Which theme would you like to see for December?
2 More giveaways added to the website :)
Sorry krolik7, someone stole your "last giveaway added" title :P
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Spoiler: there are over 20 giveaways already planned for December ;)
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Sorry for the late answer, I didn't get around to doing anything regarding this event yesterday. There is a reason why that blacklist is there and it is staying. Up to you if you still want to make one anyways.
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Not where I am from, here it kinda forgot it is supposed to come :D and it is completely fine by me :D
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How do these events work exactly? I've never participated, but I beat 2 of my SG wins this month (Hammerwatch and TJ&E). Do you just add a game to pagywosg.xyz , beat it, then get sent a link to the event giveaways? Are you expected to get a certain % of achievements or is it more about just beating the games?
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You submit a game to the website that fits the theme (you can do it before or after you beat said game, both works), once it is beaten/completed you mark it as such on the website and about once a day I when I get around it I approve the games and once you have at least one game approved as beaten you see all the giveaway for the month on the website. No achievement percentage needed, the game just needs to be beaten. The FAQ might answer some more of your questions but if you have any other ones feel free to ask :)
And in your case Hammerwatch would work for the theme since it is an RPG game according to the Steam tags.
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I was gonna demand that next month my journey down should count as 2 games since I won it twice but now I see that the tag is 2.5D and not 2D. The cheek of it to ruin my plans!
Oh wait it has colourful tag ha. Back to demanding that chapter 2 is classed as 2 wins!
Just noticed you did put colourful and not colorful like the tag actually says. Just the wrong way to spell it
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Yeaaaaa don't think it is gonna happen that it will be counted as 2 :P
Isn't colourful the British spelling and therefore the right spelling?
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Ahhh I thought you were implying colourful was wrong which confused me because I thought you were British (according to your Steam profile).
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Nope, they are not. One is a sub the other one is an app. There is only one game that is in the library and the playtime only gets counted on one ID (the app one) too.
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Yes those are separate and get counted separately since they are their own games, but we are talking about only chapter 2 here not the other 2.
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I just got linked this stares I am trying to enjoy holidays here without worrying godamit!
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Note to everyone participating (same also goes for PA, but you have other admins there to contact): I am traveling abroad from now(currently waiting for my flight at the airport) till the end of the month so expect delays in getting answers/getting stuff approved. If you need something more urgently Samwise84 should be able to help you with most of the stuff.
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Best slave ever :P
And thanks, was nice meeting you ;)
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I've beaten Fantasy Wars.(I wasn't sure if I had to say it in the thread or not)
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I am about to be in 5 different countries in 5 days in a few hours (gotta love Europe <3; Slovenia -> Italy -> Netherlands -> Germany -> Austria -> Slovenia) and be finally home this afternoon (currently 4:20AM, gotta love not being able to sleep) so I guess stuff should get back to normal in about a day or so.
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Nothing beats getting back home and sleeping in your own bed tho :)
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Thanks, I did! The Netherlands (or more specifially going to Qlimax that was in Arnhem) was actually the main reason for the journey :) Italy and Austria where the 2 countries I just passed through.
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Oh just the Venice airport, nothing interesting :)
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There is plenty of times when I don't just pass through Italy (mostly only for shopping tho :P) so I am sure he would be fine :D
It is not really a thing you would know of unless you are into that kind of stuff. Thanks, it very much was :)
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Hmm, is it too late to offer some additional giveaways for this month? :D
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Sorry for the late response: it is never too late unless the month is already over :P If you want to do so just send me a friend request of Steam :)
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No worries, I saw you were out adventuring so I didn't expect you to respond immediately. :) FR sent.
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I was wondering, why is it my playtime for "Postmen of Horizon" doesn't update on the pagywosg site — and found out that the game was actually deleted from the store. And now it doesn't even show up on my "Recent" section on steam. So, I made a screenshot with my playtime from steam app: https://i.imgur.com/ImBbb1Z.png
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Updated your game too. Sorry have probably overlooked it earlier.
All other game entries that are first for the month need to wait for mouse's approval tomorrow. She finally went to a well needed/earned rest after nearly two days of constant travel.
