My quick review: The game was really great. It's a Point & Click game from Wadget Eye (the studio who brought you the Blackwell saga, Gemini Rue, Technobabylon and more...) so you can guess that they know what they're doing. Even tho the original resolution is very low, the art is really pretty. The voice acting is great, the characters are interesting and so is the story. No moon logic puzzle, thank you. I won't go into the story details as I want to keep this spoiler free, but I recommend if you're a P&C lover, especially if post-apo is your jam :3
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I pretty much ran out of options at this point, I'll start with The Way We ALL GO and add more if I happen to win more stuff in May :3
EDIT: Added Langoth and Badass Hero.
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The Way We ALL GO
It was my original pick but I've only got 2/21 endings, so I don't feel comfortable making a "review". Reading the entire VN would have taken ~10 more hours, which are pretty much the entire "gaming" time I've had available to me this month. I didn't expect life to get in the way this much :(
I'll confess I had it on my wishlist for the looks alone, so being met with the actual gameplay was a little surprise. The aesthetics and overall premise of being dropped into an alien world with no explanation were captivating, they made me want to go on and complete the game despite its very heavy flaws. Sadly, I have to say I was disappointed by the end.
Gameplay-wise it's a 3d platformer with the floaty-est jumping controls I've ever experienced in a videogame, and as it required really precise jumping at times it was infuriating.
Certain sections of the game have enemies in it but your only "attacks" are a shield that kills them on contact but depletes very fast and consumable bombs that you drop on the floor. Said bombs have a very small explosion radius, don't kill most enemies in one hit and are consumable, meaning the optimal strategy is to just avoid enemies altogether, being constantly on the move.
Overall not recommended.
Badass Hero
The game is in early access and has very little content in right now, I've completed all the stages so I count this as "beaten" even though it only took a few hours.
A side-scrolling rogue-lite platformer à la Rogue Legacy but with guns, what's not to love? Several things, actually.
I haven't found the controls to be particularly good as you aim entirely with the mouse, having to move the mouse cursor halfway through the screen to hit an enemy on the left while you're currently aiming right didn't feel remotely responsive.
Your character's position is also not fixed on the screen, meaning you have to constantly make small adjustments to your cursor position to keep aiming at the same spot.
As the game is in Early Access these issues (and the lack of content) might be fixed in a future update, right now I wouldn't recommend people to buy it unless on sale.
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A great golden-era style,, team based, super hero rpg that doesn't take itself to seriously and still holds up well today. Recommended but not on Steam. The game suffers from modern bugs, most notably a cursor bug that makes all actions go haywire. Could not resolve it after I had recruited the Ant (approx. 1/3 of the way through the game). So, recommended but get it on GOG.
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As I am a very indecisive person, can some please challenge me?
Please no huge downloads, I dont have neither the space nor the speed for it.
It is a Hidden Object game. I love HOGs. The game does it basic task - the hidden object scenes good(but I am missing the removal of the items you found on your first search, when you search the scene the second time). The puzzle games are a hit or miss, but mostly OK. It does sadly lack every where else. The graphic and cut-scene quality is far from great, the inventory is cut out of the screen a little and I miss having a map and diary. The story is pretty meh - about some girls dream and wish that her parents wouldn't fight anymore. All in all I did not hate the game, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the quality of Artifex Mundi HOGs, whose games I would recommend over this without a single doubt.
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Bom probala use 3, ampak
The Book of Desires 1st, because HOGs are <3
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The game only took me 104 minutes to finish soo ¯\(ツ)/¯
I need to finish some games from the Playing Appreciated group and then I will be doing Broken Age as well :)
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Mind Snares, i love Hidden Object Games
Dunno how to put the link in a word, what is the code for that?
*Edit: Now i Know, thanks Skanda =)
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I really enjoyed that one. One of my favourite Artifex Mundi HOGs by far!:)
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Again it is up to you.:)
If it helps, you can use BLAEO.
Never played with some time means I idled through that games, so actually I didn´t played them or someone from my family played them but feel free to pick any game you wish.
