Will you be shaken off grounds by this line-up?
A firend of mine gifted me this bundle from eu i am in asian region will i get eu lock on pathfinder or asian lock on pathfinder
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Not sure if they have expired or not but here are some more:
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May well have expired (they said they were due to expire August).
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I was really doubting for myself, mostly because of the price versus the dupes i already have, but a friend wanted it so i would pay it for him and he would pay me back, but i forgot to tick the box gift to, so i clicked back on my browser but apparently it already bought it, so guess i have one myself too now, and plenty to give away.
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If you've not revealed any keys, can you not ask them(humble) to refund you?
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Normally, you're right but he was buying for a friend and made a mistake with the gift option. If he got the refund, he could buy it again and send the gift bundle to his friend correctly.
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That would have been entirely possible yes, i had no problems with them in the past doing it that way, they are helpful.
Gotham Knights (not the best reviews) was still nagging at me, Cris Tales was also a game that had interest, the only other ones were small games, and i could have gotten Gotham from key resellers at 13 euro, but i also was like well for 15 more i got more games for myself and have enough to gift here for a long time.
I am in the process of moving when i have limited funds, so any 28 euro could be part sofa, part fridge, part lamp on the other hand there is my gaming addiction which i could always feed so far because i had no costs, that's a part i need to learn to control, if the moving wasn't there i would have had no problem with it even.
Half april i gonna be settled in and will be the first time at the end of the month to see what i am really left with, and probably have to learn the hard way that the way i bought games will have to change.
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Best of luck with your move and furnishing your place will definitely cost money depending on your tastes. I would go at a pace that your budget allows and try to stick to it. Hopefully, once the basics are all bought, your gaming habit can be fed again!
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It's newly build so i can't take things over, just a floor and something to cook on and to remove the smells, already costed me 2500 euro, and then you still basically got an empty space.
I am very blessed my mom contributed with a bed, chairs and dinner table/chairs. But i still owe her 1400 euro, and i have a 1900 loan from the wellfare agency which will be deducted from my wellfare at 5% interest, so a total loan of 3300 euro.
I also got some slight germphobia, so certain second hand stuff is out of the question like a sofa, seats etc, stuff you can't just wipe off like a cabinet, that i would have no objection against. But then there is the part about moving stuff when i don't have a car, my sister only has a mini car, and the only one who would had a big enough car and could hook up a trailer, was my dad who passed away 2 years ago.
But for now i got the basic things (bed, washing machine, fridge, something to cook on) the small stuff will just have to come gradually.
Sadly things are very expensive and many struggle (and being on wellfare shouldn't be an incentive, but even when you work you are sometimes worse off because you loose all sorts of benefits). I got a heat pump so i am gasless, but that does mean i am using more electricity but that also isn't cheap.
But some also smoke or drink alcohol which i both don't do, so i hope it's a bit money saved there for some games.
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It already took me 15 to redeem them myself and write them in my gamelist. :p
I did it too quickly in a TF2 session, so only after i gave him a bundle i noticed it was purchased twice.
And i did had interest myself, i just didn't know if it was worth it versus the many things i already had, and yes it's a good cause, as i said if it weren't for the moving, i wouldn't think twice, but when it's money better suited elsewhere..
Now i got my own spares AND his so only more to gift here.
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How many times can I purchase this bundle for myself and does gifting counts to that limit?
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They probably get the ASIA sub, which can be activated in Türkiye and Syria:
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...ahh I meant more ROW version (and others, except ASIA): Isn't it, for the sake of CHARITY, more obvious / more correct / more logical, in this case, to open hassle-free access to as many people as possible? (for example: if someone from the American region just wants to donate / give a game to a person from the regions affected by this earthquake, then he, apparently, will have to physically move to that country now...?!)
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The greater "sense" of donating is giving something without the need to get something in return.
Except for maybe the warm feeling you get from doing something good.
If you see it that way, the games are just a nice bonus and the buyer always can activate them(self).
Involving a third party is your choice, the charity organisation has no obligation to account for everything and country specific keys might be cheaper for them to aquire instead of the ROW ones.
And if more keys go "unused", a small percentage will trigger another buy/donation for keys for the correct country.
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Hello everyone! I hope someone can help me figure out how to determine region locks for this bundle Sadly with my poor memory, I have quite possibly asked this question before.
I want to giveaway the majority of the games from this bundle. I have already spent hours preparing things when I thought to check here for restrictions. I see there are a few issues. So I went to Humble Bundle thinking I would check the key for each of the 60+ games and I cannot find anything that shows restrictions for a particular game.
