Will you subscribe for this monthly bundle, which goes live on 10AM PDT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th?
Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack
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Starter pack? How about a big fat no :) I would like the real game. hehe
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Oh... BLACK OPS 3?!?!?!
Multiplayer Starter Pack
Ummm... Ok then. Why would I pay $12 for a STARTER PACK and 5 other probably s***y games?
Edit: Even worse
Features NOT included in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack:
Zombies game mode
Campaign game mode
Ability to play in Multiplayer custom games
Ability to Prestige (your level will be capped at 55 in the Starter Pack)
Access to mod tools or modded content (once released)
Access to unranked server browser (once released)
Ability to Fresh Start your profile
The ability to access Dead Ops Arcade II and Nightmares mode
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It is weird.
Since I get most of the monthly bundles I payed early and activated the Multiplayer Starter Pack on Steam with a plan to take advantage of Summer Sale and get the full Black Ops III cheaper than it is on sale.
To upgrade to full game It is needed to buy the Starter Pack Upgrade DLC which is 15.52 EUR with current -66% sale price. The full game separately costs 29.99 EUR with -50% sale price.
Now the weird things....
1) When I go to steam store then I see that I already own both the MP Starter Pack and the normal full version of Black Ops III
2) When I go to my Steam library then I see that I own Call of Duty: Black Ops III + 3 DLC
DLC1: Multiplayer
DLC2: MP starter pack
DLC3: Nuk3town bonus map
I guess I have to install it and see what I actually have...
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Let us know what happens. I found another similar post on another forum saying the same thing. Showed a screenshot. He installed it and while it looks like BlackOp 3 the Campaign and other things not included are greyed out. So I'm assuming its exactly what it says it is but it just shows up in steam with the blackops name without anything to say otherwise until you go into the menu.
I'm tempted to try it myself. But not tonight. Let us know. With my luck, I'll buy it. Buy the upgrade while its still 1/2 price and then a month from now we find out the upgrade is included in the rest of the pack. That wold be great for those getting the monthly but very very bad as a marketing thing. (and I very much doubt it will be there)
I'm ready to both buy it just because and cancel my current sub over this. lol. If they had the single player as the preview I'd be happy and if this was something included in the hidden part, that would great. As is however.... It kinda sucks. I'm not sure if I want this game or not.
Question for those who have blackops 3. How is the single player game? This might be worth it for a cheap upgrade and you would still get the other unknowns from the bundle later.
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Reading the reviews, the campaign seems to be okay. Still linear as all the cods, but with a decent story.
I don't own the game yet, this is from reading reviews. I think I might actually pay now and upgrade it. Only 15 bucks for this game and still the other games seems like a decent deal to me.
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so I finally downloaded the game and it is pretty much what it says it is, I guess it is a steam bug that it shows you in the store that you own the base game as well.
I can switch to offline in game menu but since Campaign, Multiplayer and Zombies are locked then I cant do anything in offline mode. Also it says in game that I have the MP starter Pack and my rank in online game sis limited to 55.
Edit: Now that I have tried the multiplayer I really don't see that the game is worth its price and the extra cost to upgrade to full version,
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As someone who curates bundles for a living, maybe you should try and find out just how hard this job is before opening your mouth.
We spend weeks at a time locked in our email inboxes, sometimes working until 3/4am in the morning just to speak with developers in different time zones.
And what do we get for all our hard work? Spoken down to by people who could last 10 minutes in this job.
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so because that you do it for a living, you say that they can put whatever they want in a bundle and send it to people to make them dissatisfied for what they paid? i understand that your job isnt easy, no ones is. just if youre doing something at least think about the customer if he will be satsfied with your work instead of you being happy with putting something together that people wont want. so before you open your mouth think about the other side not just how hard the work is for you and how ungrateful people are
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(July 2nd - 10AM PDT)
Thanks MaxThunder for the tip!
Here's a useful FAQ for CoD Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack:
July 15 - 10AM PDT
(July 25) - You can PAUSE your subscriptioin for 1 month, and it will automatically resume the following month (i.e. Pause subscription so you don't get August bundle, but your subscription will resume for the September bundle).
Disc Room
thanks MikeSe
it's too late to get the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE ...
So click here to see/voice your thoughts on the upcoming SEPTEMBER MONTHLY BUNDLE
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store! See more here
Retail: $124.93
CV: $86.6885 (Van Helsing Final Cut is on the bundle list, but all other items are considered unbundled because this bundle is not 95% or more off)
View Kitty Calis's Twitter post - (@KittyCalis)
If you prepaid ... .... you got Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack as the EARLY UNLOCK!
