One of the biggest perks to PC gaming is mods.
A lot of the time when a person is asked why PC gaming is so great, many people will answer because it has mod support.

I'm just curious how many of you use mods?
What kind of mods do you use exactly?

9 years ago

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How often do you used mods?

View Results
All the time. Almost every time I play a game, I will be using a mod.
Quite often. I play with them more than I play without them.
Sometimes. I play without them more than I play with them.
Very rarely. Once in awhile I will use a mod, but I forget they are even a thing.
Never. I've yet to use any kind of mod.

Very rarely.

9 years ago

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Depend on the game really, if it a game with a lot of mod. then i do use a lot of mod, but other mostly just some gameplay fix mod

9 years ago

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Aside from Minecraft ... i dont think i used Any mod in ... years

9 years ago

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I use mods on games that have nice mod support (Doom, Skyrim, Bethesda Games mostly) but what I really love is create mods. Can't wait for Fallout 4 mods to come out ;)

9 years ago

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Used to play with mods plenty of times in the past but now they are called dlc and do so less often

9 years ago

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If it's a stand alone exe, maybe. If it will affect the main game in any way, nope.
I like to experience a game the way the creators intended. If a game isn't good enough(gameplay and artstyle wise, not technicaly) in its original form I wont bother trying to fix it, I will just unistall it and play something else.

9 years ago

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I don't use mods, they're rarely a good experience. I've been using mods years ago and I never really cared much for them since. Visual changes are pointless as you're changing the skins/textures, ruining the theme that the game had going for it and the functionality remains the same, meanwhile if you change the functionality with a mod it usually ruins any balance that the game had. Any fanmade things are usually really badly thought out, although there are exceptions. Not to mention that I wouldn't use a mod on a game unless I played through it fully already, which means that I'd end up having to replay the game to enjoy the mods and that's where balancing issues come in, where should the modded items even be? If they're at the start of the game and powerless, they'll fade out quickly, if they're at the start and powerful, you're ruining the whole game experience. There are a lot of issues with mods.

The worst thing about mods though would probably be the horrible stability in some games, like Minecraft and Fallout, if you download a bunch of mods without research, you'll end up constantly crashing the game.

At the end of the day if a mod is worth having/playing, it eventually becomes part of the game/standalone game, like some updates that brought existing mods into Minecraft or Killing floor and Dayz turning into games. Dota turned into a whole genre.

9 years ago*

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