I made the purchase in the Dominican Republic (so, within LatAm). I am guessing that some/most keys will be "global". I would guess that some will be restricted to LatAm although I would love to be wrong!
After so much time already invested in this, I don't want to abandon the giveaways. But I also don't want to have to deal with cases of the winner not being able to activate the key. Likewise, I would like this to go to a larger audience than I would get by simply giving 60 keys in a thread - along with the concomitant hassle of having to determine who gets which keys..
I am willing to put the necessary effort, but I am currently at a road block on how to proceed. Can some kind person give me a path to resolve this?
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If i'm not mistaken, only "Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition" has a LATAM region lock according to the post.
Also "Lust from Beyond - M Edition", "Soulblight" and "Orbital Racer" cannot be activated in RU and BY.
Other than these 4 games the rest of the bundle should have no restrictions.
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Oh! That is the best answer possible!
I did see the restrictions you mention. But they (these restrictions) and my own experiences being very saddened when something I thought I would be able to activate was not redeemable by me. And other games that I have given away only to be surprised by a winner's (and even a 2nd winner's) inability to activate I key I was giving. And then the whole issue of what to do if multiple keys had a region issue. I will put in those restrictions and hope you/we are correct!
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The region lock info in the OP is usually quite correct. I try to compile it based on the gift link notifications + what kind of region locked packages exist + the publisher's experience with region locks + confirmations from this post. It takes me from a few hours to a day to look through all these, to have people share screenshots with the gift link notifications, subs lists or other confirmations. So I'd say that in the first 2-3h after the bundle launches, the region locks info in the OP is still a work in progress, but otherwise it's quite reliable.
Judging region locks only based on the gift link notification is not enough, because even for keys that can be activated worldwide, Humble Bundle's notification will tell you that it's locked - which is untrue.
So from the OP, for this bundle, the region locks from the perspective of a LATAM customer are:
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Orbital Racer
The above are ROW keys that exclude activation in BY, RU
(ROW generally means "can be activated worldwide")
(if you don't see LATAM listed for a game, assume you receive whatever "Everyone else" receives)
When in doubt, feel free to ask here, even if the breakdown is pretty clear from the OP.
We're always here to help you.
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Thank you kindly. I do realize how much effort you put into this and am most appreciative. For some reason, even though I consider myself an intelligent fellow, these permissions manage to keep me confused! In a more perfect world, "they" would come up with a better system so that one could be 100% certain of any restrictions on a key without having to have a "sensualshakti" and a community to get it figured out. :)
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The restrictions are intentionally left vague, I suppose, perhaps to reduce cross-region trading / reselling of the keys... which happens either way. They're usually a maze of uncertainties because the notifications aren't accurate, because it's not clear who receives what or who doesn't receive anything, and because packages are often not indexed on SteamDB, but confirmations help a huge lot to sort them out nicely. No one is really able to tell region locks only based on the gift link notifications, so please don't beat yourself over that.
But, as general guidelines:
Again, don't be shy to ask, SG folks tend to answer in a matter of hours and I don't think that anyone is bothered by these kinds of questions - on the contrary, they also help those likely to have the same doubts.
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Again, thank you! for all you do for this community and in this case making time for my simple (and, I realize, already often answered) question.
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If you haven't revealed the Steam keys and you still have the option to "Gift to friend", clicking that should tell you if the key has any region restrictions. Once you know the region lock information, you can cancel and not create the gift link.
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That is actually a great idea! Now if I can only remember it until the next bundle purchase! :)
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But remember what sensualshakti said:
Judging region locks only based on the gift link notification is not enough, because even for keys that can be activated worldwide, Humble Bundle's notification will tell you that it's locked - which is untrue.
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Why did you have to ruin the moment? 😁 (sigh)
In this case, my forgetful won't be a problem!
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Having an issue with a Ticket To Ride key. I gifted it on Indiegala and the winner indicated they could not activate it as it was a dlc key. A steam friend tried it who does not own Ticket to Ride and confirmed it was a dlc key. Another steam friend tried the "identify the key" trick and it appears to be a Ticket to Ride key, so likely one of the many dlc for Ticket To Ride.
Sent a ticket to Humble asking for a full game key, am hoping they can get one as the game is now removed from sale on Steam.
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i tried actvating mine got this https://steamdb.info/sub/13670/apps/
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Does that mean it activated as the base game of Ticket to Ride? If so that is great.
I assume that this error with my Ticket to Ride is a one off, or else this Steamgifts discussion would have been flooded with others having the same issue. I am always slow to activate keys and it is 6 months since the bundle came out. It is possible the keys ran out and were replaced by others by Humble. The only thing I do know is that two different people have tried the key and tell me it will not activate as it is a dlc key :(
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no i meant it didnt activate i just revealed it too
The product code you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation.
