For this week, what bundle site do you think has the best bundle(s)?
I agree feels like we are dreaming the same dream over and over again never to wake up like we are forced to see the many faces of our arch-enemies and they are all close friends pretending to be cool n happy and the main villain looks like the burned guy or stalker model in Half Life 2(a bit more happy version tho) but we are not sure who is the main villain? The ones who protect it or the creature itself? Soon we shall know brother.
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hmm.. I guess I should have reserved this for comments.
edit: 12/28 - added key
edit: added plus sign
edit: 1/6/16 - switched to chart formatting :)
♨ (hot springs) - HOT BUY
⚡️ (lighting bolt) - new bundle (for the day)
♻ (recycle) - Rebundle
☺ (happy face) - Happy Hour
⭐️✪ (star) – Bundle / site of the week (based on poll and thread responses)
⌚ (watch) – Ending Soon
❗ (exclamation) - important deadline!
➕ (plus sign) - bonuses/additional content added
❤ - TBD (hearts are very special to me, so i have to think of something XD)
Addendum (may 16)
This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.
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What no charts?!
kidding! this is amazing, thank you ;)
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oh good idea! .. haha plenty of hidden charts in those links ;)
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But it's not sarcasm ... I put "that are just as good" because honestly, they could be just as good in someone else's opinion.
These "other" sites ... they have put out decent bundles ... and i'm not implying they are less worthy than the ones in the main bundle section. These "other" bundle sites do not always have regular bundles like Groupees or IG, which have weekly and daily ones.
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Objectively, they're not as good, as they lack the quantity, quality, or prices to be such.
The fact that you highlight 'just as good' unnecessarily indicates sarcasm, or outright validation.
Had you wanted to assert equality, you would have written it 'Other good sites', instead, where the good is phrased as inherently subjective and relevant to the topic itself, rather than the individual sites.
Moreover, my phrasing was pretty blatantly tongue-in-cheek, regardless, hence the winking emote following it :P
Besides, if you're asserting equality, you're going to need to validate that our concerns over ORLY following other G2A policies were unfounded, and their keys work fine and without scammy protection fees. Last I heard, that's not the case.
Trying to play things impartially is good and worthy, but if you outright support sites with dubious habits, regardless of how subjective the considerations of those habits are, you're both implicitly supporting those sites and devaluing the opinions and negative experiences of those individuals less favorable to them.
Ergo, NOT impartial.
Phrasing is a really nuanced thing, isn't it? :P
But no, otherwise, I agree to letting people make their own judgements, and having an even-handed listing.
I'll have to dig through my list of 'update once in a blue moon' bundle sites, see if any are still active enough to be added to your list. :P
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if people are concerned about G2A, there have been countless other threads about that. I am merely making a list of bundle threads I have created. I will let the community decide what is best for them.
I was not being sarcastic in any way with my description of "just as good." I am honest when I write things, and although you may believe I was being sarcastic, I was not. I do like coinplay and flying bundle, but to each their own.
I see your winking emoji. I guess it's not easy conveying things the way you intend it to be over text.
There are probably many other sites out there that do bundles, but AFAIK, these are the most active.
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I will let the community decide what is best for them.
Except, you're not. You're (unintentionally) making an outright declaration of support and validation.
Why not just change it to 'Other good sites'? :/
Again, when you say 'just as good' it becomes a personal declaration of validation, and also valuation.
You're outright comparing the sites, at that point.
You could phrase it 'That aren't necessarily any worse!', and you'd also lose that impression, though that's a bit less pleasant to read.
Personally, I'd have phrased it 'Additional Bundle sites of Note' and skipped any implication of quality altogether.
edit: Actually, now that you changed the formatting, 'that aren't any worse' fits very well as a substitute.
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I am not going to debate right now on what is good or bad... I'm just saying "just as good" as an objective statement. If someone doesn't think they are good, well, they can say right below in the thread. I DID put under the title that these sites are just as good, but don't have regular bundles as the other sites.
I think most people think the best sites are humble and groupees and BS, but they often miss out on these smaller sites. That is what i mean by "just as good." They are smaller, not as big, but just as good as a site as the bigger ones.
Please do not take my wording out of context. :/
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I'm not at all sure what topic you're on, but it doesn't seem to be mine. :X
I'm pointing out that your grammar usage is indicating something contrary to your intentions, and you should probably tweak the phrasing some.
Not sure why you're upset with me for trying to make you aware of that mistake :(
Also, you CAN'T make 'just as good' as an objective statement there, objective means it can be valuated and compared, and in that, the sites don't compare as well, as I clarified in the first reply o.O
Again, lots of ways to say what you're claiming you want to say, but your current phrasing is NOT actually saying such!
It's not me mistaking context, it's you presenting a context different from what you intended, due to grammar rules.
For what you were actually trying to say, 'Just as worthwhile' would have been the correct phrasing- that or any of the alternatives I presented above.
If you don't want to bother with it, fine; I was trying to be helpful :'P
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Not obsessed, respectful enough of her to want to clarify the actual topic, since it was still confused.
I don't belabor points that don't have merit, and respecting someone is a strong premise to continue.
Though, your entire assertion is nonsensical :P
If I said 'flaming duck tree nazis' and then clarified I meant 'cake', that wouldn't make the original statement any less confusing in explaining my actual intention.
since the original statement remains unchanged, were my aim solely accuracy in context, then I'd have no reason to stop-
Though, by this point, since I HAD completed the matter as best as was reasonable, the only person dragging it out is you :'P
:hands you a cookie:
Don't take things too critically, not everything has to be about winning an argument or pursuing conflict. :P
sometimes, we just want to lend a hand as best we're able, until such a point that it's proven unnecessary or non-beneficial.
