Wake me up when September starts! On the first Friday, to be precise...
Another good month, several off the wishlist! I already had the Deathfinitive, don't know if I'll stick with Staxel and Berseria, though I'm curious so it all comes down to backlog size. But the rest is primo.
Overwatch though. If ever there was a game I'll probably never play.
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Before: "Hmmm, Little Nightmares which I'm not interested in, Darksiders 2 which I already have, some cooking game, some zombie game and some other thing I don't care about. No big loss."
After seeing all the giveaways for them and remembering that Battle Chef Brigade and Zombie Night Terror aren't just "some cooking game, some zombie game" but are instead games I've been interested in for a while: Fffffffuuuuck. I should have taken that Tales of Berseria bait. T.T
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Are you sure about this? I see that there is a sub for Japan (for the complete version though): https://steamdb.info/sub/148584/info/ therefore I don't see why they wouldn't be able to add it to the bundle.
Are you a subscriber and you didn't get the game? Did you receive anything else as a replacement?
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I'm really sad to hear this. And even more that there's no replacement reward for it.
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Humble support responded to our inquiry. They decided to give another $5 wallet to the Japanese customer ONLY WHEN we asked in a ticket. In addition to $5 coupon for Berseria, it'll be $10 in total.
It is strongly encouraged to submit a ticket if you suffer from the same problem.
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That's seems like a rather fishy move from Humble. I wonder how many people are gonna hear about it and will contact Support about the extra compensation. Probably 5 - 10% at best, I would assume.
Granted I don't work in the tech sector but it can't be too hard to add another 5$ of Humble Wallet for all the people who didn't get Little Nightmare keys, can it?
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Well, it's better than we expected. We thought we would be ignored again as it has often happened in their previous bundles. We usually can't get 1~2 items from their normal bundle when certain publishers are involved, such as Sega, Bandai Namco, etc. And there had been no compensation while paying the same price as other regions. Recently they added $5 coupon in this case in monthly, and this time they tried even further.
I see it's a huge progress for them to care for minorities compared to what they had been doing. For the next time we may ask for the warning at subscription. It's ok as of now.
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I noticed there are quite often region locked games for Asia in the Monthly but since it didn't affect me I didn't pay close attention and thought they always gave away Humble wallet as compensation.
I guess it is an improvement then but it still would be nice if they added the credit automatically.
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I added this in the OP, but I wish there was a way to reach more JP people and let them know.
It's a very low move from HB to not add any compensation to all their JP customers.
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When the reveal are games you really want, including the ones you already own. Yeah, I;m lamenting.
Bought Darksiders 1 a few months back. Thinking I've made a mistake, bought the franchise pack that includes Darksiders 1 & 2 + 2 soundtracks when the price goes down so deep on sale a few weeks ago (It's a package, not bundle. So the price still same regardless you already have one or two games in it, and No, you don't get a free copy of Darksiders 1 in inventory). Then come this month reveal,
it includes Darksiders 2.
I've made a mistake again. Then $2+ gone for nothing. Which is still pricey, and you can bought food for one day long with it in my region.
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well, what I own is the Deathnitive one. can't even get the old one when I just joined steam 3 years ago.
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You know, after backing some games on crowdfunding, I kinda learnt to get disappointed that I cannot tell Humble that "hey, I like this game in the monthly, can I just trade in my Steam key to receive a GOG key/DRM-free version for it instead"? For example, I have zero interest in grinding the achievements of Little Nightmares or Figment but I may consider playing them.
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Nah, it is not that, but now many crowdfunding games offer at least two but sometimes even more options for you where to get the game at. Funny enough, Humble store is one of them, yet Humble itself just deals Steam keys even when there is a DRM-free version on the market.
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I expected it given the total value of the bundle and the 95% off threshold that usually gets things on the bundle list. I got full CV for Tales of Berseria for about 30 seconds this morning after the winner marked it is as received and then my level came crashing down...
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I fell down to lvl 9 couple days ago because of the change of some previous monthly bundle games, and I just made a bad decision to created 10 giveaways of ToB and Staxel in opinion of these two games won't be bundled again...
And I back to lvl 9 the second time.
