In this Tiny Life, nothing is certain except Death, Taxes, and some of these keys expiring over time.
Reserved for chart extension or any other info that doesn't fit in the OP.
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Oh, I wouldn't want anyone to suffer through that, especially not you! π
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Given that:
the keys should be expected to expire after January 1st
SG Holiday Event GAs end on Dec 25th (one week after Jan 1)
GA winners have one week to activate key & mark GA as received
...then these keys unfortunately shouldn't be given as SG Holiday Event GAs unless the GA creator accepts the risks that:
If winner doesn't mark key as received within one week, then a reroll would not be possible until after the the key may expire
If any winner (reroll or not) attempts to redeem the key after one week, then it may not activate, and winner can mark it as Not Received.
Winner with deactivated key has no obligation to agree to the GA being deleted.
Apart from winner agreeing to delete GA, Support does not delete GAs just because a key expired. No matter what creators write in their GAs, it is the sole responsibility of the creator to provide a valid key, however they acquire it.
Regular GAs that run shorter may not have as much risk around reroll redemption versus key expiration dates. Someone can correct me if I misunderstand the related SG guidelines.
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You can do giveaways without them being part of an event. They don't have to run for days or weeks.
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Sure, I just wanted to give that PSA to people who were thinking of the upcoming holiday event.
Its just as much a reminder to self since I was thinking of getting this bundle, because I hadn't thought about the key expiration considerations for this bundle and the holiday event before.
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steamgifts oder indiegala for gifting?
posting them in the steamgift random key giveaway thread?
streamtrades for trades?
giving them away in your activity part of steam?
giving them to your friends who want that game?
create new account and activate them there?
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Because lots of people like to trade their games (especially games they already have) for other games.
If the keys expire, they can't be traded.
That said, I understand why vendors and bundlers want to expire their keys. Trading isn't good for them.
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why isn't trading good - how many bundles have people bought just to trade or would pass on if trading was not a thing - I know myself I would have pass on nearly all the Humble choices
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I'm not a game developer, but I guess I assume that if trading didn't exist (and things like bundle splits), that they'd get more sales. I don't know if that's true or not, or even if that's how they feel. I'm just basing it mostly on Humble's longstanding policy of not selling, trading, etc. keys except via gift links...although I wonder if that policy's changed over time.
I don't think trading isn't good. I trade my bundle extras regularly. But evidence suggests to me that developers/publishers don't like it (e.g., the key expiry).
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Their concern, at least, is that having keys floating around would decrease the value of their game in the long run - people will go there and trade for a key valued at the bundle price long after the bundle ends.
Yes, the flip side is that tradability might drive people to buy a bundle with their game in it, but bundles are supposed to be temporary sales! They raise the price back to normal afterwards and hope people will still pay it. If people can buy up a bunch at the low bundle price and trade them, that effectively means that their future full-price sales have to compete against trades valued at the bundle price, which they don't want and which makes the cash value of their game decrease faster.
I'm not saying I agree (there's a lot of ifs and buts in that chain of logic) but I think that's their thinking. And more importantly, that thinking makes many game devs reluctant to participate in bundles for fear that their game could get devalued by a bunch of keys ending up on the trading / tertiary market. So people making big bundles like this one use expirations to reassure them that they won't end up pouring a bunch of keys onto the tertiary market.
(And of course, as the above implies - they're not just worried about trading, they're worried about key resellers who will buy a ton of bundles and then sell the keys for far cheaper than the game usually costs, forever, or at least until they run out of keys.)
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because people are greed. They get lot of games, mostly for lowest price ever, and still complains like children. Even it is for charity, it is donation, it is not buying, but still complains. People are bounds to material things, to own what they paid. They are spolied and greed and not have good heart. That is reality. Christmas is no longer a time of peace and goodwill.
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because enough have been bundled a bunch of times already so people own them
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I will probably get it. Good cause, and some games I will activate.
I might not be able to trade any/many games, but that's okay. I'll just activate or give away the extra keys, either on SG or to Steam friends.
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Last year I loved the bundle and have since played a fair amount of the games and had either traded away or given away many other games from the bundle, this year it definitely seems lower quality in my opinion. I don't see a single game that really jumps out at me to make this price tag worth it.
I'm sure others will have differing opinions but I really feel this isn't quite like it was last year
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Hehe.. I'm just relieved that we don't have a BundleFest going on at the same time π
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It's for a good cause and i actually found 30-40 games that look interesting (enough) for me so i will definitely buy this one.
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Nice. I'm actually missing about half of these which is better than usual.
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Not a particularly inspiring lineup and the thought of all that giveaway drama is just ugh. Probably send MSF the Β£35 instead and have done.
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oooh cool new jingle jam is out
when you see that price....
at least its not filled with hidden games that turned out to be coupons and dlc, that they didnt tell you about before
thats when they stopped doing it on humble bundle
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100,000 bundles are available
im seeing 99000 left
hasnt even started and they already lost some?
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depends if you think the price is worth it for what you are missing and you can always make giveaways or try to trade the other part
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I was going through the list and didn't see anything I hadn't already gotten in a bundle, but then I saw Tiny Life.
Surprised to see it in a bundle since it's still in early access. It's kind of like a pixel art open world Sims 1. It's the only one I'm really interested in though so maybe I'll attempt a group buy.
Does anyone have any idea how much the bundle will cost?
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βοΈβ€π Yogscast Jingle Jam 2023 πβ€βοΈ
1 Tier, 79 Steam Items, 3 non-Steam items
01 Dec 2023 - 14 Dec 2023
View this bundle on: ITAD -
Once you receive your keys please redeem them before January 2024.
Keys may expire after the 1st of January and Jingle Jam, Tiltify and the charities involved are not liable to replace expired keys! This is a donation reward - not a purchase!
Ensure the reward is selected. Rewards are selected by default - but if a reward is not selected you will not receive your keys.
π Full list of subs
Free DLC to claim:
!addlicense ASF s/606042,s/785662
Please post here your successful and failed key activations so we can keep track of what keys have already been invalidated by the devs!
Keys validity
β = unknown / no info
β = the keys expired (duplicates reported multiple times)
β οΈ = duplicates reported (once)
~45 USD | ~41 EUR | 35 GBP
Also includes:
β - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
βοΈ - Steam is learning about this game, therefore some features will be limited (no card drops, achievements won't count, the game will not give a +1 to your library etc.) More Changes Addressing Fake Games
Steam Deck info: Dβ = verified, Dπ‘ = playable, Dβ = unsupported, D? = unknown
Useful links
[Yogscast Jingle Jam 2023 - Information on reddit]()
Tiltify - Jingle Jam FAQs (including redemption instructions)
Yogscast official Discord server
Yogscast official Twitter
Yogscast official YouTube
Yogscast' live Twitch stream
Charities supported - full list here
π Note about referrals
SteamGifts by default modifies all,, links from all threads, adding the SteamGifts referral code. Whenever a user click or shares a link to one of the sites listed above, SteamGifts will earn a commission.
By using these reflinks, SteamGifts will receive $10 for new subscribers, 5% of Humble Store sales, 15% for bundles via the Humble Partner Program.
If you prefer, you can disable referral links from your settings panel.
Thanks to luckz for helping with the poll!
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