Hi all :D ,

so i made my first puzzle .. a puzzle , it's not any puzzle ... it's THAT kind of puzzles , the kind of puzzles that puzzle ... puzzling puzzle .... A puzzle ~

so yeah , 0$ CV , Epic game (probably my best game of the generation) ... and hardcore ,deadly questions

are you up to the task ? that's the spirit !!!

oh i forgot ..... puzzle's link ran away , can you find it first ? :/ it went that way with the dots all over the place , find it to prove worthy continuing your journey .. champion of interwebz...

suddenly , a wild pack of dots appear !! >> said no pokemon game ever :DD !


Good luck on your journey ... you'll need it
mwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaa !!!!!


thank you so much for all of those who participated in this puzzle , i really appreciate it and hope you guys had some fun , congratulations to the winner and better luck next time for those who didn't won ......

as promised , here are the answers for my puzzle ... don't go too harsh on yourself tho :D !!

"Question 1
Let's start off easy shall we ?

what was the name of Vergil in Devil May Cry 1 ?
not dante ... god dammit :DD ! "

Answer : nelo angelo

"Question 2
If John's sister's name is Ellie ... and their dad's name is Mike , their mother's name is joel ...

What does the fox say ?

the answer is ... ignorance "

Answer : i don't know (you don't have to know everything , simply stating " i don't know " would've solved your problem :) )

"Question 3
How many numbers can you count up to on your fingers ?

remember ... no one knows you're a horse on the internet , NO ONE ! "

Answer : 0 (you're a horse don't forget that , horses don't have fingers xD .. welcom to the internet :D ! )

"Question 4
are you entertained yet ? :)

you glorious bastard .... :') "

Answer : no (admit it ... you weren't entertained by then xDD )

"Question 5
Can You can a can in a can ?

so can you or not ? :D "

Answer : i can (makes sense xD ! )

"Question 6
What game i'm giving away ? bundle game

it's NOT cities in motion 1 ... "

Answer : cities in motion 2 (clearly it's not 1 :D )

"Question 7
In Stanley Parable .... How many players can play ?

Did you get the closet ending ? the closet ending is ma favourite "

Answer : 2 (SPOILERS : there's an interaction that happens with the narrator if you insist on staying in the broom closet for no apparent reason , eventually the narrator would go mad at you and says that you are now dead , and someone else will continue playing .. therefor when you leave the closet he'll welcome you as player 2 , so yeah ... 2 players :D ! )

"Question 8
i'm thinking of a number from 10 to 40 ..... what is it ? :p

i coUlDn't JuSt MaKe ThIs PuzZle ThAt EaSy ..... So YoU HaVe tO wOrK A littlE To GeT tO YoUr GoAl :p :D ...

who am i kidding , can't make it hard for you guys :) <3 "

Answer : 32 ( i made it apparent so you wouldn't have to go brute force , you can simply count the capital letters in the hint to find out that they are 32 which is the answer (excluding smileys ) )

"Question 9
so .. are you entertained yet ? :')

but .... i just wanna make friendz :/ "

Answer : no (you clearly weren't entertained after Q5 and Q7 :D ! admit it ... )

"Question 10
We're finally here ... you've proven that you're a worthwhile man :) ..
still , Mankind ill needs a savior such as you ! ...

throws glass "

Answer : What is a man ? OR what is a man ? a miserable little pile of secrets (Famous quote from the PS1 cult-favourite Castlevania : Symphony of The Night )

"Question 11
yay , we're here at the finish line ... congrats :) !
wanna your prize ,champion ?

lul rly ? "

Answer : Yes (it would give you the code for another puzzle , not really a puzzle but much of a tease )


Second puzzle :

"Question 1
in all honesty and jokes aside .... did you enjoy the puzzle ? :)

bothways answer "

Answer : if you answered no it wouldn't give you the GA code .. so i lied :D , Answer is YES :DD !

aaand pretty much it , thanx alot for being here .... thanx for your time and hope i can see you in future GiveAways and Puzzles !
Merry Christmas and Have Fun :) !

10 years ago*

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Bump for solved!

10 years ago

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Stuck on 10. Feel doubly stupid because I know where the line comes from. Still not a clue, maybe I am not such a worthwhile man. :)

10 years ago

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Bump for solved =D

10 years ago

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AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaand that's it ladies and gentlemen , i'm adding the answers to my first-ever puzzle right now to the thread ... and should close it by tomorrow whenever i get the chance ..

thank you so much for making my first puzzle at SG such a fun and interactive one , really appreciate it ... went alot better than expected and gave some people a bit of a challenge :D !

see you in future puzzles and giveaways , bye :) !

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by SamSword2020.