What's your alignment on the political spectrum?
If by "politics" you mean economy then i'm far far far right (totally free market, no regulations etc). If you talk about "gays, immigrants etc" then im little at right - i don't really support them, but i don't wanna kill/beat anyone (Well, in case of gays - if they wear bondage outfits and go on the streets like that then i have huge problem, but if they wear normal clothes then no problem at all).
Talking about politics is never a good idea (especially in the internet).
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"Talking about politics is never a good idea (especially in the internet)."
It is a good idea, but not on internet, that's for sure.
Anyway, i'll be watching you in 30years when totally free market etc... will collapse and cause the apocalypse.
(btw, any to much of something is bad. communism, free market, alccol, hentai ...)
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There has never been a truly free market in the USA. Most of the Anti-capitalist sentiment is actually directed towards our current system of crony capitalism, and rightly so. The Great Depression was caused due to fraud and manipulation of the stock market by government and business collusion. Same thing with the Great Recession of 2008 with government intervention in the subprime mortgage industry.
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...BECAUSE politics have become irrelevant to you, not since WW2 (you are ignorant clearly) but since the middle 70s which coïncides with the first major crisis since the krach, the oil crisis.
Since then, counter-culture has started separating itself more and more from politics (wasn't the case of jazz, beatniks, hippies, punks...) to integrate more and more the neo-liberal BS by the culture of emptiness on one side, while philosophy or politics became more and more academics and elitist on the other side.
The result is that today, with society at it's worst since the 1930s we have completely inapt, stupid, coward and cynical generation of youth and adults who have not the least of ideas about the fact that as citizen, they are inherently political animals and that all their rights and freedom comes with responsibilities and duties which they have all abandon.
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No. You have confused when the term began to come into popular use in the 70s with the actual process, which began even before the industrial age and was greatly accelerated in the post-war post-colonial period, with the formation of the IMF at the Bretton Woods Conference among many other factors. I do not pretend to be well versed in economic history, but do your own research before you accuse others of ignorance.
I have made a general statement regarding the ineffectiveness of modern political systems, andI stand by it, because I believe that this has to be recognized before it can be changed. But that is not the same thing as proclaiming that I personally have no politics.
Fact is, you and I are not so very far apart in our viewpoints. If you had turned off the rant and read between the lines a bit, you might have seen that.
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insulting each other is the least productive thing someone can do in a political discussion .
it just leads to more anger and insults without any valuable opinions .
no progress just angry old guys earning a lot of money insulting each other.
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Read online news "chancellor resigns" - gotta be Merkel (ZOMG!!11) ... read again oh its only Fayman (Austrian Chancellor)
... skip to the other news where a Japanese vagina kayak artist was found guilty of obscenity.
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oh boy.
its funny how he assumes that this will make the austrian people think about who they vote for.
there are 2 good third parties on either side of the aisle both have not had the chance to prove themselves.
the FPÖ has proven time and again that they are incapable to govern.
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I'm neither left or right, because I like & dislike some points on both sides it's about even for me, so I went for neutral. At the moment there is no reason why I should align myself with a politic party because there are too many examples of politicians that bought their votes in order to maintain the status quo. I consider myself a democrat, I don't care who wins at the end as long as the one who wins has the most votes and isn't corrupt.
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maybe you like the direct democracy of switzerland.
love stannis baratheon btw.
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Didn't know this, good for them! That's an example for the rest of us.
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Well, I've been a Libertarian in the US for about 10 years, which means in a nutshell that I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Basically I believe that people should be able to do whatever they want, as long as they're not hurting anyone else. Also the government should mind their own business, stop spying on us, and stop waging aggressive wars and nation building.
According to the ISideWith quiz I'm 94% Libertarian, and I am aligned most with Libertarian candidate Marc Allan Feldman. However I'll be supporting Gary Johnson who will most likely receive the nomination for Libertarian president.
Surprisingly enough (not really) I agree with Donald Trump, John Kasich, and Hillary Clinton the least.
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americans would say your vote is wasted because you vote libertarian but that's not true you should convince people you know and share your views to vote libertarian too.
i'm a socialist so the view of american libertarians about small government make me kind of sick because it means there is no public healthcare no public education no social safety net no chance to escape poverty. let's assume you are born in a bad neighborhood with alcoholic parents . it's not your fault you were born into this but without any help it would be almost impossible to get out of this.
just fyi trump is like reagan on steroids he has no idea of politics or governing that means what he now says he will do won't happen. like ever
i like kasich he's a moderate non crazy real conservative.
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I try to be as much of a middle ground American as I can be.
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Even when we fuck up, even the misery that we have caused in the past, it was all about trying to reach a new idea, a new way of life, with less gladiator-styled, rat-race gimmick to every day life. I do not believe that any communist states have risen: Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Chavez all have what in common? They were military men, and they achieved their purpose in as far as their people needed force and war... But what about after? When the immediate threats to their countries were eradicated? They turned to their own people, why? Because military men know only how to pull a trigger, not how to lead a government, or even less how implement a new political idea as communism. So we have a bad rep. It doesn't matter.... we may have been castrated, put in the history books, ridiculed and laughed at, but i tell you we will rise. Like the french peasants beheading their monarchy, we shall rise. Like the war of ideology (from both sides of the extreme) that was wwii; a war that pitted just as many men and devastating weaponry as political rhetoric and propaganda against each other, but we overcame it and tried (even if we failed massively) to create the next stage of the economical and governmental cycle that Marx always dreamed of. Communism has been the talk of dreamers for a long time... now must put those dreams into reality while listening to the people's advice.
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The Polls are in and just like i thought most people on SG consider themselves on the left.
only 2 people blacklisted me over these 2 days , another thing that shows how liberal and open the majority of this community is.
i thank everyone who participated.
(I will close the thread at the end of the day.)
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I'm interested in the political views of the SG community
feel free to discuss them in the comments below.
I hope for some serious debates. (and a few good jokes)
Keep it classy. No dick metaphors.
Edit: forgot to add one of my favorite games.
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