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Here you go:
I hope you find something you like in those :)
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I will go with Styx and probably Mythic Wonders.:) Both already installed as I was planning to play them soon - I think first I will beat Mythic Wonders, because of lenght.:) Not sure if I will beat Deadlight in this month aswell, but maybe I will try to finish it too, if there will be enough time.
Thank you for picking these.:)
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Expected form game something different. Story was just weird and boring as it was, so I didn´t enjoy it as much, as I should. Maybe something shocking would help story, but this was predictable.
I will give a try to Styx, but I had some troubles with it first. It can´t even start up for me and fixes from forum didn´t help, but I think I solved it yet, but still need to play it. Wish it is worth it that troubles with fixing it.
Aswell I won recently Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend!, I am working on now, which will be probably done till end of this month too.
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Ok, let's go for Gods Will Be Watching.
Finished Missing 1 chievo to 100% it.
I can't tell if the game is really good or really bad.
I almost gave up during chapter 2 because there is a random event (russian roulette) and even though you did everything perfectly, you need to restart the chapter. (No save progress, only chapter to chapter) But since I asked for challenge (and it was challenging) I played till the end.
The graphics/pixels kinda reminds me games I used to play about 20 years ago.
The story was fine, not sure I understood everything but that was cool enough.
There was some bugs, for example I couldn't alt/tab during the game or some stuff starts flickering like crazy. The game crashed few times when I wanted to lower the volume (way too loud and the settings are not saved) so I played without sound except for chapter 4 because you need to hear when the wild creatures will attack you.
Overall there are things you can love and hate in this game, that's why I can't tell.
I think this game is a little bit overrated, I would give 6/10.
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FINISHED ! (it's a proof screen, since the game doesn't have achievements) And like every other game I played for this challenge, it tried to mess with me. I had to do a local GFWL account in order to be able to save my progression. And considering a mission is almost 1h long and there's 10 missions, I wasn't going to play without saving...
As for the game itself... well, I'm not a huge fan of military shooters (why did I win that, by the way?), so I didn't have huge expectations for it. And it's not a bad thing: the ending is absolutely not climatic. (that's my proof screen above. Yes.)
The gameplay was interesting. The ability to give your squad mates orders reminded me of Republic Commando. The support possibilities would have been nice... if they were AT LEAST precise. They aren't.
I enjoyed the game. Not something that will stay in my memory, though.
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Okay. It's mercifully over.
I hated it, to be honest. I don’t mind being stuck (it’s a part of any good puzzle game), but it’s when I’m stuck and also have no indication of what’s going on or why I’m doing all this line drawing business I get frustrated and want to give up.
Being all cryptic and mysterious doesn’t work for puzzle games; they need a clear goal. Activating laser beams for no adequate reason, while looking at statues and listening to random quotes about God does not qualify as one.
Right at the end, when that elevator came up from the water, I was hoping that the game would let me drown myself. But instead it did a fly over sequence and reset all the puzzles, inviting me to play it all over again. Well, I ain't ever gonna do that.
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Haha.. this was funny to read. Not here to berate you about it. I liked the game a lot personally and just hated the sound puzzles. Did you do The Challenge?
Ah, I just checked your recently played and it was in it. I guess you didn't finish THE CHALLENGE, but did you attempt it?
I really forget if this is why, but as for your reset comment, I forget if the game does that to hint that there's a secret in plain sight (the gate) but you obviously need to know what the order is to access the secret area
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I finally won one of Lawox' ga's of this gem AND it'll get a story mode soon...
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I'm not sure :3 (challenge me)
Tool to help you pick
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Many thanks for another event!
For May I'm choosing Black Mesa:
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Aren't you challenged already ;-)
I looked at your list, though filtered just for never-played ones leaves only those mentioned unplayables and 4 PnCs:
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout
The Whispered World Special Edition
Deponia 2, 3
Not much variety to choose from ^^
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Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter
It was my first Sherlock game. The minigames and QTE's were very annoying and the controls werent very good. Solving the crimes was very fun though and I loved that I was able to put the clues together and figure it out.
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Well, "playing" on it already for two months. But finally this month I will complete Shadowrun: Hong Kong. And after that I will try to get Black Mesa done.
