You had to find this GA
Really not hard, you can get to it from the U2.
To enter the first set, you had to face a clown wielding a puzzle.... Yes... still WTF.
To get to the ITH Quizzes you had to pass a super hard Jigidi Puzzle:
24 pieces, German Flag. Really actually not that hard at all. Can pretty much tell where all the pieces go just by looking at them.
The German Flag
That led you to a GA where you had to face the doorman who had 10 questions for you.
ITH #1
Q1: Hellweg - Answer found here
Q2: Tegel, Tegel Airport, Berlin Tegel Airport - Answer found here
Q3: Schlachtensee - GA Here only connected to Schlachtensee Station on the S1.
Q4: Die Berliner Icefabrik
Q5: glasses
Q6: The Brain - Answer found here
Q7: Rüdescheimer Platz, Rüdesheimer Platz (I accepted both answers as I had made a typo in the station name) - Answer found here
Q8: Zoologischer Garten - Answer found here
Q9: Rathaus Schöneberg - Answer found here
Q10: Kottbusser Brücke - Answer found here
Providing that you answered all the questions, correctly, you were provided with this link: and you pressed the wrong button for my apartment, and a neighbor asked you 10 questions.
ITH #2
Q1: Cowboy - Answer found here
Q2: Alexanderplatz - Answer found here
Q3: Güterbahnhof Pankow - Answer found here
Q4: blue sapphires, or sapphires - Answer found here
Q5: World of Subways 2 – Berlin Line 7 - Answer found here
Q6: CK-99 - Answer found here
Q7: Nollendorfplatz - Answer found here
Q8: The Weinerei Forum - Answer found here
Q9: Mauerpark - Answer found here
Q10: Kinderkrankenhaus - Answer found here
Again, with the correct answers you were then provided a link here: where you entered the Stairwell to my apartment. You only had to go up 5 stairs, as I lived on the Hochparterre. Once you knocked on the door, someone inside demanded you answer 4 more questions... Probably the hardest of the bunch.
Q1: blue
Q2: 360
Q3: Sangiovese
Answer found....
Starting here: you could walk down the street and arrive here:
Once you were lost in the forest, you just had to locate the italicized characters where were in the description: ufUMJ - Again, assembling them into a GA link would give you the following link:
Finally once there, you needed to look east.... in the source code for the page. If you did, you'd find this: O7ORh.
Again, assembled into a GA link would provide
Heading to that GA would lead you to the story about being kicked out of Teufelsberg by the owner who later when found me loitering around outside waiting for friends, gave me the rest of his bottle of wine :)
Before I give you the answer... You'll have to take the journey with me there...
It started here
Once there, the last paragraph read as such:
But while you're here, why don't you go shopping and look around. If you search hard enough, you might find something you want. Personally I always want trading cards, but you know, whatever. Heck, Trading cards and TIc could make for an interesting find.
What did you need to do? Well, I gave you the second part of the GA code.... TIc. You needed the first two characters.
If you visited the link I provided to the Ikea Game
You'd see the game had no trading cards. Hiding things on steam is not new, but I did give you some clues. What do you do if you want Trading Cards on a game? Request them in the discussion forum.
If you searched the discussion forum there for "Trading Cards" you'd find this post I made.
Notice the end? kG.
Combining kG with TIc would give you a 5 character GA code: kGTIc.
Assembled would lead you here
Once there you had access to five more GAs. Each one had a heading of where you were inside Ikea plus a character at the end of the heading. I figured if you'd already found your way, in, I wasn't gonna make it too difficult. Aseembled gave you: Fv58l
GA link again: led you to the exit from Ikea.
This led you to the GA NO THING which I found amusing as you bought nothing from Ikea during your visit. In the description text was a flashing sign reading Ikea Security Code. If you looked at the two images on the GA, one was a funny graphic I found while looking for Ikea images, which was the inspiration for the security code. If you read the hover text on the second image, it read "Security Code: Extra Parts"
And who hasn't found extra parts in Ikea stuff from time to time.
Upon successfully completing this last ITH, you were provided with some text: bb0a3cc3-05f9-11e6-a85e-04019cc0dc01
What the heck is this? Well some of you probably recognize it on sight... it's the identifier for an SGTools protected GA.
Assembled gives you:
This led to my final GA for the Train:
Hope you enjoyed yourself and I hope this wraps up any lingering questions about my puzzle in the train. It was nice sharing the journey with you and glad so many people were interested in it.
(All other puzzles were created by other contributors. You'd have to ask them if they wish to share their solutions or not. )
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Total number of giveaways found: 700
Total number of points needed: 9090
All contributors (78):
Thanks ArchiBoT.
Version 2
Not counting gibs behind jigidi, itstoohard and sgtools links. There were total of 12 such links.
Also not counting giveaways that finished already
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To add to that number I've a total of 21 hidden giveaways. 6 jigidi, 5 sgtool and 10 otherwise hidden.
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When did jigidi become a thing? I mean, I've been playing with the puzzle app for a long time on my tablet... nearly a year now :D
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Heh, that's hilarious.... nearly 1.5 times original estimate :D
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It's just one of those things you gotta keep an eye out for...
Honestly, all line operator recruiting was done behind the scenes... and then we opened for everyone to contribute.
I like trains too! :D
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I had a lot of fun updating these things... even though I was trying to push them out at the last moments... and now some of those stories can be useful to getting past a puzzle ;)
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In Step 4, my first guess for question 1 was blue and didn't even have to look for the post. And I just googled questioned 2!