The real question in my mind is why you're "obsessed" with the definition being okay as is, and with taking the matter harshly :P
Which isn't in any way picking at you, but pointing out we've all got the best intentions here [presumably ;P].
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don't exaggerate with the example...
and yes, i had to reply to you because this kind of discussion here is what makes the forum annoying and boring.
The real question in my mind is why you're "obsessed" with the definition being okay as is
umm no, i'm obviously not the one obsessed here over an extremely simple definition
even if you think you are right, you are making such a fuzz about something so simple, that everyone is probably giving you a weird look now.
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also, no need to hide your reply, i have no hard feelings towards you.
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I don't think anyone is reading the OP, thinking that Rachel is being 100% objective.
Nope, which is why I asked if it had been her intention to be objective or not, it was never picking at her, but pointing out something that may have been unintentional.
Also worth noting it' s a follow-up to an earlier conversation with her on the topic, so some of the premise in bringing it up may be less clear off-hand.
"In my opinion, they are just as good for games."
That's.. kinda the point..I was making.. :'P
When posting online, rarely do people sit and analyze and proofread their words. Just as when talking face to face nobody would do that. It was simply her desire to give people as many options as possible.
I'm honestly confused why pointing out a possible grammar mistake is any less helpful than pointing out formatting errors, or anything else. Given that she has approved of all types of corrections in the past, it's on her to change the expectations involved.
Obviously people make mistakes, and mistakes lead to confusions. By pointing out [possible] mistakes, we can help others avoid confusions.
I'm really not sure what point you're making at all :P
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I was pretty amused by it as well, you left such a silly caption for that image :'P
I mean, just look at it again and imagine him actually saying the word "Cat?" in that posture.
"Cat? I don't know. Where is the cat? Maybe it's invisible. Maybe it's in my hands right now.
It's a cat, they're tricky. You never know."
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I love cats. I just can't ever eat the whole thing.
Except this time apparently.
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Please do not take my wording out of context. :/
Sooth isn't taking your words out of context, though. It may be a minor grammatical quibble to make, but he or she is absolutely correct in saying you are making a point of validation and valuation of the sites with your phrasing. A truly objective statement to make in this context would be calling them, "additional bundle sites of note," while the existing phrase, "just as good," is inherently a subjective statement to make in context.
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Maybe you can find a leftover of the bundle on Group Buys Steam Group. They are mostly less in price because people buy in bulk, especially if you have PayPal balance.
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Mannnn you crazy. :o The good kind of crazy!
Thanks for doing so much bundle hard work. <333
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Your dedication to this community is always amazig! Thanks a lot :)!
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81 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
25 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by ZeawensGamingChannel
89 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by PikachuLee
123 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by cals7
32 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Xiangming
2,415 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by vlbastos
16,696 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by BlazeHaze
171 Comments - Last post 6 seconds ago by Damicatto
78 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by schmoan
21 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by someonequeer
45 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by Lcs
29,568 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Lakraj1209
52 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DarkRainX
40 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sakakino
As of September 9th, I will no longer be maintaining this thread or posting bundle threads. Please read more here.
(Note: If you have trouble finding my threads, please type the name of the bundle site you are interested in or simply type ❤️ into the box for easy viewing of bundles)
I may not be able to update this master list as fast as I make bundle threads, so please be patient with me.
Please help me bump this thread often, and update me when bundles are no longer available, are ending soon, and have Happy Hour. When new ones do arise, well, you’ll see me around :D (but feel free to message me or leave a comment if I miss one).
Thank you for your support, patience, and cooperation everyone! ❤
♨ (hot springs) - HOT BUY (for that bundle site)
⚡️ (lighting bolt) - new bundle (for the day)
♻ (recycle) - Rebundle
☺️ (happy face) - Happy Hour/Bundle Bliz/ Special Promotion
⭐️✪ (star) – Bundle / site of the week (based on poll and thread responses)
⌚ (watch) – Ending Soon
❗ (exclamation) - important deadline!
➕ (plus sign) - bonuses/additional content added
❤ - TBD (hearts are very special to me, so i have to think of something XD)
Main Bundle Sites
Note: Times follow a MONTH / DAY format and are in PST
Bundle Stars
(or click here for just the bundles)
Bundles without an end date
Bundles with end dates
Daily Indie Game (DIG) - Bundles end at 10AM PST
Humble Bundle - Bundles end at 11AM PST ⌚
IndieGala - Bundles end at 3AM PST ⌚
OtakuMaker - Bundles end at 3pm PST
Other Bundle Sites
(that are just as good, but don't regularly post bundles on a daily/weekly basis!)
Bread Box Bundle - End 12 AM PDT
Cubic Bundle
Flying Bundle
GameBundle - All Bundles end 11AM ET (Eastern Time)
IndieGameStand - ends 9PM PST
Super Duper Bundle
Square Enix
EpicBundle’s Game Bundle Countdown
List of all current bundles and a timer for when they end
See how many times things have been bundled, what’s on sale, bundle ending times, price comparisons, and much more
Time and Date Calculator
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There's email alerts you can set up by subscribing to this site's newsletters! This tells you when bundles go live or on happy hour. It's really helpful for me because then I know which bundle that is on HH or has been recently added. And it's very accurate and prompt!
Props to user dgc1980
Wondering what games you already own from each bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer, created by my friend and fellow SG member Sighery!
For more information and to Download, please click here for the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Instructions for poll:
Ideally, I want the poll to reflect the community’s WEEKLY thoughts on the bundles available for that week.
I will list several bundle sites, and you can check this thread daily/weekly to get a hopefully updated poll on what bundle sites and/or bundles are Hot Buys for that week :)
BUT this means that people need to check back regularly and update their polling option to best reflect their opinions on the bundles/sites!
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