Is this a poll about the internet, or is the internet about this poll?

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6 years ago*

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Do you even internet? Is the internet becoming a more unfriendly place?

View Results
Eat a f*&$ing *&$%!
My spirit animal is Bob Marley, irie mon! One Love!
Good question! Who the HELL CARES!?
If Tigger got triggered, would he bounce in anger?
I am Jack's medulla oblongata.
Solanum tuberosum.

Since I can't use underscores in my name here, what should it become if not anto_capone?

Ugh, the complexities of life.

6 years ago

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What is this - if not a underscore that went up in life? Huh, anto-capone?

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago

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I am surrounded by brilliance! You are all awesome! ^^

6 years ago

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I don't know. Dashes always seem up to no good to me! I don't trust them! Are they hyphens? Are they dashes? Which bathroom do they use? The questions turn into answers of questions I never asked.

Still, might be better than those passive aggressive ellipses! Much to ponder! ^^

6 years ago

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According to Amazing Spider-Man, they are hyphens. Otherwise he'd be Amazing Spider Dash man.

6 years ago

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For some reason, the Amazing Spider Dash Man sounds like an excellent cook. Not sure why, maybe I am just hungry?

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I think that translates from Dutch into something like:

"He disappeared in the mountain after wetting his pants". ^^

Worth consideration, for sure!

6 years ago

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how.... please explain/translate how xD word by word - please

6 years ago

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It might be Welsh, not sure! ^^

6 years ago

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Not really. People self censor online quite often these days, unlike back in the early years of the internet.

6 years ago

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Nah, I just believe ignorance travels faster these days.
Case in point - most of Twitter.

6 years ago

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If a Twitter falls in a forest, and no one is around to-

Wait, who the fuck uses Twitter? ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Yep, pretty much.

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6 years ago

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I am offended about the lack of potato on the poll, you are oppressing me Ni..ckelback
Go and eat sh..awarma, you oppressor!

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6 years ago

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lmao. When I was younger, I would hear/read "nigga" everywhere. I don't know when this trend of "nigga' being considered so bad began. I think it's a funny friendly word.

6 years ago

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That is because you are not from the US. the word and the word it comes from have a complicated and sensitive history and context.

6 years ago

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Actually there is potato on the poll....? =/

6 years ago

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after u respond him that i start to overthink a little bit, is solarum tuberosum ? (i'm going to check after i sent this msg if that was the one, will edit if wrong hahaha, just wanna know if i nailed it xD

6 years ago

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You are a winner at this poll and life in general! =D

6 years ago

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Hahahaha yeah! i nailed it! :P
Ur a winner in life as well :)

6 years ago

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probably, i think more idiots found their way to internet and feel no shame since it's mostly anonymous.

6 years ago

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+1. Plus, I think increasingly people feel entitled to say what they want to say, without consideration of others' feelings. In other words, common courtesy is dying -- faster on the Internet.

6 years ago

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Sad but true. No one even holds a door open anymore....

6 years ago

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You just have to realize a lot of people who are rude / smart asses / generally awful online don't have their lives in order in real life. They vent and lash out online, because they have pain/insecurity/fear etc in real life, they compensate by making themselves feel better by dragging others down. Maybe they had a really bad day, maybe they got fired from work, maybe they got dumped, maybe they have no friends. Just don't let anything someone says online affect you, you'll be alright. Like Tyler the Creator said (I will paraphrase lol) "Just walk away from the screen, close your eyes." lmao if it starts to bug you too much

6 years ago

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Nicely said!

I think I must be carrying some static charge or something, the asshole ions are simply being drawn in. ^^

Joking aside, there is wisdom in your words. I just don't know if I am getting more cynical or if I am actually seeing more of this 'less than polite' behavior online.

6 years ago

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Sort of.
It's not like the wild earlier days when some people were absolute twats but everyone sorta took it as a bit of a joke.
Now that it's as absolute and prevalent as it is, every idiot and their mum is on it and they tend to take everything super seriously, so whatever you say will open a can of worms of people flinging shit at each other because they just can't move past it or ignore it. And of course lots of people actively go out of their way too to be as much of a scumbag as they possibly can. It's all a bit sad.
But it's ok. When Google finally takes over, any slightly off tone comment will violate their ToS and give them reason for their Internet Police to break down your door and drag you behind the chemical shed.

