Good news is, Im trying to stop drinking!
Some of you might had some conversations with me in the past where i'd talk non-sense shit and also comment here on the forums some dumb shit and reply the morning after saying that I was drunk.
Well the main reason that Im trying to change is because I wasn't happy with myself drinking almost every day, I had to change! Secondly, I almost got into a comma on Halloween night for drinking wayyyyyyy too much! Drank half a bottle of absinthe with 55% volume in less than 30min, and got completely wasted. Woke up at my friends abandoned aunt house. His aunt suicided there btw, spooky shit! Woke up and only saw some rosaries and some old dolls and saints staring at me, spooky!

Fun fact: I cashout half of my csgo inventory just to buy drinks :\ (around 200€)

Also, I'm trying to stop bitting my nails, been bitting these fuckers for more than 15 years now >:( Its automatic, i can't help it! Im 1 month without biting one nail, I'm very happy and proud of myself, but the area around my nails is still pretty fucked up tho :(


Im eating some cookies right now and damn this shit is delicious!
I got myself wondering... Why do I prefer "fake cookie brands" instead of the original ones? I don't know, I'm confused!

Here! Take a giveaway, its not much but I only bought it because I liked the screenshot I saw in the store page.
Bizarre Earthquake Level +1

Edit: Thank you all for the support! I really appreciate it! Thanks! <3 I feel like replying every single one of you but i dont want to spam too much :(

8 years ago*

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Reserved. Because... uh... idk? Stuff.

8 years ago

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10 minutes and still no bump? :(

8 years ago

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"Good news is, Im trying to stop drinking!"
I laughed too hard at this. Immediate thought was "pffft good luck".

But in all honesty, you will feel much better if you achieve the goals you set for youself. Good luck with all that.
I personally don't think drinking once in a while to get a little looser around other people is a bad thing. But if you drink the way you said you do, then yes. it's a very big problem. Good luck with all that bro. it might be very hard, but you can definitely do it ;)

8 years ago

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Thanks! A beer once in a while won't hurt, right? :)

8 years ago

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Depends, I guess. Alcohol seems to be one of the meanest drugs around. It pretends to be so harmless, and soon enough it drags you down already. I don't have a drinking problem myself, but it runs in the family and I've seen and experienced what alcohol abuse can do. I don't blame people though, alcohol is a nasty demon. Doesn't help that it's the only cultural accepted drug either. It can get to a point were one beer is enough to get the downward spiral going again. Guess you have to ask yourself in all honesty if you're there already.
Stay strong and take care!

8 years ago

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it all depends on the person. Some people really will get into a vicious cycle, getting worse and worse, and all starting from a beer.
But it all really depends on the person. I drink (once in a while, if i hang out with friends at night) because im a Merry Drunk: i get happier and less shy. Unfortunately, some people get angry and all the bad things that come with alchool. Those people really shouldn't drink :(
And yes, it's very addictive, for many people.

8 years ago

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Even the merry drinkers really need to take care. My father was a merry drinker, too. He was so merry, he gave away everything he had ever worked for in his life, which was not few, leaving his family with nothing but debt when things came to an end. I'll never forget this alcohol-dumb silly smile on the face of this once intelligent, proud man....

8 years ago

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Damn, so many people ruined their lives because of alchool.

8 years ago

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I sure can relate! Once you drink you only tend to drink even more!
Thanks once again! :)

8 years ago

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Maybe you hang out/drink with the wrong people. I wouldn't let you drink to exhaustion. Maybe you should drink with people that would help you stay under control.
Edit: I've seen so many people drinking till they literally pass out and start throwing up and someone else has to roll them over to they won't choke on their vomit and die. I can't understand why people would enjoy this. I think most people that drink should only drink to the point they get a little tipsy and "socially lubrified".

