Subscribe to the Humble Bundle newsletter and we'll email your free game to you. Hurry, this offer is available only while supplies last, or until January 17, 2021 at 10:00:00 AM PST!

Here ya go!

EDIT: Keys have an activation deadline of January 21, 2021, 10:00:00 AM PST.

4 years ago*

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It's for 72 hours. ;)

4 years ago

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to activate it? ^^

4 years ago

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Oh, damn Twitter telling me otherwise. Gonna change that now. Thanks!

4 years ago

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Keys have an activation deadline of January 21, 2021, 10:00:00 AM PST.

4 years ago

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Added to the post. Thanks.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Already ninja'd.

4 years ago

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Game drop cards with these keys.

4 years ago

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Thank you!

4 years ago

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Hey, that's a good game. Thanks!

4 years ago

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its free game
drops cards

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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on humble bundle.
wasnt it "new" politic from steam, when game free on some site it can not drop cards? (new sub or something like that)

4 years ago

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That happens only when the game is given away through steam, then no cards are dropped.

4 years ago

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It's my understanding that the developer/publisher can configure keys to do the same thing, they just typically don't. Similarly, there were previous threads where users stated Steam freebies were dropping cards for a period because they hadn't yet been set not to, so it seems it may perhaps completely be on the developer/publisher, rather than defaulting on its own when using a specific promotion method.

4 years ago

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Yes, there have been cases where Steam freebies were dropping cards, but that's due to developers/publishers finding loopholes to enable card drops when they shouldn't. A giveaway would start and cards would drop for a few hours, if you were lucky enough to be early, but they would get fixed later on. It's obviously in the developer/publisher's best interest to have card drops enabled as they get 10% for every card sold on the market or a minimum of 0.01€.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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This was on "Build Your Own Bundle - 4 Games For $1" - greenmangaming offer, bought 4 bundles and this game wasn't in them, it seems for me is not worth even $0.25.

4 years ago

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ty mate

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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Thanks for the info!!!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Well, that would explain why I logged on and saw it being given away.

And since it's not really my type of game, here. Have fun ungrateful silent ones.


!! Machina

4 years ago*

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Two types letters have been exchanged for one another, similar to how keyboards may vary depending on where you are~
(Because screw bots.)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I knew something is off when there was tons of giveaways of this game.
It's really sad that people still use free games to pretend they are so generous, while they are not.

4 years ago

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I don't know if anyone is pretending, they don't get value towards their account. They have a copy that is not going to be used and would rather give it away than have it go to waste.

4 years ago

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The perception of the community is that the majority of SG users that give away free games in excess are attempting to manipulate CV before staff updates the game status, or are attempting to inflate their gifting ratio to make it seem less like they're leeching giveaways, at a quick glance. [Note, there's been a lot of evidence in the past to support this perspective.] That's the first thing to consider.

The second is, your argument ["They have a copy that is not going to be used and would rather give it away than have it go to waste."] simply isn't supportable. What you're describing is completely legitimate and reasonable when a promotion has ended (before keys expire, if they will) or if there's some kind of meaningful barrier for acquiring the keys in the first place. When it comes to posting them onto SG while a promotion is active, the only real benefit is that it makes the promotion more visible to those unaware of it.

There's also several other logical points against the given argument, if you want to push it further- for example, the fact that keys aren't limited in this promotion [meaning there's no inherent benefit in regards to shifting the distribution focus of the keys to the SG community while the promotion is active].

Thus bringing us to our conclusion: Anyone posting multiple keys is likely not to be well considered and, anyone posting a key during the promotion while not mentioning the existence of the promotion in their giveaway description is likely not to be well considered*. Beyond that? Sure, it definitely supports the community to get more games posted onto the site, and going to people who can't easily get them for free elsewhere. Unfortunately, that's not quite the context in consideration for these matters.

* Compare that also to the similarly much more reasonable/constructive/targetted approach m1ka took, just below.

4 years ago*

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Multiple giveaways of the same game is not what I thought the original poster was talking about. A manipulation as you described is obviously frowned upon. The guy just sounded like he doesn’t like anyone giving away their key that they got for free, but that seems like the entire point of this website.

4 years ago

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I can't see a definitive interpretation one way or another off the phrasing alone, so I can't say your interpretation was necessarily less reasonable than mine. Rather, that's just the perspective I hear nearly identical phrasing [eg, "tons of giveaways", "pretend [to be] generous"] from, so I thought I'd clarify based off that potential framework. I tried to keep my comment as generalized and comprehensive as possible but, if it wasn't clear, let me reiterate: I'm fully in agreement with you that there's no basis for complaining about the giving away of previously free keys in and of itself (just an issue of how some users approach the matter). As you say, that seems rather firmly in line with the core concept of the site.