6 years ago

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I thought this was a serious post until I read the actual content and your poll. Are you trying to raise debate or just being a troll?

6 years ago

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Wasn't trying to be a troll, sorry =/

Was trying to raise debate with some light humor, sorry for the fail

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Peanut Butter, Caramel, Kettle Corn, or Regular Butter Popcorn? Hmmm

That probably would have been a better poll than this one! ^^

6 years ago

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Too many alone, sad little people who just try to fill the void in their life. People who identify themselves by a single hobby, having a pet, belonging to a certain group or nation, while lacking real identity and character, actively refusing to listen or accept that there's more. Not wanting to understand, to listen, but at the same time having nothing meaningful to add to most topic, so it ends up with the " me-me-me-me" mindset. I guess everyone has a friend who would rather die than asking back what did you mean by having a good weekend, instead immediately starting to talk about theirs for minutes. Or just generally being shallow about "whoever likes X are just plain wrong" because they like that. Be that a politician, religion, food, pet, movie, music, anything.
In short they live in such a narrowed life that they treat the world as they, and their opinions are the absolute centre of it. Showing no interest, or even willingness to try to understand others, while jokingly or seriously, but promoting the idea that it's okay to hate on anything that's different. They can really ruin the mood anywhere on the internet - the typical person who rather comments on a topic how they dislike something than just let it go along. Overinflated feel of self-importance, and at the same time just not caring about others, trying to silence or devaluate them. Quite widespread since the community media is so multi-layered and accessible. ( I think twitter made it somewhat worse - short messages help angry yapping and cussing more than any meaningful discussion)

6 years ago

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GAFAMs and SJWs are ruining it, hence normal people get pissed πŸ‘€

6 years ago

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I love acronyms as much as the next guy, but what is a GAFAM??? ^^

Some missile defense system??

6 years ago

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I thought it was on Wikipedia but it actually isn't :o There then:

6 years ago

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nah, it is coherent with the spirit of the postmodern humans, in line with the social global context with its countless facets, from country to country, from ethnicity to ethnicity, race to race, social class to social class, and so on.

gotta enjoy it while it last. before a politician along with its own mentally retard fanbase decides that it is better for all of us to give the key of internet free speech to a government or private entity because of muh hate speech/fake news/anonymity/right wing movements on the rise/cyberbullism/ISIS recruiting members on chats rooms.

6 years ago

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the key of internet free speech

What Internet free speech? πŸ‘€

6 years ago

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im aware, crazy shit. especially if you consider that some of those companies hosts pedophile websites top kek

meanwhile blacks, feminists and fellow whitesβ„’ are free to incite hate toward white people. nazi witch hunt turned into a mass psychosis.

6 years ago

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Free speech is the freedom to talk against government. It has nothing to do with how privately owned sites or corporations react to one's actions.

6 years ago

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I've heard that one so many times. The issue here is that NO Internet company will accept them. Very same Internet companies that at the same time pretend to fight for "net neutrality", aka preventing ISPs from censoring them, and hide behind "we're service providers, we're not supposed to police contents" to host ISIS stuff and such. #doubleStandard much.

And whenever a company does try to accept (well, tolerate) them, the providers of said company eventually force said company to censor anyway:

Not to mention how Google and Apple can just prevent anyone from publishing a free-speech app on billions of smartphones (yes, it's possible to use third-party stores on Android, but still that excludes most users, who just can't be bothered to get the tiny required technical knowledge):

6 years ago*

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Why is that so double standards that I don't want the government to tell me what to do in my own house/ how much gas I am allowed to use, but I maintain the right to kick rude guests out of it? Private sites are private sites. They aren't owned by the internet providers, they can only mess with it through resource allocaton (like smaller bandwith). It's not double standard at all... not giving platform for something that's not mandatory is not the same as having the active power to ruin something.

6 years ago

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So, to sum up, you agree that Internet is a censored place, and you think it's a good thing.

6 years ago

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The internet is a censored space since there's moderation on the very first forum ever... and don't give words to my mouth.Thinking that someone has a right for someone does not mean that I think it's a good thing. Fake analogies, now wrong assumptions and getting personal. Not cool. Privately owned sites aren't public places that everyone go and shit there whatever they want to. It's just the turboliberal standpoint that everything is allowed everywhere, and everyone is a censoring pseudo-hitler who doesn't think the same way.

