man, i don't know what's going on. 1 final test: can you access the site with your steam (the one that doesn't work) in a diferent computer ?

9 years ago

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"The site is available in 4 languages (English, Portuguese, Serbian, Russian and Spanish)"
Are you sure about your maths ? :p
Anyway, that's a really good idea. Keep up the good work.

9 years ago

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The Serbian was added some weeks ago and I forgot to add it on the topic :P

Thanks! Hope I can fix the bugs and offer you a perfect system! \o

9 years ago

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I like the idea, bookmarked.

Send me an English XML through my mail, if you wish to have Turkish as your 6th language. :P

9 years ago

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If you agree updating your turkish translation everytime it needs an update, you can translate :P
XML ? Why not use Poedit ? Much easier! :D

I can teach you how to use it if you want. Just add me on Steam if you're interested \o

9 years ago

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Hi, thanks for all your hard work! I think this is a fantastic idea.
Just wanted to let you know that I got this when I tried to view "My Profile":
If you are seeing this message, please contact me. This is a bugged coupon and I need to fix it. I'll need this URL: http://store.steampowered.com/search/?list_of_subs=30342

Edit: Also, the site keeps failing to sync my coupons and owned games.

9 years ago*

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It fails because you have a "bugged coupon".
This link, when you open it, is there any game available ? Of it shows a message like "No results were find for this search"? For me it shows this message.

9 years ago

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Oh, it's supposed to be A-Train 8... It doesn't appear to exist on Steam anymore... but I just got this coupon a few days ago. Very strange.

9 years ago

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Very weird, can't see why Steam would give someone a coupon for a game that's not available on the store.
Btw, i'll make a hotfix now to skip this coupon. I'll comment here to inform you once it's done :D

9 years ago

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Thank you very much! :D

9 years ago

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Take a look there! Fixed :D
Nice coupon collection btw :P

Thanks for the bug report :)

9 years ago

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Thanks for the fix! I checked just now and it seems things are working! I hope I can find some people who want my coupons :).

9 years ago

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The website is dead, it redirects me to hostinger website.

Do you plan on bringing it back?

9 years ago

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Yeah sure! I still want add more tools on it :)
I don't know when it will be back, but it WILL!
Join the SteamGroup so you can know when it's back :)

9 years ago

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Someone on WGN told me about the steam group today so I joined.

9 years ago

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Site is back to normal :)

9 years ago

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Bump, back online again :)

8 years ago

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You might want to address this:

The URL you are attempting to log in to has been blocked by our moderators and staff. This site may be engaged in phishing, scamming, spamming, or delivering malware.

8 years ago

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Well, yeah, steam is kinda 'blocking' access due to the 'steam' word in the address, which can result in a pishing site. I don't blame then for this, it's a security operation.

But what i can give you is my word (and some of the users words), that this isn't a malware nor anything bad, while i working to solve this 'warning' message.

While this is unresolved, the choice is up to you to give it a try or not

8 years ago

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Best to poke Steam support to fix that or the whole project becomes useless due to the lack of peeps in the pool. :/

Glad to see it back though :D.

8 years ago

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Sure, I realize that, and I'm already in, but...what Cjcomplex said.

Here's what I get trying to go to my Profile:

Fatal Error
Error: JSON could not be loaded. http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989487752/inventory/json/753/3
File: /var/www/html/app/Vendor/CustomMethods.php
Line: 93

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/View/Errors/fatal_error.ctp

8 years ago

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I get the same error when I click on Random Profile most of the time.

And when I click on List Coupons, 9 times out of 10 I get:

Failed to retrieve inventory status. Try again.

8 years ago

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Cjcomplex, that's the idea. I just finished configuring all stuff 1 hour ago (site was offline for about 1 year) but I still have some things to work.

K1R4D3L, i experienced this error already, but the system is a lot unstable at the begining. But i'm taking a look at code to see where it can be improved to stabilize asap.