To the contrary, the giving away of free promotion games hasn't been something to take issue with ever since cg officially enabled their inclusion, while simultaneously giving firm approval of their inclusion onto the site. Of course, someone could find it annoying that the site doesn't allow the ability to filter by [free, bundled, unbundled] list status- but that's something resolvable via soliciting a script creator or, if necessary, soliciting cg to implement the elements necessary for script creators to include the function.

Similarly, you could argue with that shift in policy in and of itself, but that's seperate to the users who are following site expectations in a reasonable and respectable manner. But, to address that consideration, given how free games (eventually) don't give CV and how you can further filter them out of considerations with SGT, their actual effects on the site are fairly minimal, outside of the occasional bit of front page spam (which is easily fixable by hiding the game).

In summary, I can see the "it's really sad" from the post about as it relates to the circumstances I mentioned in my previous post, but not in regards to individuals giving away free games overall.

tl;dr version:


4 years ago

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They are getting the credits for giving this away. We can say, they are stealing from poor to give to poor. Also the poor they are giving it for have to pay a fee (points), while if they were just informed about free game, they would receive it completely for nothing.

It's not okay, no matter if they get profits or not. They are the ones who are getting credit for doing this. Obviously, Humble key are prolly "infinite", so anyone can get it. But we know better than that, that even if the key limit is set in some free giving site, they still are getting those keys to give it to someone else. Why would they do that? If they are not getting the CV and nobody actually gets profit from it...? Either they want to be shown as the ones who are giving it (respect etc), or they don't know they are not getting CV. Someone with pure intention wouldn't ever do such a things.

And there is difference between giving away bundled games (which not everyone buys) and free games, that everyone who is interested can get for free. Why won't they give away free games that requires something like registering and getting some points (like Alienware site did iirc), but completely free of any other tasks games? Because they do that to get something. Credits for giving it away/respect or think they gain CV. They could always just inform others that there is such free giveaway. If that would be what they want, they wouldn't need to get the credits for it. But they do.

4 years ago

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Free games count as 0 CV. Your entire thinking is wrong. Try making a giveaway right now for bomber crew, it has a double asterisk next to it which it says right below will not increase your contributor value. You sound like a crazy person, stealing from the poor... just let people give away their games obviously someone wants people enter these giveaways and can ALSO go claim their own free copy.

4 years ago

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No, I think their logic checks out. The phrasing, not so much, but:

Also the poor they are giving it for have to pay a fee (points), while if they were just informed about free game, they would receive it completely for nothing.

Makes sense, and is in line with my initial reply to you. Read it as: "General users on the site are simply wasting points by entering something they could easily be getting for free- and, in a way, are almost being tricked into doing so- due to users posting the giveaway without informing entrants of the source of the game."

Their considerations past that are more a personal perspective based on that bit of logic, but I'm not seeing anything that's easily refuted, either. [After all, it's hard to really argue that someone'd likely be doing something deliberately unconstructive with good intentions. Some may be, but having such a perspective towards such individuals as a whole isn't unreasonable. Humans are humans, after all.] Most of their post, however, is just the reiterating of that first point which, as I noted before, is something commonly viewed in a negative light by the community.

4 years ago

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That's what I said. People want to get credit for being the ones who are giving those games while the truth is they steal it to give it to somebody else. While, as I said Humble games are "infinite", so they can't be gotten from somebody to give to someone else, though many free key giveaways have such limit.

Also SteamGifts giveaway uses points to enter. So instead of getting game for free completely, people need to pay that, instead of using this for other giveaways. And the win chance isn't 100%, so You use points and prolly don't win it.

Geting credits for being generous is bad, if the person is not the one who actually have given the game. It just take the free key to give it to someone else. This is taking credits for someone else's generosity.

Also they maybe think they will get CV, even though they won't.

Only somebody who's intentions are bad would do that.

4 years ago

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The game is absolutely not for me. I won't even add it for cards.

If someone is not registered on the Humble and wants to play it, I can give you my key.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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I see you've already taken the game =)
If anyone else needs a key, leave a comment.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Wanted to play this for so long, so glad to see it free <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! )

4 years ago

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Humble really wants us to link our Steam accounts to them, don't they?

4 years ago

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Thanks for the info

4 years ago

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