After going through our first batch of members (almost all of them were keepers!) We're looking to open our flood gets and get around 50 members max. So as long as you're not scared off yet, read further on how to join :).

Member Count: 55/50

Club Penguin Giveaways is a giveaway group for people with or without the force (luck). There are a few requirements, but if you meet them, we will happily accept you, given you’re our kind of person.


  1. You must have $30.01 CV on your Steam Gifts Account. (in other words you must have given away more than just bundle games)
  2. You must not have any bans on steam, or be marked as a scammer via steam trades.
  3. We have a 2:1 ratio rule for every 2 games you win, you must give away one. But it isn't totally enforced, Please look at the group for our new point system!
  4. Please be active, no activity can result in a kick, that being said, keep all profanity at bay.
  5. Treat everyone how you’d like to be treated, with respect and for the love of giveaways, comment on giveaways!


-You must create and successfully give away one game before you may enter any giveaways; we have a giveaway timer of at least 1 day in effect for this so be sure to do this within your first 48 hours of being in the group..

-Leechers, beggars, and spammers need not apply; we’ve had enough of them already.


Feel free to ask questions!

You know there is an online game called club penguin right?

Yup! Penguins are awesome, just like giveaways, add the word club and Sha-Zam, you got Club Penguin Giveaways.

Where do I sign up?

Simply reply in the thread and tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well, where's the giveaway? [ENDED]

Here, [ENDED]

When we reach 50 members a random comment will be chosen from the reply's of this thread, and they will receive a Steam gift version of Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 (no SG giveaway since it's still exploited) [SENT]

30 Member Giveaway to be Posted Today! [ENDED]

More Coming @ 40, and 50 members [NINJA KEYS PLACED]

10 years ago*

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At first sight your group doesn't seem that active (but who knows what's going on in the member only discussion boards haha)
So if you are looking for some activity, feel free to shoot me an invite.
I've read all the rules, understand how the points system works and i got plenty of things to giveaway.
There is one slight problem though; i'm not a penguin.

10 years ago

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Invited :)

10 years ago

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Thank you

10 years ago

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Hello, I am interested, except on steamtrades I have 2 negative feedback, but as you can find both by scammers. Other than that I want to join. I have $33 CV, and I and 5 giveaways to 0 games won, so if you want to invite me let me know. :)

10 years ago

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You look clean. Welcome to the iceberg, penguin!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by darko55.