8 years ago

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Nah, I don't think thats the thing.
I have 2 groups of friends i hang out with, one group they only drink soft things to get a small smile in their faces and thats it, while the other group only smokes weed and rarely drink.
The problem is me :\

8 years ago

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Well, that sucks. Maybe you should try going cold turkey and stop drinking 100%
After that and if you can not drink and not feel the need to, maybe you can try and be like the first group. If you can't control yourself you really should not drink at all. It is NOT a bad thing if you refuse to drink alcohol. It takes character to go against group pressure and be the only person not drinking. Just maybe don't go to a party because you'll be sober and we both know that will suck.

8 years ago

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Wow, this post reads so positive! Wishing you to be able to keep up that vibe. Me, I'm trying to withdraw from my computer addiction lately, but as you can see me posting here right now I've not been successful today :(
Anyways, best of self-discipline to you! Reading your story gave me new inspiration, so thanks for that :)

8 years ago

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Wow rly? Didn't know the positivity of this thread, nice to hear! :)
I also had a small computer addiction but i guess it just faded away with time, i don't really enjoy staying on my computer for long periods of time anymore, its boring.
Thanks for the support, means a lot! :)

8 years ago

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Good luck on quitting/cutting down on the drinking and congrats on stopping the nail-biting! :)

8 years ago

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I used to drink quite often when I was younger too but then I started to dislike the state and I stopped to drink completely. The reason was that when I am drunk I cannot think and gain any more complex information - for example, I cannot read science books, play complex games where I need to think a lot, and so on. I also started to dislike drunk people. I have lots of friends who I saw only in pubs and now I have quite a problem to talk to them because there is not a place for talking if they still drink in pubs. I would rather to go for a walk and talk there but there are not much people who like strolls and talking.

8 years ago

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Sounds like you need a couple of new friends who like strolling around outside and sharing a good talk in nature. These people exist, trust me :)

8 years ago

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No, the problem is that I still like the people I went to the pubs with and I would like to continue our friendship but it is not possible because they prefer to talk only in pubs. I don't need new friends. I also don't have my own apartment so I cannot take them to my place and talk to them there.

8 years ago

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Most people I hung out with in college were like that. The only thing they'd do was going out at night and get wasted.
I have no friends now and I regret nothing. 5 years or so later and keep seeing their posts on facebook about how they have not changed and still plan on "partying" till they die.

8 years ago

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Hehe, yes I know it too. They froze in time. There is nothing to talk about with them anymore. Their only interest is talking in pubs about bulshit. I enjoyed the life in pubs and at the concerts, but it was just a part of my young life.

8 years ago

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Well for me its more the opposite, I love to get drunk because i like to get my mind all confused and not be able to think properly! :\
But I get you, i feel like sometimes i only am with some certain people when it is for drinking.

8 years ago

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Because you are used to it. When I drank a lot, I never felt like that and I never had hangover. After some time without alcohol (I mean when I drank just few times per year) I started to have really bad hangovers and even one beer was enough for me to don't be able to concentrate to more difficult pieces of information. The first reason why I started to avoid alcohol was that I often got depressed when I was drunk. It was not good, instead if being happy, I cried and was unhappy.

First few years I was not able to be in a pub or at a concert without alcohol so when I "had to" get there because of friends, I drank because I would have been nervous without it, but now I am able to drink just water there. But I don't like pubs in general nowadays, so I avoid even going there to drink the water. Another reason for not going there is also my addiction to the computer, I would miss the computer too much while I would be in a pub. It's crazy or maybe sad but it is like that. I prefer virtual life.

8 years ago

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Yea I understand it. But i didn't drink in pubs, i just went and bought some bottles of booze and go to somewhere just to get wasted, for no reason at all, no music, no party, just get drunk and laugh. :\

A computer addiction is bad as well, have you tried to spend one less hour a day everyday and try to spend your time in something else? There's a beautiful world out there waiting to be explored! :)

8 years ago

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Do you do it alone or with friends? It's not so bad if it is with friends (it is just social drinking) but if you drink alone, it could be classic alcoholism and it is quite a serious problem. If your age is not higher than, for example, 20 or maybe 25, there is a chance you will stop drinking naturally like me, but if you are older, I am afraid you have to make yourself to stop it. Lots of teenagers like alcohol - it is very common and most of them will stop it one day. Because of a partner, a job or their own family.