If you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please first activate the original game, then activate this additional content.
SteamDB - Install - Ticket to Ride Online Retail
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In that case the fault lies with the Steam sub and thus with the publisher. That is definitely the base game. It is the exact same sub I've gotten from this bundle and which activated fine back then. It is probably related to the fact that they retired the game but keys should still work afterwards. Sounds like a misconfiguration issue on their side.
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That sounds like the message my person got - means you cannot activate the key as you do not own the base game. This happens when you get a dlc key but do not yet own the base game. I wonder if the dev had to supply some extra keys for bundles and accidentally grabbed dlc keys instead?
A steamgifter below has also suggested that the error in not activating is due to "The "unknown" app/2608220 was added to the package on October 10, 2023, and I believe that is why the key does not work." The name change is due to the game being removed from Steam.
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The "unknown" app/2608220
was added to the package on October 10, 2023, and I believe that is why the key does not work.
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Thanks for your input, it will be interesting to see what happens. I have received the occasional key for an already removed game and have had no issues activating them, but have never checked steamdb to see if the the "unknown" was added or not. There is now another steamgifter who also has this issue. Another reason to activate keys quickly :(
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Definitely the "Europe map DLC" they're giving for old players who buy the new version: https://steamcommunity.com/games/2477010/announcements/detail/3746488908454853578
Starting November 14th, our launch date, all players who own Ticket to Ride: Classic Edition will receive the Europe map as a gift from Marmalade Game Studio.
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got a very recent reply from Humble - they have talked to the developer and feel it was a bug on Steam's end. They want me to try the key again. I already own the game but have passed this message on to my steam friend for him to try. It might take days as he is not on all the time. Do you want to give your key a try in the mean time? Will hope it works for you.
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just check my key activated
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Maybe. But usually a key will activate for a removed game. I just thought I would post here in case any other late activators find they also cannot get the key to work. Will be interesting to see what Humble say about the key.
A comment two above yours indicates an issue with the game name on steamdb (a change made after the game was removed), so you might be correct.
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Received a reply from Humble support today regarding the inability of my Ticket To Ride key to activate. They indicated this issue would need investigation and may take some while. So I wait :)
Edit: I also mentioned the name change on Steamdb.
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As mentioned here, the app which was added to the package is likely the offered DLC for the new game, hence the package would require to own the new game in order to be activated.
There is also a chance that package would work the moment the app becomes known. Currently, with "App Type: Unknown", there is no chance.
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I mentioned the fact that the game on steamdb seems to be now an unknown package as the email indicated I could reply if I had further relevant information. I suspect they will check this out and handball me over to the dev - but I guess I just have to be patient.
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Yes, it's DLC for new game. And dev forgot/didn't know to disable base game requirement for it.
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Just received an answer from Humble's support about my non working Ticket to Ride key:-
"Hello there
Thank you for your patience while this was further investigated.
We heard back from the developer and it appears to have been a bug on Steam's end. Please try redeeming this key once more and let me know if you continue to have trouble."
So .. have asked my steam friend to retry the key (but suspect it will still not work).
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There has been one change to the unknown app 2 days ago. Not sure what it was though:
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I sort of think you are correct - have passed the key back to the friend that initially tried it (I already own the game) but he is offline and often not on for a week or so. There was one other steamgift user who also had the same issue. I left them a message asking them to try their key again.
Am stuck waiting for someone to tell me how they went.
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Issue is solved I think. Another steamgifter who had the same key issue has now activated their key :) So the dev came through. Thanks for the support and input about the app id change - am sure that helped Humble and especially the dev to fix the issue.
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Calico is out of stock from the Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle:
"ATTENTION: We have run out of Steam keys for Calico. We are getting more ASAP. We will have Steam keys for you as soon as they are available again!"
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329 Comments - Last post 49 seconds ago by gorok
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20 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Inkyyy
Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle
1 Tier, 69 Steam Items
01 Mar 2023 - 09 Mar 2023
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg
⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition - EU gift link notification
Mount & Blade: Warband
Lust from Beyond - M Edition
Orbital Racer
The above are ROW keys that exclude activation in BY, RU
🔑 Full list of subs (USA purchase)
🔑 Full list of subs (EU purchase)
🌟 2025-02-13: Calico out of stock
30 USD | 28.03 EUR | 24.92 GBP | 40.18 CAD | | 43.45 AUD | 48 NZD
DRM-Free included:
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
⚙️ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
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Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's a UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
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