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I think most of the humble monthlies will be bundled from now on as the grey market is being flooded with unwanted keys from these bundles so if you want to stay at level 10 for a while make giveaways not from the monthly. If you do expect nearly all the games to be bundled from now on so you won't be disappointed. All the best on the long road to level 10. :-)
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I agree with steveywonder75 look at monthly like it's another bundles since of 2 reasons it looks like more and more monthlies will get over the threshold for 95% off (since they are not looking at it as a 12$ price but as 10% off that) or they will end up on the grey market for low cash and they will be put in bundled status with the new policy (unless they change it into one of the things people are wanting and that is to 1 copy full CV others bundled for monthly games, but I wouldn't hope for that to be honest).
I see you are 9.85 but I feel like 0.15 that high up is a lot of GAs/CV
Good luck on your road to lvl 10 :)
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Thanks for your explanation, though I still think the new policy of SG is untransparent. Maybe they should release an announcement to the players rather than just reply a ticket. Anyway, I'll try some other ways to increase my contribution...
Whitelisted XD
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Khalaq has already quoted on another discussion that an announcement from cg/SG is coming with regards to this so watch this space.
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Yes. I meant Rise is the only one unbundled out of the entire monthly because picking it means the games won't be at the bundled list threshold. Was mostly correcting you saying ALL games have been bundled, but no, Rise of the Tomb Raider was not.
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disregarding the "5% retail value" threshold.
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It looks like Battle Chef Brigade [Deluxe] is now on the bundle list retroactive to the September monthly.
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Gotcha-- makes sense. I only mentioned this in the context of the chart that still lists 19.99 CV. I thought maybe Battle Chef Brigade was added to the bundle list later. Thanks for the note.
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The Humble Original ETHEREAL now comes with a Steam key. Check your purchases or keys in Humble Bundle for it.
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I want to mention that Steam is still learning about the game so even if you own it you will still be able to enter giveaways for it. Hiding it on SG to prevent entering these GAs would be a good idea.
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☞ Purchase the SEPTEMBER 2018 Monthly Bundle! ☜
A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria & Staxel with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store!
View this bundle on: ITAD - Barter.vg - Lestrades
Subscribe before the FIRST FRIDAY OF SEPTEMBER (7th SEPTEMBER) for $12* to receive the SEPTEMBER bundle
Also, it's too late to buy the August Monthly Bundle. You will therefore NOT receive that bundle by purchasing this one!
Notice: ⚠️ Region lock ⚠️
Tales of Berseria
Despite regional versions for Asia and RU/CIS existing, EVERYONE (including these regions, but excluding Japan) receives this version (ROW, excluding Japan). (confirmation)
💸 Customers from Japan receive a $5 Store Coupon (this store credit will expire on October 5th, 10 AM Pacific) as a replacement for Tales of Berseria. (source)
Staxel (SteamDB)
is ROW. (confirmation)
Sniper Elite 4
is ROW, at least for everyone apart from RU/CIS. (confirmation)
Little Nightmares
JP customers will not receive this game. As a compensation, Humble Bundle will offer an additional $5 wallet credit if you write a support ticket asking for it. (source)
Customers outside JP receive SteamDB (ROW).
This month only! You can choose to get previous Monthly favorite Rise of the Tomb Raider instead of Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria, and Staxel. Subscribe, take your pick, and start playing right away.
Pay early and get: Sniper Elite 4, Tales of Berseria & Staxel
OR (3:1)
Note: you will receive Rise of the Tomb Raider - Standard Edition (Season Pass not included). (source)
Late unlocks (everyone gets these):
Humble original: ETHEREAL
Note about the CV that these games generate:
Normally, the unbundled games from the Monthly bundles give full CV. However, depending on their value on the grey market, some of them will be added to the partial CV list, disregarding the "5% retail value" threshold. When this happens, your CV will be recalculated and as a consequence, reduced retroactively. More details about this can be found starting with this comment.
Note about referrals:
SteamGifts by default modifies all Fanatical.com, HumbleBundle.com, GamersGate.com links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
You can disable referral links from your settings panel:
Read Rachel's detailed Q+A to these Humble Monthlies! Also, read HB's FAQ!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Thanks to luckz for the poll!
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