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Didn't "apply" before but just finished Unearthed - Episode 1, although it's barely a 1 hour game. But it's a start ;)
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Midsummer Night has also been beaten! And I'm gonna count Project Green Beat as beaten as well since I've played through all the stages at least once and managed to climb to the global Top10 leaderboards of some stages.
At the time of this post I'm also going through Battleblock Theater which should also be done by tomorrow so within the challenge's limit
Edit: It wasn't ;-;
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Back again for the challenge, and this time I'll tackle my only remaining unplayed win!
Hitman: Absolution, it's about time!
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Good game. I love to inspect every little item, read every journal, listen to every audio was rewarding in that sense. And I was mostly successful in my goal not to use a walkthrough/video. I did get a small hint in one of the optional puzzles and one other level.
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I'm currently playing The Silent Age and looking to finish it by today or tomorrow.
The Silent Age
Steamworld Heist beaten too (forgot to add it here).
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Star Wars Knight of The Old Republic. I started it a bit earlier this month, so it's still counted.
Wonderful game, tbh. It was made when Bioware was on its peak and it's really good RPG with DnD system.
Unfortunatelly it was hard to start it on modern PC. So here is the list what I installed to run it: game, GOG-version over it, unofficial patch, my language pack, 'flawless widescreen' for x86 system. Without any of these except language pack game even didn't start >/<
And despite all of these it still constantly crashed and corrupted save files... sigh
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I'll start with Torment: Tides of Numenera, thank you ^^
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Things I liked:
Things I didn't like:
I never played Planescape: Torment, I wasn't expecting the best RPG ever made, and I'm not disappointed. Despite its flaws I pretty much enjoyed Tides of Numenera. Now I really want to play Planescape: Torment. Guess I'll grab it during the next sale ^^
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I missed last month. QAQ
So hmm.....challenge me? >~<
I can at least link March's accomplishment, cuz I finished quite a lot of games. :3
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Guess I'll finally play Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons. :P
Thanks for picking. x3 I'll come back to you ASAP.
EDIT: I failed the challenge. :< This time there's nothing to blame. It's mainly me not really wanting to play it for some reason, OW events taking my gaming time away, and school. :( I'll try again next time, maybe. Unsure tho as finals are coming. D:
EDIT2: I figured since I'm trying to link all my challenges comments together, I should update this one as well. I did ended up finishing the game. Honestly, it was kinda meh. What I like the most is the scenery and all the chair spots that you can take beautiful screenshots. As for the other parts, the game play is kinda ok. Not too challenging, and gets you to try coordinating your two hands. And the story.....I really can't say much about it, because I've already watched a play through of the game. But still, I didn't feel anything at all, I'd say mostly because, there's just kinda, too much plot holes(so to speak) in the story? Read through my screenshots then you'll kinda know why. :p And, I'm an emotional person especially when it comes to videogame stories. I cried when I played Ori and the Blind Forest and To The Moon even after watching countless play throughs of them. So, all I can say is maybe it didn't hit my soft spot, but the story is meh.
Overall, the game is ok. Feels a lot more like a walking simulator with added puzzles from time to time for me, but I really liked the art style and scenery.
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I'm going to play The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. I won it recently and I really want to play and beat it :D
I don't think I will 100% it, since it might take too long (apparently, 70+ hours), but I will get as far as I can get.
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Took me a while to decide since I've been playing some other games, but I'll be playing Shadowrun: Dragonfall Skyborn :3
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Spec Ops: The Line - DONE!