Sorry for these inconveniences, but for now it was the best i could do :/

8 years ago

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No worries, not upset - just trying to help. :)

8 years ago

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So, it finished the load, which takes a long time, and there were 19 people with public profiles and coupons, 35 with pubilc profiles and no coupons, 3 with private profiles, and 1063 technical errors. :)

8 years ago

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As I said, system is unstable, A LOT unstable :/

1 year ago, when it was first released, everything work fine, i'm searching what changed from there so it can work again.

And thanks for helping :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Great idea , i had many coupons which expired and no one wanted them ;) .
Thanks a lot , this will sure help .

8 years ago

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Was there a Killing Floor 2 coupon? :o

8 years ago

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You may want to fix this error I got when I clicked to sign in with my steam account on the coupon website.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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+1 this

8 years ago

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same here

8 years ago

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The URL you are attempting to log in to has been blocked by our moderators and staff. This site may be engaged in phishing, scamming, spamming, or delivering malware.

8 years ago

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I'm aware of the big error/warning message when trying to log in with Steam as i said here: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/KpKIl/steamcouponfinder/search?page=2#1t9HEdD

I contacted Steam Support to know what I must do to get this warning removed. There's nothing I can do now about this, so I just ask you to trust me. But if you choose not to take the risk, OK then, you can wait until this is fixed, no problem :)

8 years ago

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The red warning message still appears, I click on "continue anyway" but when I'm looking for coupons it says: "Technical errors" in red while scanning for them...

8 years ago

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Yeah, i've contacted Steam support to ask them about it, to know what I could do to remove the big red message and {LINK REMOVED} in community posts, so they told me this:

Due to the prevalence of spam and phishing within the Steam community, links containing specified URL components are automatically filtered.
If your messages contain {LINK REMOVED} then the message contained a link which was filtered.
To avoid being filtered, please refrain from using shortened links or sites using free web-hosting.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, but are unable to adjust the status of your link.

Right now I can't do anything about it to solve this, but I will talk to other steam utilities developers to know if there's something I can do.

8 years ago

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Yes, but that's only a "cosmetic" problem, the real problem is: why is it showing technical errors while searching for coupons?


8 years ago

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Yeah, this don't block we from using the site, it's details.

The technical errors happens because Steam limits how many requests can be made in a time interval. Since almost all requests try to read from Steam, most of them appears as error :/

This happened last year (on the first release), but wasn't like today. I can't imagina what I can do to solve this without start development from zero, that's why I'm working on a v2 release, totally from scratch.

Sry for this :/

8 years ago

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NP, sometimes it shows me some coupons but still giving too much errors. I now understand what is happening, thanks!

8 years ago

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clicking on Random Profile gives me this (yes every time I click)

(just replaced the id with <profile_id_number> for privacy of whoever that is but since every time I click the profile id changed the random work it's not relevant to the error)

Fatal Error

Error: JSON could not be loaded. http://www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/<profile_id_number>/inventory/json/753/3
File: /var/www/html/app/Vendor/CustomMethods.php
Line: 93

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/View/Errors/fatal_error.ctp

8 years ago

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Yeah, i'm aware of this.

As i said above, I can't solve this problem now.

(the profile_id_number is public, so no problem if other people see it)

8 years ago

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Actually, what I would like is do the opposite: list my coupons available for others

Here's what I have:

90% OFF Darconika: The Cube of Soul
75% OFF Mindless Running
50% OFF Forward to the Sky
75% OFF VCB: Why City
66% OFF Dungetris
33% OFF Pure Heart
90% OFF 12 orbits
50% OFF Chunky Orbits
66% OFF Ashes of Immortality
90% OFF Fated Souls
33% OFF Impossiball
75% OFF Primal Carnage: Extinction

For the sake of improving the website, if interested in any of these, please try to find me through the website first.
If it doesn't work, please report here then you can send me a request.
I'll update the list of coupons in this post.


8 years ago

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