I sometimes go for a trip with friends but it is not very often. Maybe twice a year. However I would like to go often because of my condition because my condition is worse and worse because of the sitting by computer. :/

8 years ago

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I used to drink with my friends everytime except this one time in a festival, where I used to go alone to hear some music and get drunk by myself. Kinda sad and alone but fun at the same time...
I had thoughts in buying alcohol to drink it by myself alone at home but I never managed to do it because alcohol is expensive and I usually divide the money with my friends.

Ah :( Condition? Do you have any health problem? Back problems? You have to do something about it! Try to find a new hobby, bike riding? I find it really relaxing and its something that I really enjoy doing alone.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

8 years ago

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Im trying to stop drinking!

well quit trying and just stop! xD ok sorry, couldn't help myself. best of luck, its better that way ^^
i drink maybe 2times a year. holidays with family causes me too

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8 years ago

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Quite right. To stop drinking you stop drinking. It's not terribly difficult, when it's a just a habit. It's not terribly difficult, when you have a reason to drink. It can be very difficult, if you have a "biological" predisposition to alcoholism. Those who can't or won't stop drinking usually have all three. I used to have a reason to drink, and it also became a habit. Luckily I can really only drink for one day, and then I need several days before I can even think about it again.

To break a habit, you can look up ways that apply to any habit, really.

When you have a reason to drink, you need to look at the reason and figure out another way of dealing with it. Let's say you drink because of social or some other form of anxiety. In that case you really should go and see a doctor. It can already help to know that while there's no medicine to cure it, you can take something that helps without making you drunk (nothing comes without side-effects, though). For some people therapy is a good option (while expensive). Alternatively, you could take to meditation as well as cultivate compassion toward yourself.

If you have the predisposition, well, I believe there are still ways but I don't really know much about them.

8 years ago*

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flaming bumppp

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8 years ago

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A portuguese who doesnt drink like crazy? Heresy!

8 years ago

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Got that portuguese blood running in my veins :(

8 years ago

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I have been sober for about 14 years now, and it's one of the hardest things I have ever done, since I was a worst case alcoholic. I injured myself and others many many times, and I knew if I didn't stop, I'd be dead or kill somebody else. Lots of detox joints, rehabs, jail etc. None of it phased me, and it was just a way for me to dry out a little and then have a gigantic party right when I got out of them. I talked a lot of bs in those places, since I knew how to tell people what they wanted to hear, and manipulate situations to my advantage to get what I wanted.

Anyway, enough about me. Something happened to me at some point, and I hit rock bottom. I had nowhere left to live, and all of my family was ready to completely drop me as if I did not exist until I cleaned up as well. I saw what the alcohol had done to me finally. It was either continue drinking and be on the streets, or try to sober up. I had an experience later that removed the desire to ever drink again, and I started attending AA (I made about 500 - 600 meetings at least in my first year, then stopped going, since I decided to try it for a year first). Been sober since. When I started to get treatment for my lyme disease (which is part of why I drank in the first place, since I was and still am in a lot of pain mentally and physically all the time, and got ignored by a lot of doctors), I quit smoking too. Off smoking for about 3 and a half years now. It's good... I'm glad I have the ability to stop, and not let that crap have that much power over me, like it used to.

In learning I had no control over my drinking, I gained my control of my life again. Just have to take it one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, and not say never going to again. That is a big trap for me at least, and I had to say that I was going to be sober for today, and each day was that day. Reading the AA Big Book helped supplement my no alcohol time, but it's not for everybody. I stopped going after my 1 year commitment, for instance. I wish you much luck, and just keep at it no matter what happens. As long as you have a desire to stop, that's what is important. That's my bit from experience - maybe some parts of it will be helpful in some way I hope. I'm glad I'm sober right now. Much better than before, when I was completely missing out on life. Lots of healthier alternatives one can use instead of drinking, and build great habits in place of the bad ones.

I still bite my nails, by the way, and have serious anxiety - some's probably lyme and autism related though. Haven't been able to stop that one yet.

