[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
♡ Friends and developers I’m trying to lend a hand of help ♡
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♡ My lovely community information ♡
Since recent I became a official co-owner of the LavaU community, so of course I am going to take a small moment to shameless self promote our community that also recently has been partnered with Curse chat.
(I'm so sorry for this shameless self promotion! *Blushes*)
The beauty of seeing it grow every day a little more to a awesome community makes me smile!
We do our best to be a fair and honest game community that tries to help Developers and fellow gamers.
We game together, we get (very!) salty together, we laugh and cry together and we accept everyone in our group ♡
You are always welcome to join after you've read our rules.
We do not just ban or kick people unless it is needed and occasionally we have 'clean house' to make room for new members if someone has been inactive for to long as we are looking for fun and active members who are willing to game, chat, participate random giveaways,...
We're just trying to make something cool and fun of it I guess ^_^
Do not feel obligated to join us, but in case of any interest this is all our information:
If you're looking for more information about me for stalking purposes or so *giggle* I mean, to keep a eye out for more events, ga's, etc:
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
Active fun topics of other friends:
Want your event listed here? Give a yell and I'll add it ^_^
200 members celebration by Afak [Ended]
Lose Your Gibs by Semeicardia [Ended]
You're not alone by DesertMouse1 [Ended]
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[Ended gibs showcase -but the side event/donations is still on going]
Main event:
♡ Level 1 and up [Ended]
♡ Some groups [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
Side events
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 6 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 8 and up [Ended]
♡ Whitelist [Ended]
♡ Level1 and up [Ended]
♡ Level 3 and up [Ended]
♡ Laurens87 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Wintermute75t made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Loupou22 made two giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Rayl1ght made a nice giveaway which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ kevingmz made a nice giveaway which you can enter:
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ igel2005 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Tynon1221 made nice giveaways which you can enter:
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
♡ Martin11ph made nice giveaways which you can enter:
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
here [Ended]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
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[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
The Steam Awards
Limited time, so make you're in or you'll be out!
As some of you already might have spotted, Steam now has official game rewards! oooooh exciting!
I have voted too for games I like or feel that deserve it ^^
In case anyone wonders, this is my line up:
♡ The “Test of Time” Award: The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
♡ The “I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye” Award: Eternal Senia
♡ The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award: The Binding of Isaac
♡ The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award: Fran Bow
♡ The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award: BattleBlock Theater®
♡ The “Game Within A Game” Award: FINAL FANTASY VIII
♡ The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award: Death by Game Show
♡ The “Best (ab)Use Of A Farm Animal” Award: Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation
♡ The “We Didn’t Think Of Everything” Award: MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Neptunia)
My category suggestion: The ''This game has so much plot but it needs more plot'' Award
Do note, I am NOT asking to vote for the same games,
I just wanted to show my interest in this new fancy thing steam created and as game lover and player I just had to share my insight as I encourage to share yours.
Who did you vote for?
Who knows I might wishlist it and learn to know more awesome and fun games :3
Completing the vote list will get you a badge and xp (thought it was 100 xp or so?) so that's one reason to go for it ^^
There is a total of 4 badges you can earn and you can find all the information here
Note: yes I am a huge Isaac fan and very addicted to both. No matter how many times I rage quit, I keep crawling back to them.
And do not underestimate the power of free games. The amounts of tears shed with Senia... Oh dear.
Wondering of any other choice I've made, feel free to ask me ^_^
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Thank you very much.
Bump and boop!
I just had to snag the first reply on this post. :-p
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Y'know, if you nest the replies- always replying to the first of your comments- noone CAN break up your posts. I'll show you, with the replies following.
(If you simply don't like the aesthetics of such an approach, by all means- just saying, functionality-wise, there's a way to go about it. ^.^)
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This thread needs more bump! Thanks for all the gibs, Tchii :)
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289 Comments - Last post 9 seconds ago by Kurajberovic
12 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by FeltHat
37 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by moronic
35 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by doomofdoom
2,435 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by vlbastos
166 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by iubjaved
19 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by wigglenose
143 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by ayuinaba
70 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by usshadowop
424 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by AndyyOak
10,085 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by orono
71 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by BigDave
17,429 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by MjrPITA
18 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by ngoclong19
In case I forget for forgot to edit my link in my current GA's again, the topic has been moved to: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/H6NdR/
[Please do not reply on this post to keep my posts in order they belong to be and don't get pushed apart.]
I'll kick my event off with my first bump, you're allowed to post under that and from there on ^_^
Thank you for respecting that. Much appreciated!
No keys have been harmed during making this event :P lol!
And that's it! Enjoy your travel into my small winter event!
Much love ^_^
♡ Winter wonderland event ♡
The concept is simple, I kept it basic and small to help out and promote some friends and developers.
Any help or support towards them would be appreciated although it is your own choice.
I still give just to give my goodies away but while I’m at it, I might as well ask to support the people I listed, right?
So please do not feel forced or so and just enjoy enjoy enjoy. ♡
I'll do my best to reply back on everything but if I overlook your comment/post due a float of incoming envelopes, forgive me!
For a change my event will not have a end date, it will run until whenever I feel like it. Thus no end date, yet!
So guess it will not be the standard train thing this time. :) I cannot promise how long/hard/slow/short it will be.
Cause for once I don't feel like rushing or forcing and stressing out xD Let's just relax and enjoy slooooooowly
Side event:
New trains after the main event once ends just to spread around some more cheer and joy :3
All end times are in CET since I'm from Belgium ^_^
All the same games, just different levels key clearance ♡ Happy Holidays in advance ♡
re-rolls and stalking support. Thanks in advance :3
More will be added over time, so make sure to check back if you like ^_^
All the same games, just different levels key clearance ♡ Happy Holidays in advance ♡
re-rolls and stalking support. Thanks in advance :3
More will be added over time, so make sure to check back if you like ^_^
All the same games, just different levels key clearance ♡ Happy Holidays in advance ♡
re-rolls and stalking support. Thanks in advance :3
More will be added over time, so make sure to check back if you like ^_^
♡ Loupou22 made two giveaways which you can enter:
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
here [Level 1 and up]
Thank you so much ^_^ ♡
And to get in the mood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHJr07zU9Gk
They happen occasionally out of the blue for no reason because why not!
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