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Well it hasn't been updated because I could not find your playtime, because of the reason you stated. And I could not to be bothered to ask you, sicne I had to prepare for nightshift. So thank you for the screenshot. Will do so in a moment.
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It wasn't updated because I didn't get around running the update script. I kinda forgot the details but I am pretty sure the site can actually pick up the playtime even if the game is removed, but don't 100% quote me on that because workarounds how to get playtime for removed games exist but it is a bit iffy and I am not 100% sure what exactly is implemented into the website anymore.
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For removed games it looks at recently played games (/IPlayerService/GetRecentlyPlayedGames/v1/
But I remember you were saying that even Steam Api sometimes returns wrong values for this (though I was not able to achieve wrong playtime thing on my own).
And of course if someone adds a removed game they played more than 2 weeks before adding, it's no longer 'recent' for Steam so it won't be shown at Api.
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That is exactly what I thought it is doing (and even mentioned it to Samwise in a private Steam chat) but I forgot the exact details (and I am sick right now so my mind isn't working the best :D ). Thanks for confirming it :)
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Everything should now be up to date and resolved now, if I missed something let me know and sorry for the delays!
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And 3 more giveaways added to the site bringing us to a total of 20! Thank you everyone :)
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You are a bit early for December :P The next month event will however already start tomorrow so get ready ;)
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You can play any of your wins that qualify for the monthly subthemes.
In November these are:
If none of your wins qualifies, you can always play your normal backlog games instead.
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One last giveaway added to the website which the the giveaway for the first day of the December is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month - Gift Wrap - ADVENT CALENDAR EDITION which everyone who participated in November is welcome to join, for the rest of the days you will have to participate in the December thread.
The November thread is still going on normally till the end of the 30th of November so no worries if you still have some games to finish :)
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Closed down the event on the website for November. As always I accept any additions/changes for the next couple of days just let me know.
December is already up and running.
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shakes fist could you not have done it 14 minutes earlier? :D
Fixed it manually now on the website and added you to the list of eligible people. I will fix the leaderboard and the rest tomorrow.
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Congrats to everyone who successfully participated last month, here are the final statistics which I think broke some more records again :) :
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for October for the next couple of days (till the October thread is closed).
The theme for this month is
Winter is coming
(Thank you to seNs for the suggestion!)
Games that qualify for it are:
RPG games
Games with gore
Medieval games
Strategy games
Turn based games
Story rich games
Games with the nudity tag
Tower defense games
Games containing dragons
Games with Ice or Fire in the name
Games with vaporware sequels
Winter-themed games or games where the actions take place in winter
Games with terrible endings
Games based on a book
Don't have any game that fits the theme?
For this month I have decided to let people play their normal backlog games in case no win qualifies. Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
I would still appreciate if you list the games you are going to play bellow just in case something goes wrong (yes, I do have backups of the site, but it only backups once a day) and so I can quickly reply you to the comment in case of any issues with the games.
Don't want to login into the site?
No worries, you can just leave the names of the games you are going to play in the comments bellow and I will add you into to the site myself at the end of the month.
Theme for December
In the poll below you can vote which theme you would like to be the theme for next month. You can find the original comments here:
Gift Of Life
Cheevo Hunter
Happy holidays!
Summer cannot come fast enough
Gift Wrap
Theme for January
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for January? Leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become January's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:
That Dragon, Cancer
Cat Quest II - By Samwise84
EVERSPACE™ - By Samwise84
Plague Inc: Evolved - By Samwise84
Beat Cop - By Samwise84
Life is Strange Complete Season - By Samwise84
Moonlighter - by Alvin04
Pillars of Eternity - by SirMustachio
Evergarden - by ThePonz
Portal Knights - by seNs
Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy - by seNs
Children of Morta - by seNs
Everything - by Gelweo
Figment - by Gelweo
My Time At Portia - by krolik7
Unhack - by Khayta
Unhack 2 - by Khayta
Snake Pass - by Noxco
Gremlins, Inc. - by Noxco
Root Double -Before Crime * After Days- Xtend Edition - by Noxco
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
Previous months:
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July -August - September - October
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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