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Hope you've enjoyed your trip so far and haven't gotten too lost :D
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Yeah, having a map skill greater than 5 is helpful ;)
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In the notes at the top in the OP it says due to an unfortunate error the S9 is operating on a nighttime schedule ;)
And I'm not using a 2008 map, that would change which of the lines went to potsdam, because during 2012/2013 they switched it from the S1 to the S7. I linked a map above :D
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There´s nothing important to say about Wörth am Rhein, about 10km away from me
The point is, that one member of the band Surrogat comes from there and he started making music at the time I was doing community service (instead of going to army) in the youth centre of Wörth. He visited this centre frequently, so I know/knew him well, also while my Berlin times. I was really surprised someone of this community post a song of this band.
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ah, gotcha. That's interesting though how it all works out and how interconnected the world can be :D
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Thank you to the giveaway creators and Keo. There's a lot of preparation and work going on here to have a train event like this! ^^
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I was beginning to think I'd missed my connection. ^_^
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Finally! Amazing work by all the organizers, and it feels great to have made two small contributions. It's gonna be fun! :)
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bomp !
and one of the giveaway creators has blacklisted me :l , if i could at least know why...
even if i'm blacklisted that train is the best train i've ever seen , surely you will make many people happy
thanks for all these GAs!
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You could try contacting the creator on one Steam?
Plus read tips above for getting through outages... Incognito/Logout temporarily :D
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13 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by malkavian1331
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115 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by stogle
10,100 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Ellemby
100 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CheMan39
Closing Notes:
One final thank you to everyone who participated. All the line operators and contributors... I can't thank you enough for supporting this event. It wouldn't have happened without each and every single one of you.
One Special Mention goes out to jbmccune for putting up with me nonstop while I was working on the tool that made all this work so smoothly. He deserves special thanks for that. :)
Thanks again to everyone who took the journey with us.... I'm sure we all made some new friends :) We hope to see you again at some point in the future for a new Let's Train event or just around SG in general :D
If you're looking for the puzzle solutions for my puzzles.... Click here.
Final Update!
A big thank you to all the people who commented and enjoyed themselves! I'm so glad you had such a good time exploring the network.
As I've said to them multiple times, thanks to the operators and contributors. Without them this would not have happened!
Cross your fingers... It's only a short time now to find out if you've won! If you missed something, now's the time to get it done :D
Update #1
Thanks for all your kind words, I took a mini break after finishing this because I needed to just relax. I was 100% sure that any errors could be ignored for the time being and that they probably numbered few and far between. I've commented at this time to everyone who left a comment on my GAs. I will be back for the main post itself in a bit :D
Please continue to enjoy the train!
The final puzzle and all extra stops made by me are completed!
You just have to follow me home for clues. But then you might have to go elsewhere.
The sooner you start, the better as the hints take quite some time.
Good luck, and remember, it isn't required for you to do the puzzle, you choose to if you want to.
But I will give a hint: AAA I have never given before :)
Update #3
There was a tiny issue with one of the GAs involved in the puzzle. It was missing a link to vital information. My sincerest apologies. While I can't tell you which GA that was, because that'd be telling, I can say it's walking distance from the Ringbahn :)
Update 4
The S3 operated by Deutsche Bahn has begun operating between Hannover and Berlin. You can catch it from Berlin Hauptbahnhof, or start at Hannover Hauptbahnhof.
Let's Train! Ich bin ein Berliner Edition is finally open!
For the past couple weeks, we've been organizing and collecting GAs and getting descriptions sent out. Finally, everything is done.
Originally there were 480 spots to signup for Giveaways for this event. I'm almost positive at this point, we are over 600 GAs from side additions and extra things that have been added in!
A Giant thank you goes out to all Line Operators and Contributors!
A big thank you goes out to the following people who worked tirelessly and put up with me throughout the preparation for this event. These people worked quite hard to help bring you this event. Please, consider them for a whitelist spot, even if just for the duration of the event: HiroHiro, Klinge, SexyBudgie, jbmccune, CrystalGamer, SadisticChicken, eeev, Sinovera, Faraday, Momo1991, adam1224, and Per3zat.
Another special thank you goes out to MBcoder for helping me create a special line when I was running low on time.
The Netz is officially open for all passengers! But first you need to decide how you got to Berlin?
There are several options:
The Train Network will be open until May 1st at 12:00 UTC. So start riding if you want to get as much out of it as possible!
Does it matter where you enter? Not really, we just thought it would be nice to give you the option of where to start your journey.
Before you embark on your exploration, you should probably talk to an information desk and take a map. You can of course forgo having a map, many people prefer to explore on their own. But in case you need it, there it is.
Blacklisted by a contributor? Sign-out of SG and continue along the path, or use incognito mode to follow it.
What can you expect to find? A lot of giveaways and a lot of Train stations. Some even have extra things attached to them. You might find a few puzzles, or mazes, but they are not common.
"But I don't like puzzles or mazes!"
No worries, they are not required to ride the official lines. They are all extra things put in by different contributors.
Outage Notice: Due to issues with the Berlin Transit Authority, the S9 is operating only on a night time schedule. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our passengers.
There is no service interruption on the S2, however, some vandals have defaced signs on the S2 and posted the incorrect final destination. Work crews are out and trying to fix the errors as soon as possible.
Special Notice: My final puzzle is not complete. If you find something that seems like it should have something, and it doesn't. Bookmark it and come back later. I will announce on the thread, when everything is done. I still have to make a few more GAs but as they are not stations, they could wait.
There are two main network systems that make up the majority of the train systems in Berlin. The U-Bahn short for Untergrundbahn had its named copied by the S-Bahn (formerly known as the Stadt-, Ring- and Vorortbahenen).
These two networks make up 334 stations that people use to get around the capital city of Berlin.
At present the exact number of GAs is unknown. I will update later once I have time to account for all the side routes.
Thank you for your patience and please enjoy your Train ride!!!
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