And I couldn't be happier that it finally ended. Now, I'll probably go hard on that game. I had so much negative feeling while playing it! I guess (after the fact) it's just because I was expecting something more from it. All in all it wasn't that bad and at the end of the day I gad fun playing it. :)
Now, to the point. Beware, minor spoilers might appear ahead. First of all I should probably start with my expectations and why I don't see them fullfilled. Everytime I heard anything about this game people would praise how it's more mature and deep and all of that than your averagecall of duty shooter game. Where? How? I have not noticed any of that. I expected decent fighting system. "For once I won't be playing as one man army shredding half of the Earth's population all by myself! Look, I even have squad members to help me!" I thought at first. Soon it became clear how wrong I was... The squad - two men added probably mainly to get attached to and get feels when story happens. Honestly, For first half a game I couldn't tell their names (nor my own). For second half I memorised Lugo, but until last two chapters Adams was called Andrews or Anderson for me. Aside form that, commanding your squad in battle - great idea, poor execution. I mean, if all I can do is tell them to shoot one guy or use some contextual actions like tell one to revive the other, provided one of the two is down, or tell them to throw a flashbang, provided I got the prompt to do so... Just adding an option to tell them to find cover or move to specific place would make a world of difference. Oh, we're at cover now? Great time to address the awfull controls. I played on mouse & keyboard, just to make it clear. I always do and TBH I can't imagine playing a shooter with a controller (I'd need an aimbot for that:P ) Now, if I'd get a dollar for everytime I died because instead of vaulting over an obstacle Walker decided to melee smash it (who even thought it's a good idea to bind melee attack and vaulting to the same key?!) I could afford to buy the studio who made it and make it better. Twice. That's not the only issue with default controls. I've managed to blow myself up a couple of times by accidently dropping a granade :) Walker has some serious problem with 'unsticking' from the cover when I just want to move along it. Sometimes he even had problemst to 'stick' to the cover at all, standing in full fire with me mashing spacebar like crazy... All in all shooting felt dumb and 'arcade' like in your average call of duty shooter, but poorly implemented.
Now, maybe story saves that game? Wait, there's story in here?! OK, slight exaggeration on my end here. As I already said, I had hard time attaching to my squadmates. For the bigger part of the games I had no idea what we're doing and why we're doing it. Who are we again? Are we 33rd? We're saving them? CIA is here? Are we CIA? No? CIA is fighting 33rd? Are we fighting CIA? We're helping CIA?! But we were supposed to help 33rd and CIA is fighting 33rd so what's going on?! Now when this got settled I still understood hardly anything. So, the 33rd Battalion went rogue. Now when I hear that I imagine a couple dozen of soldiers going like "this all sucks! command sucks! our orders suck! let's abandon the army, betray our country and worry about the consequences later!" Now, I'm no military expert, but how bis is a battalion? 'Cause if it 50-80, heck! let's say even 120 men I can somehow imagine that happening. But I've slaughtered more like 500 men. And they already half at leat half of that in pre-killed bodies. So if a battalion is really that huge, how do you get such an insane ammount of people to 'go rogue'? If it isn't, where the hell all of this troop came from?! Furthermore the white phosphorus mission was such a bs. That was the only spoiler I had coming to this game. So when I'm here, shooting that stuff onto enemy soldiers storming my position it burns like a 5 meter radius around the place of impact. Last target and a bunch of people around it. I know what it is, I don't want to hurt them. I shoot at the target which is like 15m away. Guess what, looks like this time my squadmates must have loaded more of that sh*t into the mortar 'cause it blasted everything in good 50 meters. And suddenly I'm the only one to blame! Regardless. I've pushed it through, I got to Konrad and what little sense this game had it just jumped off board. Things I don't understand after the game ended [heavy spoilers here] when did Walker actually got crazy? Why Lugo got hung? WTF hapend with Adams? (I don't get this at all. First we're atop some building. A hundred of 33rd troops surrounds us. Walker wants to surrender, Adams doesn't. Adams pushes Walker off the building. Walker is on some empty road. WTF?) and probably a few more honestly I'm not good at writing reviews or anything, this is already lengthy af, and I want to finish it, not spend 3 day thinking what else I didn't get there... Allegedly there were some choices in the campaign. Honestly I got only 2 which of the hanging men to shoot and the epilogue one but judging from the achievements there was a few more...
Anyway, sll in all, in the end of the day it was fun. If you won't launch this game expecting something mervelous but rather a decent shooter you'll be satisfied. 6/10 I'd say. Would recommend.
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Finished Bayonetta on Normal difficulty
I have to confess, I didn't know much about Bayonetta before entering that GA. I just thought I'd give it a try in the really unlikely case that I win, since everyone is so excited about the PC port. Now I'm glad I entered because I do enjoy the game :D. Probably going to try to finish the later difficulties too when I have more free time.
