I've started a discussion in the general 'suggestions' on the Steam site titled 'please stop devs being able to revoke keys' if anyone wants to chip in - in this case I'm not specifically really concerned about this game in particular, but I do not like the way keys can be revoked by devs without any explanation. It doesn't seem that there is anything stopping them from just doing it because they feel like it and I think that's worrying. Still, hasn't stopped someone jumping in two minutes later (it was a long post, I doubt he could possibly have actually read it before he starts going on about how I should be blaming Otakumaker and my 'rant' is uncalled for. (sigh)
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Well since to my mind I am fine with that keys can get revoked after buying from a reseller or even other platforms like G2A.
The only and correct way is to buy the oldfashioned DvD Hardcovers or from only official Publisher Website, with DRM Free key
Which u mostly get from HB too, additional to the steam keys, for example.
Steam and co are only social gaming/marketing platforms for Devs and Publishers to to make money with their games or DLC and stuff. Regarding the AGB´s it´s a agreement we all signed on.
So for me I wont participate into this discussion and leave this answer as a personal statement.
Enjoy the thread and the weekend
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Hello, I stumbled upon this thread after reading about keys getting revoked recently for 3 games. Before this incident, I've also read about several other miscellaneous key revocation cases due to various reasons.
Like you, regardless of whether the revocation is justified or not, I do find it troubling how developers can just revoke keys without any explanation or prior notice. This does indeed raise eyebrows. What's to stop a developer from abusing this power then?
P.S. +Whitelist :)
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I wrote (at the time) both to the developer of the game and to GoGoBundle and asked what the plan was, how they were going to solve it.
The developer answered that they had tried to contact the bundle shop but no answer.
From OtakuBundle/GoGoBundle I received no answer from at all, didn't really think I would either.
But today I did, received an e-mail with 10 sparkling new keys and an apology.
So if you lost keys, write in and demand new ones. Good luck!
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Did you contact otaku through the contact above on the OP or did you contact them through paypal?
I have a 5 game giveaway of which I need replacement keys so was wondering how you managed to get through because as of yet I have had no responses to anything.
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I've submitted a message through their site about a month ago but got no response. Was also going through paypal but if you are getting keys via this contact I will try again. Thanks for you help!
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I used the contact above, and I contacted the developers directly too.
But like I said, I received no answer at all from Otaku until the keys arrived today, so can't really say if Otaku will fix all keys gone wrong or just these from this developer...
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Many thanks for your help RCSWE. I will try both again!
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How long did it take for OtakuBundle to reply you with the new keys? Thanks!
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Couple of weeks if I don't remember it all wrong, about three.
But I would be careful to translate that into three weeks for any new similar problem with another developer, as the contact between Otaku and developer might not run as smoothly, or better, or worse, or different...
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Yikes! That's almost a month! :\
But at least you got a new set of working keys I guess.
Thanks for your reply!
I bought from GoGoBundle once before but I think I won't ever buy from them again. Too much trouble/stress dealing with things like that!
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I also got a batch of new keys and just replaced them in my giveaway. Hopefully the winners can confirm that the new keys are working.
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All of the ga winners confirmed that the new keys are working, hooray \o/
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Lets hope the keys don't get revoked a year alter :P
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You're right! I just came across this news about the key revocation! It's so worrying that developers have the right to revoke whenever they feel like it, no explanation needed! What's to stop them from suddenly revoking the keys and reselling them to someone else?!
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"What's to stop them from suddenly revoking the keys and reselling them to someone else?!"
Everything! If they want to sell more copies of their games, they don't have to revoke keys from you. That wouldn't make sense since these are digital products. They don't need to take yours back. They just generate more keys via Steam. They can generate as many as they want. Your revoked key once used is no longer valid for reactivation. That's why you get a new key. ;)
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Oh is that how it works? I thought revoked keys could be used again and resold! But come to think of it that would be impossible. Huge lol
Sorry, I got very little sleep, brain not quite working...
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Another game just got revoked due to whatever reason.....
(told me b´cuz of a problem with the reseller, so likely Otaku)
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Steam Discussion
Steam removed game Contact
Otaku Contact
Otaku SteamGroup Discussion
Obligatory GA just added for you folks..
"We already got few tickets from people that game is revoked. So no need to make more tickets :D"
(check your keys if u got any spare left from GoGo/Otaku bundle)
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