I was on twitter and found a screenshot of parents really taking a good interest in their child and I felt a longing for it since never had that. Here's a giveaway because some people can be good and foster healthy relationships with their children and you should remember that.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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College Football or NFL

View Results
College - Roll Tide!
NFL - Go 9ers!

As I get older I value the advice my parents give me more, and I'm glad to have them around.

4 years ago

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I have a 9-year old. I've found that the old adage is true: a big part of parenting is just being present.

What the adage doesn't say is that "being present" means more than just being in the room with your kid. It means being aware of the things your kid is into, and interacting with them about those things, and just generally being interested and engaged in their life.

Thanks for the giveaway and the screenshot.

Haven't seen you around much, hope you are doing okay in these crazy times.

4 years ago

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Yeah I had to log off the internet for a year or so 'cause it wasn't great for my mental health.

I've had my ups and downs, but I'm still alive so thats better than expected.

4 years ago

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Hey, it's good to see you around here again, and here's hoping that the ups will far outweigh the downs. Hang in there, TreeB :)
Live Like a Warrior

4 years ago

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Isn't only fans a website mainly used to sell pornography*? Parental investigation on that doesn't seem parenting.

4 years ago*

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This is just another of my shitpost, that's the joke, I'm sad that so few got it.

4 years ago

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I've seen so many things lately that this doesn't really look like a joke to me. Unfortunatelly...
This is pretty much on the "It is happening and I'm not even surprised" folder.

4 years ago

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I know a couple of people where this wouldn't be seen as an issue, so yeah, I see your point.

4 years ago

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let me ask you something... if I have to choose one to go, what do you recommend? nba, nfl or wwe? I'm planning to go to usa someday and I really wanna go to something exciting like that (think about the whole experience)... something that doesn't really have in brazil (except nba, but in usa seems different).

4 years ago

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Oh, that kinda explains why I've seen jokey references to that on youtube videos recently, I supposed it was just yet another type of premium tier content like the stuff on patreon that simply happened to be 18+.

4 years ago

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I was gonna say "that thing in front of her is actually someone's idea of a sex toy" not that I know anything about that. Glad I'm not the only one who got the joke

4 years ago

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And I'll do a bump.

4 years ago

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here's my Bump!

4 years ago

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Jokes aside, there are some things that should be said about parenthood.

Being a parent is the hardest thing that I have ever done and I believe that it gets harder as time goes by as individualism becomes more rewarded in culture and generally. I have gone through periods of watching rebellious teenagers become grateful adults. A few things to keep in mind:

  1. As children grow they begin to see the wisdom of their parents more. Parents joke how remarkable it is that the parents get smarter as their kids enter their 20's. The truth of course is that the real change is in the growing perspective of the children

  2. Another addage: Children blame their parents. Adults blame themselves. This is more wisdom about perspective.

  3. and lastly, in my humble opinion, as a parent of 2 functioning adults, the views of non-parents mean very little in any discussion of parenthood. In this category I place childless children as well as claimed experts in the field who are childless.

I realize that many may disagree, but in almost any scenario where a parent is present in any form, they chose the well being of their children over their own. If this seems hard to believe, then consider that this is part of many reasons why successive generations of adults have less children, if any. It makes sense to me that people who are not able to appreciate their parents and forgive them, would not expect their children to have any for them. We the parents, though, saw much of this for many years and yet chose to believe in ourselves and our kids. It's harder than you think.

If you have a parent, hug them and tell them 'thank you'. Everything they did for you after you turned 16 (and I could argue even before that) was voluntary.

4 years ago*

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Another adage to place on the pile: "How you treat your parents is the manner in which your children will treat you." I have as yet seen no scientific evidence to support such an assertion, but the generalization sure does seem to apply in most cases.

4 years ago

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I realize that many may disagree, but in almost any scenario where a parent is present in any form, they chose the well being of their children over their own.

If only that was true, it would be a much different world, imo. But I'm very grateful for all those (and I still believe it's a majority) who do place their children above themselves and who raise them to become responsible adults, in love and with respect for who they are.

4 years ago

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Nice to see you again. Hope you stick around!

4 years ago

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Our teacher told us : ,, You can't judge your parents, they didn't receive a manual when you are born which explains how they should raise you, what they should do." Maybe she is right, maybe she is wrong, can't judge when I am not a parent yet. I saw many thinks, different type of parenthood. In the end we are humans with good and bad, it up to us to decide if we want to remain in the circle or destroy it.


4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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i can tell that regarding that, i'm the luckiest person alive, my parents despite being divorced since i'm 3 or so, are still the best parents ever, they remained friends and both took great interest in me, despite their busy lives they managed to pass all of their values to me, and i believe that all i am is all thanks to them, and i truly appreciate them for that, i'm 26 btw.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Good to see you back. I hope the downtime helped you and that you're doing ok

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by EzraTheEmoDuchess.