8 years ago*

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Thanks for the kind words, glad you stopped drinking, alcohol is one hell of a drug!
I think i'm quitting at the right time, I'm not addicted but I have that deep desire to go out and drink as much as I can, and thats the reason why im quitting, I don't want to get addicted, Its hard for me to get out of addictions.

8 years ago

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I have been sober for about 14 years now, ...

That is excellent.

8 years ago

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Bummmmmppp! :D

8 years ago

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Oh thought it was just being you.

I know all about trying to stop though bro. but i already drank again while writing this.
It's a hard thing.

8 years ago

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Ahh :( join me and lets quit drinking together

8 years ago

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I will join you Anyplace Anywhere Anytime.

8 years ago

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Idk if it is just me reading this, but you sound super hyper lol. Congratulations on the no nail biting, it is a hard habit to break and one I'm guilty of myself. No plans of stopping, though :P Good luck not drinking anymore I suppose it is hard for some people to stop. Wasn't hard for me to stop, but I'd be lying if I said I was never tempted to drink. If you really don't want to fall back into drinking I'd suggest trying not to think like " A beer once in a while won't hurt, right? :)"

8 years ago

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Yea I was kinda happy when writing this, idk why but my mood lately has been pretty happy! Maybe its because I finally stopped biting my nails, i've always wanted to stop since I was around 10 y/o.
Thanks for the tip! But beers taste like heaven tho ;-;

8 years ago

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good luck:3

8 years ago

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Keep up the progress! You can do it! :D

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8 years ago

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Having an alcohol problem is quite serious and difficult, hope you do get past it, never taking it as a joke. Congrats on the nail biting :) anxiety usually leads to that (or smoking)

And for me, being the culinary student i am, the best cookies are the ones you do yourself :D
Good luck my friend!

8 years ago

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Hmmm, home made cookies!
Thanks for the support! I started to smoke because I used to get anxious when i went long periods without biting my nails, but now im trying to quit it all at once and Im going pretty well! :D

8 years ago

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Congrats man! stop smoking is one of the best things you can do, but you don't notice it for the first couple weeks

8 years ago

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Good luck and keep up the progress! :)

8 years ago

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Thank you for giveaway and good luck in your fight!

8 years ago

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Bump and meow. Good luck!

8 years ago

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As someone who dealt with some pretty fucked up and rough stuff due to alcohol during my childhood, fucking good on you. Taking the first step is only second hardest thing to do next to keeping it up, but keep it up for long enough and things will be easier, you'll feel better and save your future self from doing some bad decisions which you would regret all your life.

I sincerely wish you all the luck and strength to achieve your goals.

8 years ago

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Thanks jbond, you never fail to cheer me up or say some kind words, I appreciate it, i really do! ❤️ :)
Sorry to hear that from your childhood :( Really hate when children are involved in ambients where alcohol is consumed frequently.

8 years ago

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You're welcome. :)
Honestly, my childhood could have been way worse, I'm grateful for that at least.

8 years ago

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A habit is a habit, after all. maybe find something else to replace that habit.

8 years ago

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I quit drinking about 8 years ago now...

Can't say I've never missed it, because I've occasionally fancied a drink - but I can definitely say I've never regretted it. It was the right decision for me, and seems like it's the right decision for you.

Stick with it; it's worth it :)

8 years ago

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Used to bite my nails when I was younger. Realized this was more of a nervous reaction or me being insecure. Eventually stopped because when I was in grade school, we'd be raising our hands for the national anthem and I'd be ashamed of my fingernails lol.

Also, one way to get rid of drinking (possibly) is to replace it with a good habit :D Try exercising (if you're not already exercising) or doing something new like yoga

8 years ago

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I'm also ashamed of my fingernails and the skin around the nails, its just so fucked up ;-;
Well I already go to the gym, thats one of the many reasons why im quitting it :) Thanks for the advices!

8 years ago

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Np :) Good luck!

8 years ago

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spooky, i was reading that nail biting part as i was biting my own nails

8 years ago

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Stop it right now! >:(

8 years ago

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Good luck and all the best!

8 years ago

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