ErhanT, i'll have to decline at the moment. most of your giveaways do not fit for the group(Profile Features Limited). maybe ask again at a later date when you have made more giveaways.
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Hey acolis, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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Tomb Raider and This War of Mine are not allowed because they are Free/No Value games, the ones with double asterisks when you try to make a giveaway for them, the rest are fine. I accepted your request, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules. don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Hey Fraden, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Abaction, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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GeekDoesStuff, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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( 8 months later, a little wiser and less afraid of people )
concerning this : "No heavy Region Restricted Giveways, few locks are fine"
does game keys being restricted to RU+CIS countries considered a heavy restriction?
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yes game keys available only to RU+CIS are considered heavy region restricted, they are available only to 12 out of 244 countries
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i don't understand what exactly is confusing and misleading, also the rules are the same here and in the group description what do you mean not consistent?
you don't have to agree with every group and their rules, there are plenty of groups with no rules at all, with slack rules or even more strict that allow only exclusive giveaways to their group, you can join whatever group you feel more confortable with.
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man you just joined a group with the same monthly rule as here what are you even talking about?
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yannbz you must have 0,4 Real Value Ratio at Steamgifts to join, your ratio is around 0,3 at the moment. Also most of your giveaways are from 9 years ago. if you become more active and reach that ratio you may apply again at a later date.
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at your profile if you go to Gifts Sent and hover with your mouse over the dollar($) price you will see your Contributor Value, if you go to Gifts Won and do the same you will see your Received Value. your ratio is the Contributor Value divided by the Received Value(CV/RV=ratio).
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hey yannbz i see you managed to raise your ratio to 0,4 as required.
what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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group invite sent, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Ev4Gr33n you are inactive the past 2 months, will you be able to keep up with the monthly giveaways?
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taking so long to answer is not a good sign. anyway, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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doesnt really matter if you like motorhead or not.
i'll pass at the moment, i'd like to see if you will keep being active or not, then maybe i'll consider your apply again at a later date.
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blankusername, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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Either a game from the June Humble Choice or a previous Choice or Monthly that is worth at least 10p.
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Hey xandyvan, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Hey pawelt, what game do you have in mind as a first giveaway?
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Hey yamaraus, i can let you join with Brothers: A tale of two sons but i don't know if you will get any entries with that, you can try but if you get no entries you'll have to make another giveaway. are you ok with that?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
Valfaris most likely wont get you any entries either. anyway you can try with Brothers and then Octodad.
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Hey Lironezzz, Frog Detective got 1 entry last time it was given away but maybe some of the newer members since then may enter for that game. Surgeon Simulator is not good since it is usually given in Feudalife Challenges(these are not allowed in the group) as you can see here. do you have something else as a backup if Frog Detective doesn't get any entries?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Can I join? I think I meet the requirements from my previous application up until now.
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RequiemAngeL you don't meet the 0,4 Real Value Ratio requirement(you are at 0,37 at the moment), also the majority of your giveaways are not good for this group, the few acceptable giveaways you have are either private or available only for turkey. the last widely available and in terms with this group rules giveaway you made was back in October 2023(DOOM 3).
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Hey there, I know I'm fairly new to the site and still learning but I'm interested in joining your group. I recently found out people suspect there's a bunch of bots flooding public giveaways, I want to do giveaways for people not bots!
I have Hellslave slotted for my next giveaway, but I don't want it to go to botters.
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Hey SubtleSpecter welcome to steamgifts. you are very new to the site at the moment so i'll have to decline for now, i can't make a proper decision i hope you understand. you can try joining again at a later date when you'll have more experience with the site and you have made some more giveaways.
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Thanks for the quick reply Metal. I’ll try my luck with some other groups, no worries. When can I reapply and what’s the minimum account age?
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try again in a month but remember that you must have a Real Value Ratio of 0,4 when you apply again, that is calculated by the value of the games given divided by the value of the games won. you haven't won anything yet but i'm sure you'll win some games until next time.
you can view the value of the games given in your profile when you hover with your mouse over the dollar amount next to the Gifts Sent and the value of the games you won when you hover over the dollar amount next to the Gifts Won.
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your choices are all fine i just don't know if you will get entries for Ring of Pain, last time it only got 2 entries. send a group join request on steam.
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Hey :)
Is it too late to join this month?
I am looking for a good active group with reasonable rules and I can do a monthly GA, no problem.
My real value ratio is 0.5, which is a little low for my liking but I'm looking to improve it.
For my first GA I was thinking of Saints Row. It looks like the last group-only giveaways did have entries.
If it's too late for August I can wait until September opens up.
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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it is ok, the last Saints Row giveaway in the group had the same restrictions
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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Hello ,Can I join?
Quiplash 2 InterLASHional
The Serpent Rogue
Railroad Tycoon II Platinum
Figment 2 Creed Valley
Children of Silentown
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hey jesuswelcome, have you read and agree with the group rules?
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accepted, don't forget to make an exclusive giveaway for the group within 48 hours, make sure to follow the giveaway rules.
don't enter any group giveaways until yours is over.
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