Ok, maybe a weird topic but... as a woman who's been on the internet for decades, I tend to be rather careful about stuff.

How do most of you handle seemingly random Steam friend requests? I've got two sitting there and I can't figure out who they are... but at the same time, I don't want to be rude if it's someone from here and I just don't recognize them. I totally get friend requests if I owe someone a giveaway they've won, or if they're trying to give me a game I've won... but the random stuff just sets me on guard a little.

Sorry for that. Anyway... ideas/thoughts?

EDIT: Ok, thanks for the feedback and the laughs everyone. :) I made comments accessible to non-friends. I don't mean to be antisocial at all, but I just get tired of the weirdos and the beggars.

You're all a-ok.

11 years ago*

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Send them a message asking who they are.

11 years ago

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I accept them and ask them why they added me, if they beg/try a scam i delete them, it's the best way atm (sometimes i troll the scammers but only if i got some time)

11 years ago

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I usually accept all friend request I recieve and send them a message asking why they added me. If the just added me to add me, I normally delete them right away. If I got added by a scammer I hold them on for as long as I can and then delete them, and so on.

11 years ago

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I usually accept any requests, but before that i check their profile in order to have an idea about their interests or taste in games. You can always delete them from your list if they are rude to you.

11 years ago

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Enhanced Steam, or steamgifts.com/user/id/insert_ID64_here (would be http://www.steamgifts.com/user/id/76561198048004902 for me for example).

Also, what does being a woman on the internet have to do with it? As no-one can actually see that (I mean, people also ask me whether I am a girl or a boy).

11 years ago

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Back in the day, if you weren't obviously a guy, one of two things usually happened.
1) You got crapped on and teased mercilessly because, really, what could a GIRL know about computers, networking, hardware, and software?
2) You got macked on MERCILESSLY. God, that was CREEPY.

11 years ago

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She was citing her decades of experience with the internet. I think you missed the emphasis completely.

11 years ago

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That, too. :)

11 years ago

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I ignore them if they don't leave a comment, actually. But maybe I should add them and see what they want.
[EDIT] You can do what I do, say that you won't accept random friend requests unless they comment on your profile saying why they're adding you.

11 years ago

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I try to figure out why they would add me, and if I can't think of anything, I block them...

11 years ago

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But random friends are best friends!
(I'm adding you right now, OP)

11 years ago

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LMAO! Now that I will accept. :)

11 years ago

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Like every other person has said, add them and ask them what they want?

They aren't going to jump through the screen and attack you nor are they going to h4xx0rz your PC.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I handle them by creating a topic on a gaming forum that will inevitably end up attracting even more seemingly random requests... oh wait

11 years ago

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Haha! Touche. That's totally what Lobo93 did. ;) But he was the first, and I thought it was funny, so I accepted. :)

11 years ago

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What does a friend request mean. I don't know

11 years ago

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Accept them, give them 5 minutes to state their business => Remove them if it's bull (it usually is :p).

Oh and dont click on links :p

11 years ago

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I've had about 5 people add me randomly in the past couple weeks. I accept and just ask why they added me. Simple.

11 years ago

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If I have a trade thread on Steamtrades, TF2 outpost...I usually accept the invites and ask them if they add me for trade. If not, I ignore them all.

11 years ago

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Maybe they're just a bunch of horn dogs?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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if i have no idea who it is then i just ignore it if they want something from me they can leave a comment ^^

11 years ago

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Some of the steps I take: Check if the person's posted on my SteamTrades threads. Check SteamRep. Check if the account is new and how many games it has. Check SteamGifts to see if the user is a winner or creator. Check friends/groups in common. Accept anything that looks legitimate and decline requests from suspicious Steam accounts (new, few games, fake profile rep, friend with known scammers, trade banned, etc).

11 years ago

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i'm antisocial so i dont get many, usually i go straight to SG and see what i've won lol. otherwise, ignore.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MatrixRaven.