I really like the character design and game play mechanics. They are very nice and unique, and the fighting is pretty smooth in my opinion, but I haven't played enough 3D action games to make a comparison. I didn't read any guide before diving in, and I think getting through the game on Normal is quite easy (since you have unlimited continues, getting high scores and completing additional challenges is a different issue). There are some useful mechanics that aren't explained in the tutorials, which I learned about only after reading the in-game text and by experimenting (they are part of the fun though).
If I had to nitpick, I'd say there are still parts of the story which aren't well explained enough.
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nice walking swimming simulator, very relaxing
loved the stylized yet detailed graphics :)
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challenge me, bros..
My games I've finished are here:
but if you have the playtime script most of the games with hours in them are finished anyway. [Any unfinished game is okay]
(I'm going to finish Insanity's Blade and the two Shelter games, but I need a game or two to play after those)
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Is The Magic Circle really short? It looks interesting in an almost Antichamber way, but I thought the game might push 8 hours or more. I'll probably play that one out of those other 3. Hopefully the Shelter games aren't too long for me.
I think Stories is almost a 10 to 12 hour playthrough per playthrough (if you want to do all of them) and I think 3 playthroughs is for all, but I didn't invest into looking. I could be wrong about it.
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The Magic Circle is the shortest one at ~3 1/2 hours for story according to HLTB. Ryse & Stories are both at around 5-6 hours for story (though I'm pretty sure Stories does indeed take longer, as most people seem to finish the first playthrough in 8-10 hours minimum)
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I am kind of bummed that Shelter 2 has DLC that I'd prefer to have if I'm going to play it and when I bought Shelter on sale I didn't even give it much thought. I guess I'm moving on to The Magic Circle already.
edit: I think my monitor died, so I'll do this later.
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I finished:
Make It Indie
Highschool Possession
Bad Rats
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i am level 3 and won nothing since april 2016(its was a fake giveaway) . :(
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Make it indie!
The Last Dream: Developer's Edition
Grim Legends 3: The Dark City
9 Clues 2: The Ward
Eventide: Slavic Fable
House of 1,000 Doors: Family Secrets Collector's Edition
Queen's Quest: Tower of Darkness
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I like winners to post feedback / short review on the giveaway page (writing this wish in the GA description, for some better games), yet only few ever did this; but feedback I got was nice.
I myself have pretty much played everything I have got here, only Fallout 4 is still not beaten, game is large. For now doing a pause in it, playing through Hard West.
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I try to do that if the giveaway creator has requested that. I also like to post back once I have completed the game to let the giveaway creator know that I played the game (I have never idled a won game for cards, nor would I ever!).:) I like hearing similar comments from people that have won my giveaways.
I actually just finished a won game last night (early Monday morning, after work)! It is called The Novelist, and I highly recommend it! It is actually the first game of that sort that I played, and it was a nice refreshing change! The choices you make as the "spirit" of the house changes each Chapter, and how they can go. Will there be a happy ending for the family, or will it all end up turning to dust? I got a pretty good ending, and while there are other endings you can get, I was satisfied with the one I got (I don't want to post any spoilers).:)
If you get a chance to play this one, I think you'd like it!:)
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Congratulations for winning your second game. If I may be so bold to recommend this group to you?
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I have too many games I don't play, so this seems like a good chance to play and beat one of them, can someone CHALLENGE me?
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I think I'll try to accomplish Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers, looks like a fun physics game.
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I just 100% finished One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, which I started back in april
and yes.. I know this one doesn't count neither for april nor for may xD
I'll have to think for something now that half a month has already passed.. something short, maybe..
I'll be back in a few days, replying to first comment :D
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I finished one way hero. And reviewed it. So here my thoughts about it:
I installed Linked now. Lets hope its not too hard xD
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I just finished Hero of Kingdom II with 100%. And I normally never hunt for achievements. :-)
Short review: It is a short point and click "adventure" with some HOG-elements in it. It was quite nice, but I hated the grind parts. You had to click hundreds times to get gold to progress in the story. The story was at the level of a 12 year old fantasy fascinated boy^^.
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ABZU finished and reviewed:
Thank you so much for pushing me to play this one, it was wonderful! ♥
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Now I'm ready for June :D
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Not going to finish Abzu today, mostly because this is not a game to be rushed! I've made progress, though!
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