You talk shit in my home, you're out. You drunkenly yell at the store, they will call the security on you. I don't see any problem with the same happening on a site that has rules, EULA that every user accepted and someone in charge of it. The internet('s sites) is/are not some sort of primitive wild west without rules. If someone wants their racist forum - create one. Then they are free to keep whatever rules they want there. Already existing sites aren't forced to take in and accept every bullshit, no matter how hard some people believe in it.

6 years ago

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The internet is a censored space since there's moderation on the very first forum ever

But it was decentralized enough so that it was easy to host your contents elsewhere. You wouldn't get kicked out by every provider at that time, or at least not that fast. Now SJWs just harass tech companies on Twitter and Facebook until they kick out customers that are undesirable according to their agenda. Mob rules.

Fake analogies, now wrong assumptions and getting personal. Not cool

Where is this fake analogies, wrong assumptions and getting personal? I was just trying to clarify.

1) fake analogies: the analogy with Net Neutrality is totally valid: people want ISPs to be neutral, as technical providers, why don't we want huge sites like Facebook and Cloudfront to be neutral to? (particularly since they themselves insist a lot on being neutral, in order to be out of trouble in case their customers use their services to do illegal stuff)
On the other hand, the analogy between someone using a tech provider (website, host, registrar, etc) and someone physically being in your house or being drunk (and agitated?) in a store doesn't seem that accurate.

2) wrong assumptions: you're not being very clear so I tried to guess. That's not "getting personal", that's just trying to understand. You haven't said it's a bad thing either, so I'm kind of confused now actually :s

Thinking that someone has a right for someone does not mean that I think it's a good thing

6 years ago

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So much this.

Let someone come into my house, start shit and claim they can do so under the protection of "free speech." We'll see how that works out.

Privately owned internet sites are the same. They're someone else's "house" and subject to their rules.

6 years ago

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Yup. I find it ironic that people that claim protection of the Constitution have really little idea what the document even means or the protections that it implies.
The right to bear arms does not mean you can bring a gun onto a plane. The right to free speech does not mean you can threaten to kill someone or burn crosses on their lawn.

Hell, they still 'bleep' words on television, yet no one screams about some deep state conspiracy where chemtrailed babies are being turned into gay wedding cakes.

Or do they? =/

6 years ago

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I think somewhere there is a bunch of shrinks treating people with severe social disorders by sending them online to socialize... yep that was a good idea.

6 years ago

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I don't think it has to be necessarily a bad thing, they just have to guide this people to somewhere known to be a friendly place(aka here ^^).

6 years ago

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Amen to that.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I think it has always been the same, but now because day-by-day the internet is more accessible, we just see more of the same.

6 years ago

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Good point. Internet demographics change over time but it sadly seems to empower the fringe.

6 years ago

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internet is getting worse!
i want to be racist and homophobic but they deny my freedom of speech!

it's all because of these sjw peasants!

feminists are also bad!

6 years ago

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It seems quite a lot of people confuse feminists with vampires lately. And then they complain that they are single as well... ^^

But seriously, I was arguing with a guy recently who stated that feminists want a matriarchy social order that dominates all males. I told him to get his water checked for lead. =/

6 years ago

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And then they complain that they are single as well

isn't that the case 99% of the time? xD

if they don't find lead in their water, be sure to put some in it. ^^

6 years ago

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The internet just gets more crowded, that's all. Only difference to 'real life' is, that people are more open about it since they're talking shit in their little safe zone behind the monitor, just as they did before and as they'll probably continue to do (and they most likely do it in the physical world too anyway, though you just can't catch it that easily because they mainly do it when you're not present and it doesn't get saved somewhere on some server for you to read about it later). Try to take it as a compliment, something you did seems to have rattled their cage and bruised their tiny, little ego...

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6 years ago

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I guess, but when do people realize they are 'shitting where they sleep'?

6 years ago

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Thank you for your giveaways, Antocapone! :-)

The internet is like the real world, you have good people and you have some very bad ones. The only difference is that on the internet these bad ones tend to be compulsive liars with a very large mouth and that in the real world these very same people would run away and hide like cowards. ^^

6 years ago

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