Thanks MaxThunder for the tip!
proof that this has trading cards
As of recently, there are only coupons for NEW SUBSCRIBERS in circulation. I haven't seen any coupons for Existing Subscribers.
View Previous Monthly Bundles
Q: Can I just skip this upcoming month's bundle, and still get next months bundle? Is there a PAUSE option for subscriptions?
Q: How does this 10% off coupon work? Does it work for 1st time subscribers only? What about current subscribers?
See the COUPON FAQ for more information!
A: For first time subscribers: You CAN use the 10% off coupon. They autocharge you $10.80 (if you have the coupon) one week before the bundle goes live, or you can pay early to get the the featured unlock game and still get the bundle for $10.80, or if not subscribed, pay with the coupon anytime before the bundle goes live.
ADDENDUM (June 3): As of recently, there are only coupons for NEW SUBSCRIBERS in circulation. I haven't seen any coupons for Existing Subscribers (yet).
Q: If I've subscribed before, maybe I can just unsubscribe and then resubscribe to use the NEW subscriber coupon?
A: Unfortunately. THIS DOES NOT WORK. I repeat, UNSUBBING AND RESUBBING DOES NOT WORK. (This has been confirmed many many times that it does NOT work). You have to create a new account in order to use the coupon, and you can NOT transfer coupons between accounts.
Q: "When is the latest I can unsubscribe (if I am a [re]current subscriber) to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle (AUGUST) if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed. This means you will be autocharged JULY 29th if you want the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle.
Q: BUT WAIT!! I decided that I do want the AUGUST bundle and it has passed JULY 29th...! Can I still get it??
A: YES. JULY 29th is the day they AUTOcharge you if you are a recurrent/current subscriber
HOWEVER, if you want JUST the AUGUST bundle, subscribe for it NOW, PAY, and IMMEDIATELY UNSUBSCRIBE so that you DO NOT get charged for the SEPTEMBER bundle.
Your LAST day to get the AUGUST bundle is AUGUST 5th BEFORE 10AM PDT.
Q: Can I unsubscribe right away if I just want the AUGUST Bundle?
A: YES, you can unsubscribe away if you just want the AUGUST bundle. You will get the featured game + Everything else that will be in the bundle once it goes live.
Q: What is the latest I can be "subscribed" to to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle? (AUGUST Bundle)
A: You MUST unsubscribe 1 week before the bundle goes live to avoid being charged for the AUGUST bundle. Otherwise, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed on JULY 29th if you are getting the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.
Q: Will I get everything inside the bundle if I subscribe just for JUST the AUGUST monthly bundle, and then unsubscribe right away?
A: Yes, you get the entire AUGUST bundle and won't be charged for the next (SEPTEMBER) bundle.
Q: Do they reveal games early?
A: NO. They do not provide hints. Sometimes they may, but this is very RARE. One or two days before, they will reveal a Humble "Original," which is an exclusive DRM-Free game provided only by Humble Bundle. However, they DO NOT REVEAL GAMES BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE.
Q: Will I still get the Early Unlock game(s) if I don't want to pay early for the bundle? Will I be able to get the game if i buy it NOW before the bundle goes live?
A: YES. ANYONE who buys the bundle, whether you pay early, have a current subscription and let HB autocharge you 1 week before the bundle goes live, or don't have a subscription but decide you want to purchase the bundle, AS LONG AS YOU PAY FOR THE BUNDLE ANYIME BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE, YOU WILL GET THE EARLY UNLOCK GAME.
Q: How do I subscribe again? Or... How the heck do I cancel my subscription? How do I view what kind of plan I have for Monthly Bundle Subscriptions?
A: go to your ACCOUNT SETTINGS and check to see if you are subscribed for the monthly bundle.
If you are subscribed, it should look like this on your account page: HB MONTHLY PLAN
Now, You will see TWO options
Q: After the monthly bundle goes live, can I get a refund for the bundle?
A: No, you will not be eligible for refunds after the games have been revealed. You can try to contact support and request a refund, but you probably won't get your money back after the bundle goes live.
If I'm not mistaken, you can only get a refund if you request one 1 WEEK BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE (July 29th for the AUGUST Bundle).
Please read the
if you have questions regarding:
Also, again ... "When is the latest I can unsubscribe if i am a recurrent/current subscriber to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle if I subscribe for this one now?"
A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged. This means you will be autocharged JULY 29th if you want the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.
I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle (SEPTEMBER).
Subscribe before it's too late ... and HAVE NO RaGRETS
or, watch the Summer 2016 Olympic Games instead! (this year, it's in Rio, Brazil!)
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